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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Doom: Evolved PLUS Doom Fan Game 1.5 (56K Warning)

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Posted: 5th May 2007 01:21
Here's a vid of the law with modified animation and hands. It now disposes of the orignal weapon and pulls out another after firing, since that's how use use one. It turned out pretty well. 1.88 mb.


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Posted: 5th May 2007 11:38
looks v good
Nue B
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Posted: 6th May 2007 04:42
Quote: "Yup, because there's less story/plot thinking involved and you get to go with the cool ideas - lol"

If there's less thinking, how do you go with the cool ideas?
Sorry, I just wasn't impressed by your screenshots. The only thing that reminds me of DOOM is the Title... You did have a cool looking character from doom, but everything else was standard FPSC Media.

Good luck with it though.

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Posted: 6th May 2007 19:35
Well, since it is more for fun, I'm not too worried about custom media anymore. I have little free time on my hands at the moment and the last thing I want to use it on is making new media for a sort of fun little game. Of course, as you can see, I'm still adding hands to the weapons and of course importing new monsters. I'm trying to focus on gameplay and the visuals blending in rather than just making tons of custom stuff. So in the end hopefully it will end up fun enough to make up for it. (And keep this in mind: The original Doom Fan Game I made was ONLY stock stuff, didn't even have lightmapping, and people loved it...I find this a significant improvement)

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Posted: 7th May 2007 02:53 Edited at: 7th May 2007 05:25
Figured this was worth another post, for those who already saw the thread...

Here's an alpha version of the first level! Instead of a pistol, you start with an uzi (with hands!), and picking up an uzi from a dead zombie will give you a second for dual weild (seperate weapon). They don't share ammo yet, I'm going to try to do that when Lee *eventually* releases the source code. Anyways, here's the link, I'll post a video soon:;7448625;/fileinfo.html

EDIT: Still looking for 6 more beta testers for multiplayer, prehaps 5 if I can convice Errant (though last he said he had dial up)

EDIT 2: To play the alpha, make sure you have Net2 Framework, avialable here:

mastershake 354
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Posted: 7th May 2007 04:24
Nice Game! I Especially had fun with the duel Uzis lol
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Posted: 7th May 2007 04:56 Edited at: 7th May 2007 16:49
Glad you like 'em. The Dual uzis turned out very nice, and my reload animation (along with the poor accuracy) help even them out. Hoepfully, when the source code is released (LEE!), I can change the current accuracy to a more angular type, so the weapons are less accurate at a distance than up close, like I do in all my DBP games.

EDIT: For those who don't want the 60mb download, a I posted a new vid on youtube, link on first post.

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Posted: 8th May 2007 20:58
Man, did that take me back! I bought the original Doom shareware floppy at Wal-Mart for $4.00 when it first was released.

It was fun to hear the music and sound fx again. I did notice a couple of technical issues, but I'm emailing those to you.

Nice one!

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Posted: 9th May 2007 01:30
IMPORTANT! As DarkFact pointed out in his e-mail, the enterkey does NOT open doors/switches, it's the F key. I feel so stupid not saying

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Posted: 9th May 2007 04:09 Edited at: 9th May 2007 04:15
Ill be a tester, i like online
bass guy1669
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Posted: 10th May 2007 08:46
Man i really like that shotgun with hands you really outdid yourself Airslide Great Job!

you can live with a man for all his days, but you really find what he really is like when hold him over a volcano
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Posted: 13th May 2007 07:33 Edited at: 13th May 2007 08:54
So Airslide, were you able to successfully use the title image I sent you??

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Posted: 13th May 2007 13:30
Can't wait until this is finished
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Posted: 13th May 2007 19:57
@Templar - I've put it in, didn't have time to test it though. I'll recompile the game so I can (the script is edited, using the FPSC menu wizard would mess it up). Thanks

@Vorconan - Me too

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Posted: 13th May 2007 22:27
ok on the second level of the Doom Fan Game this is what happened, well when I started off I was on the ceiling, but I could move around on the ceiling, so I went around killed a few guys but I could not go any where since I was on the ceiling, so I thought by saving it, it would might fix it but what happened when I reloaded it I started off above the level see for yourself, I just have to say this is the worst glitch I have seen so far in fpsc, but I bet theres worse.


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Posted: 13th May 2007 22:34
That's strange. I don't know what to say. Just restart and play the first level again, I guess.

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Posted: 13th May 2007 22:46
That glitch has happened to me before on a save game re-load. I usually make sure the area above my start points are at least 2 levels in height (if possible).

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Posted: 13th May 2007 23:42
Darkfact - I'll keep that in mind for Doom: Evolved, but I probably won't update Doom: Fan game. very strange bug though.

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Posted: 14th May 2007 20:55
I found that, you were pulled towards the ceiling, i fixed it by shooting a barrel right below me, not sure if was the best idea but it worked
bass guy1669
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Posted: 16th May 2007 02:41
yeah that happened to me too and shotting the barrel killed me. Oh well... this is looked very good.

you can live with a man for all his days, but you really find what he really is like when hold him over a volcano
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Posted: 16th May 2007 23:28
Strange. Hopefully you'll have better luck with Doom: Evolved. I'm going to take DarkFact's advice and add space above the player, though it might take some fidiling to get it to look good.

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Posted: 17th May 2007 00:22
It may of just been the version of FPSC you were using at the time, assuming you were using a different version that is.
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Posted: 18th May 2007 01:45
That version is using the latest update, so I don't know what it is. Must just be a normal FPSC thing I've never seen before.

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Posted: 18th May 2007 04:21
Checking out the alpha now looking good

Best s4
bass guy1669
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Posted: 29th May 2007 04:16
i have a problem with the demo: all the decals are BLACK its very weired so if anyone can shed some light on this thanks

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Posted: 29th May 2007 05:43
Quote: "i have a problem with the demo: all the decals are BLACK its very weired so if anyone can shed some light on this thanks"

Do you have the most recent version of DirectXc?

bass guy1669
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Posted: 29th May 2007 07:10
yes i do

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Posted: 2nd Jun 2007 01:43 Edited at: 2nd Jun 2007 02:10
Hey Airslide, I've just recently played Doom 3 and I was thinking about making a Doom 3 Fan game but not using the name "Doom" or anything that has to do with a Mars base. I was wondering were I can get the Doom model pack? I was just going to play around with it but my game I'm going to call "Hellspawn" I'm going to make it look like Doom 3 and try to put some stock to good use seeing how it's mostly modeled like Doom. Anyways as soon as I work out some kinks your welcome to provide suggestions and I do like the Title page although I haven't told you.
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2007 01:58
@bass guy - Weird. Double check your DX version, as there are different versions of Direct X 9c.

@Rilejarom - Dang, everyone wants to make a Doom fan game now don't they? Lol...anyways, I don't think that you can find the particular copy of the model pack I'm using anymore, and the new one has a different license and uses more Jdoom features (making it more difficult to convert with reasonable results). Good luck though.

bass guy1669
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Posted: 8th Jun 2007 14:34
any updates? maybe? please?

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Posted: 8th Jun 2007 16:35
A little bit of progress, not much. I've been working on alot of Wold3d stuff still and some DBP stuff.

bass guy1669
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Posted: 8th Jun 2007 20:56

come see night shift at see you there
Gee 23 Spark
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Posted: 8th Jun 2007 21:20
Nice looking.

Given a shock 2 yaz system!
Cyborg Hunter
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Posted: 9th Jun 2007 21:07
script imps can I improved give it? the monsters drive out and take steps of with dimensions

sorry for my bad langage i'm not english...


Just a man...
bass guy1669
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Posted: 14th Jun 2007 17:17
any updates? because this looks sweet.

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Posted: 14th Jun 2007 22:51
Give him time, this is a fun project for him, thats why he isn't using much custom stuff
I replaced my video card
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Posted: 14th Jun 2007 23:36
You Should Make a new breed of monster circled around doom type monsters or a least involve the floating meatball monster thing

Kould you also post a copie of the fireball attack that you gave that won kreature

P.S i mispell a lot for no good reason

It wont work it does the same thing over and over again I paid $300
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Posted: 15th Jun 2007 03:47
IRMVC - what do you mean Igave to the wrong creature? Or are you saying something else?

Cyborg Hunter - I don't understand you either, lol....

@Everyone - I'm not sure how I'll continue this project - I'm getting more into multiplayer maps and less of singleplayer, especially since singleplayer maps have to be large and enemies slow down the game a lot. I may improve the first level a little and *maybe* finish the second, but I think I'll finish it off with a few multiplayer maps and then stick to that for FPSC for awhile. I just made an awesome multiplayer map that I'll release sometime in July or August probably, just trying to get Vishnu to work (probably all stuff I'm doing wrong ) and wait till the number of multiplayer maps slip down a bit so I have a better chance of it getting played in the FPSC multiplayer club.

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Posted: 15th Jun 2007 20:15 Edited at: 15th Jun 2007 20:16
Translation of IRMVC -

You Should Make a new breed of monster circled around doom type monsters or a least involve the floating meatball monster thing

Kould you also post a copie of the fireball attack that you gave that won kreature

Goes to...

You should make new Doom hellspawn or at least include the cacodemon (WHICH BY THE WAY ISN'T USED IN THE FIRST AND SECOND LEVEL, GET IT RIGHT!!!)

Could you post the fireball flak weapon which you assigned to the imp?
bass guy1669
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Posted: 16th Jun 2007 02:49
thanks Vorconan

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Posted: 21st Jun 2007 20:20
Progress on this is kinda nil. My laptop can't run FPSC at more than 10 fps, so it is difficult to tell when the level is having issues or my computer at times. My desktop for my summer home decided it wanted to fry the video board, not that it was as powerful as my normal desktop video board anyways (several years old in fact). Hopefully I can still fiddle with some things and make a little progress.

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Posted: 21st Jun 2007 22:32
erm, game won't run...
Also it gives a error everytime i run it. anything i can do?

Noob = Meh...
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Posted: 21st Jun 2007 22:34
Quote: "thanks Vorconan"

no prob hehe
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2007 00:55
Rinse - What's the error? Do you have the latest version of Direct X 9.0c? Are you running Vista? More info please.

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Posted: 7th Jul 2007 17:29
That is SO cool!

Help me lessen my list! (see darkbasic on my site)
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Posted: 8th Jul 2007 14:49

With any luck I'll manage to get some work done on this laptop, the editor seems to run I just need to find the time.

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Posted: 8th Jul 2007 15:33
looks good. You should work out a script that shows the characters face all bloodied depending on what level of health their on. I seem to remember that in one of the old Doom games

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Posted: 8th Jul 2007 18:29 Edited at: 8th Jul 2007 18:30
I've already got that planned. I recall it was already done around here somewhere, if I wanted to save some time I'll use that. I think FPSC actually comes with the frames for it

EDIT: Dang the avatar I made looks terrible when the forum resizes it...ah well. I'll make a new one later.

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Posted: 19th Jul 2007 18:27 Edited at: 21st Oct 2007 20:32
The filefront link does not work

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Posted: 20th Jul 2007 04:46
Yeah, the filefront link doesn't work for me.

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