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Newcomers DBPro Corner / Health: pure and simple

Allanon Shadeslayer
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Posted: 24th Jan 2007 02:17 Edited at: 14th Mar 2007 19:31

Will anyone give me an example of how to make health and how to make it go down and damage and all of that stuff. I'm not looking for a bar really I think they take up too much space, so just health numbers.

Also, if it's not asking to much could someone mod my code for it?


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Posted: 24th Jan 2007 03:32
No, go back, read the starter tutorials, pay attention to them, and experiment. What you're asking for is extremely, extremely basic variable manipulation. If you dont understand how to use variables, then you're getting way ahead of yourself and should, as I just said, read the starter tutorials, along with possibly a few general programming structure tutorials from the web, before continuing on.

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Posted: 24th Jan 2007 06:33 Edited at: 24th Jan 2007 06:38
hmm a "gimme teh codez" post, o well im not gonna flame you.

lets seeeeee if you want health its easy

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Posted: 24th Jan 2007 13:30
And now he will skip over what I said and continue to ask questions like this.

Code Dragon
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Posted: 24th Jan 2007 23:52
Ruccus, what's your problem? He asked a question, and you went out of your way to refuse to answer it.

What you want to do is make a health variable. Like this:

In your game loop, let's say the player gets hit. In this case, you'd subtract a number of health points from health, like this:

That will lower the health by 5 points.

Let's say you pick up a health box that adds 25 points. You'd do this:

You also wouldn't want the health to go over the maximun (100) so use an if statment to set it back to 100 if it goes over.

Also, you'll want a game over message to appear when health reaches 0. That's when you got to do this:

Quote: "Gimme teh code!"

Thank you for not flooding the forums with posts like this.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2007 00:30
yeah that was a bit mean ruccus, no offence but you could have said it in a nicer way

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Posted: 25th Jan 2007 01:19
Would you go into a car dealership and ask how to drive? Im sorry if I came off harsh, but adding/subtracting values from variables is the first thing the tutorials that come with DB mention. That beginner's tutorial is there for a reason, and its extremely helpful, more so than anyone will be on the forums. Proof? Im not trying to single anyone out, but Code Dragon, you used float variables to hold integer values, from what Ive read of his code its safe to say he doesnt know the difference between float and integer cast variables, and will now assume that # sign is used for all variables.

Itd help him and us if he just read the tutorials in the first place, a) he'd learn how to use variables the proper way, and b) he wouldnt make several posts on the forums asking what the "$ symbol means", "how to use arrays", etc.

- RUC'

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Posted: 25th Jan 2007 02:25
u got a point ruccus but yes u were a bit harsh

Code Dragon
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Posted: 25th Jan 2007 21:42 Edited at: 25th Jan 2007 21:46
He understands that variables don't need the #. If you look at his code, you'll see that he used an integer variable, so it must work for him. I wasn't sure weither he wanted health to use integers or floating points, so better safe than sorry. I didn't mislead him, I gave examples of how to use a health variable. Even if I did mislead him he'd figure out the difference between floats and integers soon enough, it's only a matter of time before he stumbles upon a tutorial that explains it.

This forum was established so newcomers could get help with DBP. A polite mention of a tutorial that explains variables is acceptable, but examples are even better. No need to sound like a flammer.

Quote: "Gimme teh code!"

Thank you for not flooding the forums with posts like this.
Allanon Shadeslayer
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Posted: 25th Jan 2007 23:12 Edited at: 25th Jan 2007 23:20
Ty for all of your help. Oh, and by the way Ruccus. I know the difference between integers and floats and all of that stuff. I've read through the principals part of my DBPro manual. I just needed a few examples because all of the stuff I tried didn't work.

Sometimes you need more than a few tutorials to get you started.

I don't suffer from laziness... I enjoy every minute of it!
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Posted: 26th Jan 2007 03:31 Edited at: 26th Jan 2007 03:32
Quote: "Ruccus, what's your problem? He asked a question, and you went out of your way to refuse to answer it."

It may have been harsh but ruccus has a very good reason to be. First of all Dark Basic is very much meant for learning and you don't learn much when you just ask for code. Second health is covered in Ruccus's FPS tutorial which he wrote to help people with questions like this, so he has plenty of reason to say to look at tutorials.

Not all posts like this are made just out of lazyness, but after reading many posts like this where the answers can be solved with seemingly little effort it is easy for a person to get fed up with this. Ruccus has been helping people on these forums far longer then eighter of you and he has right to get mad over such posts as this.
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Posted: 26th Jan 2007 14:35
Im not mad, and my tutorial isnt the tutorial to help with this, and yes people may need a few tutorials to get them going, but (and this is a serious question), unless you're dislexic (not sure of the spelling), the tutorial that comes with DB that explains variables, combined with a quick look-up of "collision" in the db index, would solve the answer. I agree the newcommer's corner is a place for help for newcommers, however, its not a tool for people to ask for code to be put into their current game so they dont have to understand it, and when its something as simple as this (that has been answered multiple times on these forums, in the code base, in various tutorials found all over the site, and in the FPS tutorial that comes with DB IIRC), it gets a bit frustrating.

My position stands, its great that people help, but he would've learnt more if he read a few tutorials that go into great detail explaining the topic.

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DBPro Master
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Posted: 27th Jan 2007 01:16
Ruccus, you're out of line!

Quote: "if it's not asking to much could someone mod my code for it?"

woh, wait.... what?

Nevermind Ruccus, you tell him!

I don't see someone writing their own tank game without knowing how to subtract variables.

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Posted: 27th Jan 2007 19:56
I tried doing this but for some reason my game wont load.
i keep getting this error: "runtime error 105- file does not exist on line 157."
my code is under this. if you could tell me what the problem is that would be wonderful.

`set display mode 800,600,16
sync on
sync rate 0
hide mouse


backdrop on
color backdrop backcolor

` Attention ... This value is the size of the map ! change it to fit your map file
dim map$(mapsize,mapsize)


fog on
fog color backcolor
fog distance (int(maxcubes)*cubesize)
set camera range 1,(maxcubes*cubesize)

` Current map
autocam off

load image "media/wall2.jpg",1
load image "media/ground.jpg",2
load image "media/wall.jpg",3

` Wall
for i=1 to maxcubes*maxcubes
make object cube 100+i,cubesize
` make object sphere 100+i,cubesize
` make object box 100+i,cubesize,cubesize*2,cubesize
` make object cone 100+i,cubesize
` make object cylinder 100+i,cubesize+((cubesize/100)*10)
texture object 100+i,1
next i

` floor
for i=1 to maxcubes*maxcubes
make object plain 10000+i,cubesize,cubesize
rotate object 10000+i,90,0,0
texture object 10000+i,2
next i

` ceiling
for i=1 to maxcubes*maxcubes
make object plain 20000+i,cubesize,cubesize
rotate object 20000+i,270,0,0
texture object 20000+i,3
next i

set ambient light 30
make light 1
make light 2
set point light 1,0,0,0
set spot light 2,45,90
color light 2,RGB(252,216,141)
color light 1,RGB(236,182,100)
color light 0,RGB(0,0,0)

` Search startpoint
for z=1 to mapsize
for x=1 to mapsize
if map$(x,z)="O"
if map$(x,z)="U"
next x
next zd
position camera cx,0,cz

oldpositionx#=camera position x()
oldpositionz#=camera position z()

randomize timer()

if mouseclick()=1 then move camera maxcubes
if mouseclick()=2 then move camera maxcubes*(-1)
rotate camera rx#,ry#,0

cx#=int(camera position x()/cubesize)-int(maxcubes/2)
cz#=int(camera position z()/cubesize)-int(maxcubes/2)

tx#=camera position x()
tz#=camera position z()

for zz=1 to maxcubes
for xx=1 to maxcubes
if curposx<=1 then curposx=1
if curposx>=mapsize then curposx=mapsize
if curposz<=1 then curposz=1
if curposz>=mapsize then curposz=mapsize

` wall
if map$(int(curposx),int(curposz))="#" or map$(int(curposx),int(curposz))="S"
show object 100+zzz
position object 100+zzz,curposx*cubesize,0.0,curposz*cubesize
` Collisiondetection
if map$(int(curposx),int(curposz))="#"
if tx#>=((curposx*cubesize)-(cubesize/2))-collisionstep and tx#<=((curposx*cubesize)+(cubesize/2))+collisionstep and tz#>=((curposz*cubesize)-(cubesize/2))-collisionstep and tz#<=((curposz*cubesize)+(cubesize/2))+collisionstep
position camera oldpositionx#,camera position y(),oldpositionz#
oldpositionx#=camera position x()
oldpositionz#=camera position z()
hide object 100+zzz

` floor
if map$(int(curposx),int(curposz))=":" or map$(int(curposx),int(curposz))="D" or map$(int(curposx),int(curposz))="S" or map$(int(curposx),int(curposz))="T"
show object 10000+zzz
position object 10000+zzz,curposx*cubesize,(cubesize/2)*(-1),curposz*cubesize
hide object 10000+zzz

` ceiling
if map$(int(curposx),int(curposz))=":" or map$(int(curposx),int(curposz))="D" or map$(int(curposx),int(curposz))="S" or map$(int(curposx),int(curposz))="T"
show object 20000+zzz
position object 20000+zzz,curposx*cubesize,(cubesize/2),curposz*cubesize
hide object 20000+zzz

next xx#
next yy#

oldpositionx#=camera position x()
oldpositionz#=camera position z()

position light 1,camera position x(),camera position y(),camera position z()
position light 2,camera position x(),camera position y(),camera position z()
color light 1,RGB(200+int(rnd(70)-50),120,60)
rotate light 2,camera angle x(),camera angle y(),camera angle z()


function loadmap(filename$,size)
open to read 1,filename$
for y=1 to size
for x=1 to size
read byte 1,tmp
next x
next y
close file 1

health# = 100
if object collision(player, enemy) then dec health#, 5
if object collision(player, healthbox)
inc health#, 25
if health# > 100 then health# = 100
delete object healthbox
if health# <= 0
center text screen width()/2, screen height()/2, "Game Over"
wait 2000

Allanon Shadeslayer
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Posted: 14th Mar 2007 19:29
Well, I didn't mean to make anyone angry. I never exploit someone's given code unless I understand it first.

If at first you don't succeed, lower your expectations.
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Posted: 15th Mar 2007 02:04
I would suggest checking this out. I know you dont like bars but the essence of what you require is in a code snippet for you to pull apart.

As ive progressed as well I would substitute the 2d elements and paint the graphic onto a 3d panel stuck to the screen.

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