You need to use a loop or the goto command.. with a loop..
DO `start the loop
if inkey$()="k"
print "Hey"
if inkey$()="j"
print "Yo"
if inkey$()="esc" `think that is the escape character
END `quit program
endif `For every if make sure there is an endif
LOOP `start the loop again
With the goto command
wait key
if inkey$()="k"
print "Hey"
goto _goto2
wait key `wait for key to be pressed
if inkey$()="j" `if the key been pressed is j
print "Yo" `print to screen you
goto _goto1 `goto jump point _goto1
I would stick to the loop method however.
Please correct me if I am wrong people, only bought the DBP book less then a month ago.
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.