Of course its a replica but still, for what its worth its my lil baby and it does its job well, just wish I had a whammy bar xD
As for amps, I don't actually bother! Not in the world of the phsyical anyway. For just practicing at home consider software amplifiers if there are any you can afford. Some of them really are quite amazing and generally they emulate multiple different types of amplifier so you get the most out of your purchess!
I originally started messing with ReValver which you can read about here:
and can download the free version here:
The free version has full functionality iirc but instead every 20 seconds or so there is a light beep noise. However I found that when I was jamming with it my guitar was much louder than the beep so i never actually heard it when it was in use and when it wasnt, who cares? XD
As its free its certainly a good substitute whilst you wait for a real amp to arrive. However, as good as ReValver is (and truely it is and i havnt even tried the newer versions) there is one amplifier that really stood out miles which a friend introduced me to called Guitar Rig 2 by Native Instruments. This thing sounds amazing. You get pedal control. It pretty much perfectly replicates any amp/speaker/effect set you could want :x
but its not cheap
But its worth knowing things like this exist and they are good, I had no idea when i first started learning guitar. There are other software amps, I think theres one called Amplitube or something but I havnt investigated them. But they are probably good
just plug in your guitar to your pc's line in and the software amps will convert to a stereo signal etc etc. lotsa fun!
enjoy your guitar ^^