Annoying AI that seems to appear behind you and start shooting you in the head. I'd prefer if the enemies caught sight of you, then ran off because they know they're toast
. Seriously, how bout some AI that hides from you, or AI that knows when it has no chance and runs. Gods had that years ago on the 16-bit's, since then the only enemies running away that spring to mind are the grunts in Halo (which would probably still run away if you were only armed with marshmallows).
It looks pretty cool, probably get it on the 360, as multiplayer will probably be great. Kinda looks more believable, that shoreline with the fields behind looks spot on. I appreciate the diversity in the Farcry games, just hope the gameplay niggles are gone (like the ever spawning enemies and frequent wondering about with nout to do). I wonder if there's a level editor with this one, that would guarantee one sale right here
''Stick that in your text and scroll it!.''