Yes but the same applies to DarkBASIC Professional, it's sold on the basis of producing games very quickly and easily with all these wonderful effects. The reality is you have to learn the product like anything else. You might be able to load a model, make a cube spin, and apply textures pretty quickly, but that's a long way from producing a decent game!
But having said that, it is indisputable that DarkBASIC Pro is far easier to master than C+, C-Script or any of the other high level languages. So taken from that point of view, it definately delivers what it claims.
The same with that advert, while it will take time and skill to master, it will almost certainly take far less time and skill to master than a copy of 3D Studio Max and C++ for a newbie user.
Anywho, congrats on having your work put up in their advert. Did they discuss royalties with you?
I lay upon my bed one bright clear night, and gazed upon the distant stars far above, then I thought... where the hell is my roof?