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3 Dimensional Chat / Animated .x from Lightwave...

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Posted: 14th Oct 2002 07:36
Has anybody been able to export animated .x files from lightwave?
I have succesfully done static objects, but just can't seem to figure out how to do animated objects.

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 14th Oct 2002 09:25
you'll probably get better help with lightwave over at RGT as that is what GuyS seems to use... But if i remember correctly the site has a link to the NewTek made exporters - which happen to be pretty good an simple to use. Failing all of that just export as another format, like MD3 or 3DS

Holy jumping mother of god NOOOO!!!...
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Posted: 14th Oct 2002 17:24
Hello again,

What is RGT?

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Posted: 14th Oct 2002 19:09 is my new site
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Posted: 15th Oct 2002 15:29
No newtek said they were going to make one a year ago and we are all still waiting grrrrr

However good news is Dstorm (basically they make alot of the plugins that come with lightwave anyway lol) does do a directx export plugin, it exports on bone anims too

go here

Make sure you save the file as a text format not binary cause it dosent work in DBpro!!! also check out my bsp coverter discussion in dbpro chat Ive included my bsp map in directx and lwo format!!!

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Posted: 15th Oct 2002 15:30
the dstorm plugin works in both layout and modeller, so if you want animation run the plugin from layout.

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Posted: 15th Oct 2002 20:06
Hello Pathfinder, thanks for taking the time to give me some pointers. I tried the dstorm plug in, and I am able to export static objects but not animated ones. Have you been able to do animated objects? which checkboxes are you clicking on at the export requester?
I am just trying to do simple things like getting the wheels of a car to rotate, or other similar types of motion within an object.

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Posted: 15th Oct 2002 21:45
hmm you must have been tinkering with it big time . K

in the export tab I have

version = Directx8
format = text
export materials = tick
export animation = tick
export frames = tick
frame prefix = Frame

Animation tab as follows

frame to export = Keyframes & sampling
frame steps = 1
timescale factor = 1
bake fulltime IK motions = tick

preview tab I Have - not importand but it does help to know it worked

Run view after Export = tick
select viewer = C:\LightWave_3D_7.0\Plugins\directx\viewer\DXView.exe

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Posted: 15th Oct 2002 21:46
oh Iam running version v1.3.2

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Posted: 15th Oct 2002 21:49
I can animate both keyframe animations and bone distortions

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 16th Oct 2002 08:54
ya know i kinda feel i should brush up on lightwave ... i have 7.0 still in it shrink wrap

Holy jumping mother of god NOOOO!!!...
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Posted: 19th Oct 2002 07:16
I am so frustrated. Regardless of what I try it doen't work.
When I export my files from LW they look ok on the .x viewer, but when I try them on DB they don't look right. I have been going on circles on this.
To eliminate the posibility of being bad writen db code I downloaded the object viewer from the db homepage (that is one awesome program). When the objects are static the look great. When they animate I have limbs going all over the place. Somebody suggested to create my geometry on LW and the animations on MilkShape, but I was unable to find a milkshape animation tutorial that showed how to do limb animation, all I found was skeletal animation. Which as I understand DB does not support mesh deformation --only db pro, right?.
Do you by any chance also have the db object viewer? (the one from the dark basic site) I am wondering if you are able to view your files with that one. The one that comes with the LW export plugin always shows the files right eventhough they don't load on db.

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Posted: 19th Oct 2002 18:57
put them up in this chat ill take a look for you, include the lwo file

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Posted: 19th Oct 2002 19:00
only dbpro does mesh deforms from a .x file, sorry mate. So exporting the animation wont work. Make sure your using uv mapping too.

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Posted: 20th Oct 2002 00:46
I kind of figured once I found outthere was no mesh deformation supported on db classic I was out of luck.
I guess I will start trying to figure out MilkShape. I was able to load a UV mapped 3ds object into it, so I hope to be able to use it just to do the animation part of it.
Thanks for all your help.

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