Alright,so I saw a movie about 3-5 years back,its a horror movie. It took place in ireland,and it was some dog looking man monster. I know at a part the family stops for the little sister to go to the bathroom,and she screams,so they run over thinking its the monster. Then they realize its just a rabbit. Then the monster is really over at the car attacking the son. It eats the kid and all,and all they find left is a shoe. Now they end up in a church courtyard,with some stone thing,witht he swat team around them. And they knock the monster into a tomb or well,and a big block falls over it. And at the end,you see the monster break out,and two kids near the thing. I know I'm not very descriptive or good at describing,but I said some major parts. If anyone knows this movie,please tell me,cuz I have been dying to see it for quite some time now.