Mandriva (Redhat based) is something to look at as well as - This one appealed most to me, but because I was using a Virtual machine, I had issues getting it to work with my graphics card, problems relating to the virtual machine and not mandriva, the only linux I have had running virtually is SUSE and that is because I downloaded a pre-setup virtual file. But I can tell you the installation was very easy and straight forward, addressed the partitions, installed it, asked what extras you want to use then the set up of admin and user accounts and security and then configuration which is detects everything for you there, but you can make your tweaks from there in the configuration. And then finalise.
SUSE - I've tried it on a Virtual Machine that was limited to 128mb ram, didn't perform well for it, but then that's most likely because it was running on a virtual machine regardless to the amount of ram I gave it. On a normal machine, things should be fine.
Debian - I installed this on a virtual machine as well, like Mandriva and for the same reasons, didn't work. But it was a very straight forward installation. If you just download the base version to install, after installing the base version, you can choose the components you want installed and download and install them, which is cool.
Ubuntu - Easy to install, heard about problems relating to ATI gfx cards, well not problems as such, but some difficulties setting it up for it, so I'm told
"Cut down the gods if they stand in your way" - Hakamoto Tsunetomo