I have been searching for this online for a while, but I haven't been able to find anything. I think its mainly due to not figuring out how to properly word my question.
See, the address for my website is
now when you type that, by default it will go to the page called index.php because of course it always goes to the file titled index.
This is a forum i run and index.php takes you to the form index.
But I created a portal page for my forum called portal.php
is there a way to change it so that when ever you type the address above it will default to portal.php instead of index.php?
I wanna know cause I have the url www.lafayetteanime.com and in order to make it go to the portal page I have to forward it to www.thegow.net/animelaf/portal.php The problem with that is if I cant just leave it at “animelaf/” then I cant mask the url cause if I do then every time someone wants to refresh the page it will take them back to the portal and not just refresh the current page, and I would very much like to mask the long url with the lafayetteanime.com one.
I apologize if this has been asked before, i searched the forum but didn't find anything, but like I said im not quite sure how to word the question for a search.