Hey! For those of you who read my other thread, (
http://forum.thegamecreators.com/?m=forum_view&t=96278&b=24) I finally got it to work!
This is how to get it! (If you want to see what it is like I uploaded a screenshot.)
Follow the steps below!!!
1. Navigate yourself to Fps Creator/files/meshbank/modernday/scenery/special/humvee/
2. Open a new window with this open: files/texturebank/modernday/scenery/special/humvee/
3. (This is how I did this step) The texture is .dds, and we need to change it to a .tga, so open up "dds converter" (Get it here:
http://eliteforce2.filefront.com/file/DDS_Converter;29412) And convet the .dds texture as a .tga texture.
4. The converter converts it into the same folder as the origional file is, and you should have the texture folder open. Grab the .tga texture and place it in the "fpsc entity maker's" entitybank/user folder.(make sure you have it! Available at
www.fpscreator.com)(or if you have installed it to your normal fpsc folder, put it in your fpsc's entitybank/user folder.
5. Take your .x file (the folder should be open) and put it into entitybank/user (either).
6. Run make entities from x files and do the settings you wish.
7. Take the ready made files (the .dbo the .fpe the .x the .tga and the .bmp) to your fpsc's entitybank/user folder. (If you installed make entities from x files to your fpsc folder, it should already be there.)
8. You should get something like: (see screenshot) a textured humvee!
C&C on this tutorial please.
EDIT: @ Chris Franlkin: Add this to the list.