It's very simple to move the player from one location to another using entities. Just place two dynamic objects, it doesn't matter what they are, use whatever looks or works best in your game. The one where the player ends up, or moves to, should be on the floor and in a space big enough for the player to stand. Moving to something on a wall may cause the player to get stuck.
Use this script on the first (from) entity:
;Artificial Intelligence Script
desc = Player move to... (entity)
;end of script
and substitute the name of the second (To) entity for name_of_entity in the script. Be sure there is only one entity with that name.
EDIT: I was talking with someone earlier (can't remember who or what I had for breakfast) about the size of the grid and how we could work around it.
Imagine walking into the shadows of a room or hall at the edge of the grid and instantly being on another layer of the grid and walking back out of the shadows as if it never happened.
One possible workaround anyway.
I'm sorry, my answers are limited. You must ask the right question.