Firstly, I can use 3DS Max 7 or Milkshape. However, I'm not terribly proficient at them. Kind've sucks, when I need to do an assignment in 3DS Max.
So, my assignment involves animating a character of my choice - my choice being Mario 64. I have a model, exported from nemu64, as a VRML file. It isn't against the rules of the assignment to use a pre-existing model, as long as I can justify using it, so please don't think I'm trying to cheat the assignment
So, my question (and pardon any incorrect terminology, I'll try my best):
The model that nemu64 exports, the vrml file, is not a single model - but rather about 30 sub-objects grouped together. The verticies within each of these are all connected, but the points at which these sub-objects lie next to each other, they do not. It makes it hard to manipulate and animate the model without tearing.
So, can anyone experienced enough with either modelling package (or even Maya, as I believe they have that at Uni too) explain to me how to save the Mario object (all 30 sub objects) as a single object.
I can, on request, upload the Mario model if it will be easier to look at the problem.
Apologies if this makes no sense. I'm watching Lord of the Rings at the same time. But if anyone can help me, I'd greatly appreciate it.