Ok I got it to work (never worked with .jar files before). It's a great game and cool concept.
After seeing how it worked I threw together this:
` Make it more random
randomize timer()
` Overwrite all previous text
set text opaque
` Load the image
load bitmap "Hexers.png"
` Starting image number
` Grab all the images
for y=1 to 154 step 51
for x=1 to 226 step 45
get image Img,x,y,x+44,y+50
inc Img
next x
` This insures that the next image set starts at 20,30,40
inc Img,4
next y
` Blue Angles = 10 to 15
` Pink Angles = 20 to 25
` Yellow Angles = 30 to 35
` Center Images = 40 to 42
` Player Pieces = 43 to 45
` Dimensionalize the array
dim GameGrid(50,6)
` GameGrid(xx,0) = Player Piece 0=None 1=Blue 2=Pink 3=Yellow
` GameGrid(xx,1) = Upper Left (1 to 6 will never be zero)
` GameGrid(xx,2) = Upper Right (rather 1, 2, or 3 to represent)
` GameGrid(xx,3) = Right (the color)
` GameGrid(xx,4) = Lower Right
` GameGrid(xx,5) = Lower Left
` GameGrid(xx,6) = Left
` Go through all the angles
` 0=Upper Left 1=Upper Right 2=Right 3=Lower Right
` 4=Lower Left 5=Left
for Angle=0 to 5
` Pick a random color to use 1=Blue 2=Pink 3=Yellow
` Add the color to the array (the +1 is to leave a space
` for the player piece)
` Paste the image Color*10+Angle
paste image a*10+Angle,100,300,1
next Angle
` Pick a player piece 0=None 1=Blue 2=Pink 3=Yellow
` Pick a current player and paste center marker
paste image 39+CPlayer,100,300,1
` Paste the player piece (if there is one)
if GameGrid(0,0)>0
paste image 42+GameGrid(0,0),100,300,1
` Show the array
t$="The array: "
for t=0 to 6
if t<6 then t$=t$+", "
next t
text 10,370,t$
wait key
` Erase the old hexagon
ink 0,0
box 100,300,144,350
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
For ease of use each angle and each color must be a separate image. All images are pasted one at a time till all the angles are shown. Then the center image is pasted then the player itself. The array to store all the data only needs to store 7 numbers per hexagon. The numbers stored in the array are only 0, 1, 2, or 3 to represent the color used (the zero is only used for the absence of a player piece). Even though it sounds slow pasting that many images will be much faster than working with sprites.
I attached the image. I left all the hexagons so it's easier to see the angles... the proper way is to take out all the hexagons and only paste one. I could only take a screenshot and capture your graphics so the attached image has many flaws but it'll work for this example.