The new drive is in it's original factory raw state, it needs partitioning. Easiest way to do this is temporarily set the new drive up as master (see the drive's six jumper pins) & disconnect the original master (c) drive (so as not to accidentally format, partition & generally trash it!). Go through the Windows setup procedure (presuming you have the disk?) & when it gets to partition & 'quick (fast?) format' drive, do so. Then you can stop the Windows installation, shutdown & plug the drives back in their original configuration. Make sure BIOS has the drives in the right places, & the jumpers are replaced to 'slave', or 'cable select'(CSEL) on the new drive, as well. You'll have a partitioned & formatted drive on either d: or e: in Windows, depending on where your CD/DVD is.
too late!
I have an XP3000+, 1.5gb DDR333, a 6600GT and I'm programming 3k text-based exe's?!