I'm using drupal to build my website, I've never had any real website, but after Cian kindly set me up something to tag along his website (Koetsu Aboshi) I have taken the chance to actually get myself a website, as I don't care so much for coding or using dreamweaver to make a whole website, but rather something that looks good and is more maintainable.
Now I am not an egghead when it comes to the Mechanics and appearance of a website, although studying a bit of graphology, comments would be appreciated on how I've set everything out so far.
The purposed of my site being for Games, literature, tutorials and 3D modelling related items. (Currently has a prologue to a story, 3 of my tutorials, a project page for my game, a blog, a small forum, and a showcase of my 3D work)
Cheers dudes.