I have tried to make a script that will allow the player to control a ufo with these keys:
h=turn 90 degrees left
k=turn 90 degrees right
But it doesn't work unfortunatly, You can move up and down, and rotate left and right; but u cannot go forwards or backwards.
also when you are not on the craft it just keeps moving forwards; until you get on, which is not supposed to happen.
here is the code
;Artificial Intelligence Script
;Manual UFO Script
;u moves forwards
;j moves backwards
;h moves left
;k moves right
;t moves up
;g moves down
desc = Manual UFO
;Use with UFO entity
;Assign as AI Main
;move up
;move down
;move forewards
;move backwards
;move left
;move right
;back to start
;move up and down
:state=8,raycastup=20 80:state=1
:state=9,raycastup=-3 0:state=1
;move forwards
:state=11,raycastup=-3 0:state=1
;move backwards
:state=13,raycastup=-3 0:state=1
;move left
:state=15,raycastup=-3 0:state=1
;move right
:state=17,raycastup=-3 0:state=1
note: the bits saying ";move right" and things like that aren't in the actuall code, they are there yo make it easier for you guys.
this will obviously require help from master scripters. I'm sure this is possible, ive just made a mistake somewhere.
Woot Kingdom hearts owns!