I have peripheral hates. Like, I hate having a mouse wire catch on parts of my desk and it annoyed me so much that I've used wireless for the last few years. And I hate my Saitek driving wheel because it shakes my entire desk, and I'm always worried that something like my alien-in-a-jar lamp will fall.
Internally, I hate XP. But that's not really a "pet hate," unless you have a Bengal Tiger or an Elephant as a pet
I don't really "hate" XP, but the compatability stuff is annoying. I love older games and sometimes the compatability problems refuse to allow them to play. Have any of you tried to get "Gangsters 2" to run on XP? It's a headache to say the least
I hate freeware/ shareware apps and videos and whatnot where the people who made them use screennames in the credits instead of their real names. It just seems un-professional to me, but I guess I can see why they might do that. Still, it's annoying. There was this Battlefield Vietnam movie made with Fraps called "The Fallen One." The movie was awesome, but the credits had screennames throughout them and it took away from the movie's cool-factor for me. But eh, I'm silly
"In an interstellar burst, I'm back to save the universe"