thank you : )
that method works much better, I also came across more help in the 2d section, they have a great beginners guide in the works and it helped with my blue flicker problem.
another question (yeah I know I'm a real pain)
I can now get it all drawn right....but my sprite appears offscreen unless I use really small cooridinates
resolution 1024x768
screenx = 1024
screeny = 768
sprite, custom made, 50x50 pixels
tried code like sprite 1,screenx/2,screeny-75,1
now that code works when I set the text cursor or draw a cirlce but not when I draw the sprite? if I rnd the x and y values, I see the sprite and I can just use really low cooridantes...but....why won't that work as well? I'm kinda flabergasted....I want to use that to set my intial position of the ship before I write a subroutine to move it, it seems like the sprite is just being drawn off screen, kinda weird imo.
but with all the help you guys have given me I"m 'very' greatfull, thank you so much for taking time to anser me
resolutionx = 1024 : resolutiony = 768
set display mode resolutionx, resolutiony, 32
hide mouse
forground = rgb(255,255,255)
background = rgb(0,0,0)
shipx = 500
shipy = 700
backdrop off
sync off
ink forground,background
MakeABackground(shipx, shipy)
looptime = 0
cls 0
inc looptime
paste image 1,0,0
print "loop number: ",looptime
print "res-x: ", resolutionx/2
print "res-y: ", resolutiony-75
set cursor 500,500
print "test"
circle resolutionx/2,resolutiony-75, 100
Function MakeABackground(x,y)
load image "skybox starry.png",1 rem background from darkmatter use any
paste image 1,0,0
function loadPlayerShip
load image "player ship 1.bmp",2 rem generic ship, 50x50 pixel
sprite 1, shipx, shipy, 2
offset sprite 1, 25,25
set sprite 1,0,1
that solves my flicker, thank goodness. I did try offsetting the sprite, but to no avail. I know the program isn't set up well, this is a practice program by witch I plan on designing my actual game off of, so don't mind the mostly pointless funcion calls, I'm just getting you to the absolute basics so I can write effectively. Thanks again guys.[img]null[/img][img]null[/img]