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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Doom: Evolved PLUS Doom Fan Game 1.5 (56K Warning)

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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 21:02 Edited at: 7th May 2007 16:46

Doom Fan Game is back (again)! This time, it's Doom: Evolved!

I'm working on as many features as I possibly can to make this fan game for Doom as good as I can, and certainly alot better than Doom: Fan Game, the first one I made. One of the new features I like is the bonus system - by picking up bonus objects like the blue potions featured in the orignal Doom, you can raise your health to 200. However, you start with only 100 and medkits and stimpacks can only get you to 100. Another improvment of DFGI is that Doom: Evolved will have multiplayer!

The game will also feature music converted from the orignal MP2 format the Doom music was recorded in - meaning better quality than what ended up in the game!

Current Credits List
JDoom Resoure Pack - Doom Models
Disturbing 13 - Cool Zombie Texture
The Game Creators - FPS Creator
iD Software - Doom
DarkFact - Phoenix Protection
Templar - Cool Menu Buttons (UPDATE: He's also done an GREAT Doom 3 (xbox) style menu that will be replacing the old one soon!)

Level 1 Alpha
Net2 Framework (required to play due to Phoenix Protection)

Level 1 Alpha Video (YouTube) NEW
Teaser Trailer 1 (YouTube)

Latest Screenshots


High resolution background and better buttons

Old Doom Fan Game menu VS. Doom: Evolved menu

Result of getting hit by a fireball

New Blood Splatters (I've released these in the media section)

Falling Barrels !

Come to think of it, shooting them was probably a bad idea...

New decal from sprite pack replacing weird dust puff

Note all about images are from test levels, I have more from the normal levels but they won't run right in FPSC all of a sudden. Might have been the new update. Grr...

Doom Fan Game 1.5

Here's an updated version of the Doom Fan Game! It features a more optimized level 2, save/load, my bullethole mod, updated barrles, some new sound FX (from Doom 3), and some other minor changes. Several of the changes were carried over from modifications made to my Doom 'packet' in the entitybank for Doom: Evolved.

If you didn't play the orignal Doom Fan Game now's the chance to catch up! The origninal clocked over a thousand-five-hundred downloads!

Recreations of E1M1 and E1M2, the first two levels of Doom
Features three types of enemies: zombie, shotgun zombie, and Imp
Fireball throwing IMPs!
[v1.5]Improved Level 2 Optimization
[1.0]Shotgun Shell Mod, Load as many shells as needed (not available in 1.5, though Lee's putting my code in an official update)

Download:Click Here! (51.27 MB; Zipped + Installer)

Preview Screen:

Opposing force
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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 21:03
Oh yes! I can't wait

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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 21:08 Edited at: 14th Apr 2007 04:52
Yes! My png title worked! Lol..

Link is up now for DFG 1.5!

EDIT: Editing posts updates the sig? cool...

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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 22:10
Looking very good Airslide

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tyrano man
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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 22:58
looks great airslide. One suggestion though, if you make a third one, would be to use custom segments; and get the textures as doom like as possible

Keep on dooming

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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 23:02
This looks cool as..
Gamers Gear
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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 23:39
Looks ace Airslide!

Keep it up!

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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 23:45 Edited at: 14th Apr 2007 04:52
Thanks guys

@tyrano man - this is technicly only the second, as DFG II was canceled, to be made in DBP. However I didn't really get around to it and decided to dig back into FPSC, and saw the potential in the new features. But this one will be using mostly custom segments, right now I'm just trying to find a format-happy selection of hi-res doom textures.

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 00:09
Posted comparison of DFGI title with Doom: Evolved title screens. Also put preview of DFGI up by download.

(This is a double post to test my new sig - finally getting rid of that non-working stargate one, since the game is falling apart and my website's gone for now)

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 01:02
Downloaded played and was good old fun type game, well done Airslide it does what it says on the tin lol

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 01:03 Edited at: 14th Apr 2007 01:25
Nice one Airslide, I've been trying my hand out at this ever since I saw your first one, at the moment I can't rig the models (trying desperately to get milkshape). But I've got most of the custom (kind of/cropped) textures from Doom 2 made in photoshop now. If you need any then I'll try and send them across.

Good luck with this

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 01:18
the New Blood Splatters rock .nice work

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 01:49
Thanks guys

@vorconan - are they adapted to fit in a single tile well? Because some of them would have to be repetated a couple times in the single texture to look good on an FPSC wall.

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 02:41 Edited at: 14th Apr 2007 03:03
I know what u mean with the repetition, I will try and duplicate them in photoshop properly soon. I'm going to run a few tests with them at the moment to ensure they work ok. I'll post back ASAP.

Ok, I've got the textures working perfectly apart from one which is a bit saturated, so ill have to redo it. I've included a screenshot with 3 of the 5 textures i've got working at the moment. If you like them Airslide, then even though im quite reluctant to give them away considering they actually came out without the seam problem, but since I know it's going towards the same sort of project then I'll send them to your e-mail if you want.

P.S. If you want I'll try and change the brown rocky texture, since i am aware of the slight visual problems with it.

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 04:51
Looking pretty good vorcanan! Did you extract them from the wad? Screenshots have a higher impact on the lighting and diffrences in the size and aspect sometimes.

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 05:37
Your really into these fan games aren't ya Airslide?

Hehe, good luck on it's completion man.


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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 06:16
Quote: "Your really into these fan games aren't ya Airslide?

Hehe, good luck on it's completion man."

Yup, because there's less story/plot thinking involved and you get to go with the cool ideas - lol

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 09:13
Doom Evolved... I thought Doom evolved about 4 years ago, into... well.. Doom 3?

Segment usage: Why are we back in Duke Nukem 3d? It is quite boring.
Entity usage: While I like all of the new cool characters, the placement of them is bad. There... seems to be alot of barrels... yeah...
Light usage: Fairly boring.

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 12:55 Edited at: 14th Apr 2007 13:04
Quote: "Looking pretty good vorcanan!"

Thanks, I didn't extract them from the wad because I have actually been searching for a wad reader/editor for the past year that isn't just compatible with DOS. I basically have been trying my hand out at extracting screenshots and skewing them, the floors are proving to be difficult. On top of that the lightmapping in doom might of spoilt some of them when extracted. But I'm glad you like them, I've got some more ready to turn into segments now, ill get some screenshots up in a minute.


As far as I'm aware he hasn't got any segments for Doom yet, so they are just temporary. The barrel thing was probably just for fun, and it looked it. The lightmapping doesn't need to be in place yet.

P.S. Just out of curiousity Airslide, are you like me trying to replicate levels of doom or just making a doom-style game?

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 19:13 Edited at: 14th Apr 2007 19:18
@Person99 - Those are just test levels - enemy placement, entity placement, segments ect are not a factor at the moment.

@vorconan - Use XWE (extendable wad editor), google it, that's what I use for my doom wad making. You can pick out the stuff alot easier that way. And yes, I'll be replicating doom levels. In fact, maybe I can pull out a screen of DFG II's first level - it was going to carry over to this but the file's corrupt now...drat!

EDIT: Is anyone intrested in beta testing the multiplayer beta coming up later? I'm not ready to make it public yet but a group of testers who can coup with times scheduled for Pacific Time (GMT-8:00) would be nice. The first beta will probably be level 1 from DFGI modified to use some of the new stuff. Too bad we can't have exploding barrels in MP though

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 19:48 Edited at: 14th Apr 2007 20:04
Can I be a beta Airslide? I'm just wondering, what times in particular you are on about?

P.S. Thanks for the wad editor name, I looked all over and found one called WADauthor, it's not particularly brilliant for me though, the one you pointed out was really good, thanks.

EDIT - I've included a screenshot of the textures I have taken from doom, as you can see I'm recreating doom 2, you can probably tell which level it is from. I'm aware of the glitch by the light ceiling segments above the platforms, I think it may just be that I placed the walls that are in the scifiscenery folder and i didnt retexture the main room segments. So they should work. And before any other doom fans tell me this minor detail, yes the two metal supports in the middle should go to the top but I can't yet be bothered to change that. Just ask if you want the texturews Airslide.

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 20:04
Okay, you can test. That's one out of the prefered eight I'd like. We can see what a fully loaded FPSC multiplayer game is like

Time really depends on weekend or weekday. Weekends are pretty flexible for me, however weekdays must be sometime after five, probably seven or even eight due to school work.

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 20:05
Thanks a lot Airslide. My times would have to be later on weekdays i'm afraid to say, but weekends are really good

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Posted: 15th Apr 2007 01:42 Edited at: 15th Apr 2007 01:42
I only just noticed that I edited my post at the same time you were typing yours, do you want the textures, or are they a bit too doom2 for you?

EDIT - Sorry for the double post

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Posted: 15th Apr 2007 06:47
i would like to beta the mp, but i forget how to convert pacific to jacksonville time. any1 know how?
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Posted: 15th Apr 2007 09:33
Quote: "
As far as I'm aware he hasn't got any segments for Doom yet, so they are just temporary. The barrel thing was probably just for fun, and it looked it. The lightmapping doesn't need to be in place yet."

Ah, I see, sorry about that, I thought that that was actually the game =-)

I might be able to help with the doom segments, if you want. I have doom, after all =-)

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bass guy1669
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Posted: 15th Apr 2007 09:49
Airslide your Web site has never worked for me, has anyone got that error? a that looks really good keep it up

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Posted: 15th Apr 2007 21:58
I've never got access to his website

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Posted: 15th Apr 2007 23:22
How many Doom monsters do you have in the game so far?
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Posted: 16th Apr 2007 17:03
Okay, let's see, one at a

@vorconan - My textures will probably be doom 2 textures anyways, I'm still debating on that though. Doom 2 textures are pretty low-res for FPSC.

@kenny the reaper - Ok, you can test. Click on you're clock (lower right hand side) and select time zone, and see what the comparison is for GMT for your timezone, then compare that to the pacific one

@Person99 - do you mean Doom 2 textures or re-created doom 2 textures?

@bass guy1669 + vorconan - ya, my website is down. I removed it from my sig and put this post in instead. I keep meaning to go get new hosting but haven't really bothered yet.

@TZap - Two, imp and zombie (zombie can hold both shotgun & pistol of course). I'm going to be working on some bigger monsteres soon (just porting from the JDRP) but that could be hard cause I don't know how'd they do in the FPSC skeleton...

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Posted: 16th Apr 2007 17:57
Airslide, in the doom 2 game I'm making I'm going to have loads of enemies, so I'm trying to keep the frame-rate up with low-res textures anyway, it's only a small change but it helps for my tests.
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Posted: 17th Apr 2007 00:55
Maybe you're right. But the characters I'm using from the JDRP have much less detail, so that should help make up if I choose to find/make hi-res textures.

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Posted: 17th Apr 2007 10:22
I dunno why yu like 2.5d...but hey...looks...erm..good.. said big!
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Posted: 17th Apr 2007 20:30
I'm using the models from JDRP too, I know about the detail but I'm just taking into consideration the amount of models that are on the screen usually at one time. It would be helpful if Lee could put something in DX9 like in X10 where it uses arrays and instances for models and textures, therefore keeping the frame-rate high.
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Posted: 17th Apr 2007 21:22
Good old fashion of the first fps games ever.
So great that there are still peoples who still love old games.
I'm also a fan( not so great like you are) of doom98.
The lvls looking great and rememberig me of old times.

Never give up good work Airslide !
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Posted: 21st Apr 2007 10:53
the second level won't stop leaving me hanging on the wall. i couldnt touch the ground at all. but the first level was awsome.can't wait for the whole game
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2007 21:29
I had that too, it's a weird glitch, i found the way to solve it is to destroy the barrel on the floor when you're right over it, works a charm
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2007 22:47
Cool, cant wait to play this. Im a huge fan of everything doom, so i really cant wait to see this game
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Posted: 25th Apr 2007 16:05

This looks pretty fun, have you got any of the levels done yet?

Also do you have the Keys models / textured yet? I modeled and textured one the other day (see screen shot for ingame.

If you want it I'd be happen to send it to you.


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Posted: 25th Apr 2007 18:29

Man that's a lot of fun. I like how you sort-of recreated the path of the original in some places. Brings back a lot of memories.

The keys would be a great addition as well as those famous blue, red and yellow doors.


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Posted: 25th Apr 2007 22:55
I don't think he'll need them, he has downloaded the Jdoom resource pack and you'll see all the doom models in there in .md2 format so they're easy to convert.
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Posted: 27th Apr 2007 18:32
Yes yes, the good old time------

Woah, where am I? Ah! Cool work.

Can i have the Imp, pleasy!

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Posted: 27th Apr 2007 19:26
hey SnowWolf, your sig is spelt wrong. I thought it was "Crisis."

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Posted: 28th Apr 2007 00:44
@Mickm - Thanks, I don't have an urgent need right now because I have the JDRP one, but I may use it anyway if you want

@SnowWolf - I think Aaron's right, at least in the US (not sure about, say, England) it's spelled Crisis.

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Posted: 28th Apr 2007 02:48
Anymore progress lately then Airslide? I can't wait to see this
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Posted: 3rd May 2007 04:44
Link to a teaser trailer...not too much, because my more detailed environments weren't ready, but I felt an urge to show something so I went ahead and showed some recordings from test levels, along with some clips of the *early* version of the start intro of going inside the mars base.

tyrano man
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Posted: 3rd May 2007 09:30
lol I love the start of that trailer. looking good

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Posted: 4th May 2007 01:02
it's brilliant, especially with the hands on the mossberg, yet only some of the layout seems to match the level, maybe it's just me, or just that this is only a test, either way, i like it.

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Posted: 4th May 2007 01:15 Edited at: 7th May 2007 16:48
Most of it was test. However, I'll point out that the final, more detailed levels actually only loosely follow their doom counter-parts...some areas are easily identifiable, while others are heavily changed or removed. The result means things are far more compact and the game runs alot better, plus it is easier to populate with entities.

EDIT: Here's some new screens. Some objects may seem lighted oddly or not cast a shadow, but that's because I'm using more dynamic objects than I normally do. Turns out they probably help, if they're simple - ODE runs faster than DBP's built in static collision used on the levels, and even if they do use ODE for the levels in V1 now, it's quicker for it to process a basic level and lots of dynamics than just a complex level and few dynamics...anyhow, here's the screens:

EDIT: Screens moved to first post.

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Posted: 4th May 2007 13:46
Looks good, I see a lot of resemblance in the last image.

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