USA $499.99
UK £399.99
who's paying more? add to that the EU has special VAT exemption for computer hardware, which Sony have one again filed for.
As this time it has a web-browser it is very likely that yes they might actually be granted, and the Playstation 3 would be considered a computer over electrionic entertainment.
reasons like that are why Sony are going to push legal action against import/exporters not paying their prices. It's all about the benjamins baby.
I think Sony's attitude to this console generation is going to be their downfall. It's only hardened Sony fans who seems to still be interested in this console. Reaction from local game when people find out it's been delayed again is they've purchased an Xbox 360 or pre-ordered the forth-comming Wii.
If the lack of interest wasn't bad enough, Sony's own BluRay DVD technology has caused a shortfall of units. (500,000 per market) so their remaining fanbase isn't even going to be able to be satisfied.
Combine this with the disappointment that you HAVE to purchase a HD-AV lead seperate to the console in order to use it's main selling point. Sorry, but this legal situation with import/export is only the tip of the retardberg that is controlling the Playstation 3's future.
Intel Pentium-D 2.8GHz, 512MB DDR2 433, Ati Radeon X1600 Pro 256MB PCI-E, Windows Vista RC1 / XP Professional SP2