98 runs fine on the several computers I "downgraded" with it... I just don't have full driver support... You basically have to find a computer that is tailored to running 98 in order to bask in its 'glory'. Of course, something’s load slower then on newer computers, while other things are more responsive.
An additional note, I believe there is a NTFS Dos emulator that works with 98... need to recheck that sometime in the very far and unforeseeable future. But then again, you DO need a single partition with FAT32 support, UNLESS (perhaps) you use a bootdisk to load the NTFSDOS and execute C:\WINDOWS\WIN.COM (Naturally, also include= HIMEM.SYS in the CONFIG.SYS).
In the end run, even IF you get the drivers implemented in 98 successfully, you will only use it for a few things... I don't "believe" 98 supports DBP (I might be wrong, it was a long time ago)... nor does it support much else, as most modern applications have a "if (operatingSystemName!="Windows XP") issueFatalWarning=true;" condition. Essentally, having 98 on your computer may look cool, but it is useless.
Waits for Jeku to get up on how 98 is a piece of crap. And how the dos based system is more unstable. Something about how XP and 98 can't be compared (?) because xp has its os internalized while 98 is just a GUI. How the increased usage of system resources is acceptable because "ram is dirt cheap" (Or was that CattleRustler)... and generally saying that 98 sucks.
If you fear speaking for yourself, make use the words of others while discovering your own voice.