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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / After Overlord: Berlin via Normandy [WIP]

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Posted: 27th Apr 2007 00:10
thank you xD and sensei is a safe bet i think XD seeing as it pwns, and yes weapons! there will be more, however im sorting out the level design first! Im gonna sort weapons last as im also working on a retexture pack to be released soon so i dont have a lot of time, however opposing force mentioned a potential WW2 weapons pack to me via email, i duno if he is going to go through with it but if he does i would consider getting that

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Posted: 27th Apr 2007 00:20
I am making world war 2 weapons But I intended to make them for free, for your game Cherd.

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Posted: 27th Apr 2007 00:29
oh RIGHT! wow! thanks man! thats really good of you

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Posted: 27th Apr 2007 01:17
what weapons do you have in mind?

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Posted: 27th Apr 2007 02:49
Well, the game doesn't look that great.

The environments don't look "authentic". I guess they look decent, but they don't look realistic.

The enemies aren't fearsome or however the video described them. They just stood there as you shot them.

I also didn't like the Star Wars opening sequence effect on the text.

What was the music you had in the trailer and where did you get it? Because I have it too.

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Posted: 27th Apr 2007 02:52
Lol i got it off a movie music CD or something that my uncle has, and i havent really started tampering with the enemy AI yet, im still messing with the level design first! Plus i have to find time between doing this, college work, and my retexture pack, which i think is coming along nicely

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Posted: 27th Apr 2007 04:06
Just played the demo though. I like the scenery above the trenches. Where did you get that wood segment?

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Posted: 27th Apr 2007 18:01
You cant blame him for it not looking 'realistic'. the FPSC engine can only do so much.
buti have to agree, i hate the starwars text sequence.

But otherwise its looking really good and i look forward to playing it when its finished.

The sad fact is that i can read script, but i just cant write it.
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Posted: 27th Apr 2007 18:15
I'm working on a Sten at the moment if that's all right with you Cherd.

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Posted: 27th Apr 2007 22:29
a Sten sweet Are you going to try a PPSH? I thought the whole text thing was pretty cheesy (no offence) fight with smart allys. Smart enemys are hard enough to find in FPSC much less allys of any intelligence. No offence ButterFingers and I am using sensei allys
P.S. Sorry to go off-topic but did you ever get my message I sent you from the contact page on your site ButterFingers?

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Posted: 28th Apr 2007 02:26
no i have already been messing with the AI so its not like i was gonna leave them that stupid, i was just concentrating on level design for the time being! and yes a sten gun!!! XD Very cool!

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Posted: 29th Apr 2007 02:01
this project is getting on my nerves now lol, i was really enjoying it when i started a while back, but its not turning out how i wanted it too really, i mean WW2 FPS games have been done to death and theres really nothing special about this one as things are, the levels look ok and such and when ive had other people play it they have all said its ok but i mean, it just doesnt have anything special about it therefore im considering making it a mini game, ill continue it for another week, see if i can add a bit of depth to it but if not, ill cut it short at a few levels long, and call it a minigame! I really want to pursue a more modern warfare approach, i feel very limited with a WW2 game at the minute

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Posted: 29th Apr 2007 11:38 Edited at: 29th Apr 2007 15:29
Oh, that's a shame. I just finished modelling a Sten and I am now texturing it. If you decide to make this only a mini-game then I will still make those guns for you, but I will also release the guns to the community for free or as part of a commercial world war 2 british pack.

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Posted: 29th Apr 2007 15:12
i am still wroking on it, ive just been a bit stressed to be honest with college and stuff and this project has been moving slower than i would have liked it to be, but yeah thanks! i will make this a full project still XD

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Posted: 29th Apr 2007 15:20
downloading now m8, the screenies look immense
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Posted: 29th Apr 2007 18:21
Game looks fairly decent so far but you must work with your frame rate. For what I've seen, you have fps around 8 in the second level. I wouldn't like to play a game with that kind of frame rate.

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Posted: 29th Apr 2007 19:02
no honestly its really not that bad, my FPSC is glitchy im sure because it really runs fine when i play it, i dont have any lag issues at all when playing it

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Posted: 30th Apr 2007 00:11 Edited at: 30th Apr 2007 00:12
Here's a work in progress screenshot of the STEN. Cherd, when I have animated it (tommorow) I shall send you it via e-mail.


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Posted: 30th Apr 2007 00:43
OH MY GOD THATS ALL I CAN SAY!!! THATS FANTASTIC, thank you so much opposing force!!!!!!

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Posted: 30th Apr 2007 09:52
Glad you like Cherd I'll animate it when I get home from work.

Johny English
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Posted: 30th Apr 2007 13:31
Looks like same Sten in Wolfenstein: ET.

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Posted: 30th Apr 2007 14:32
yeah im impressed with the sten

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Posted: 30th Apr 2007 17:44

Check it out here:
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Posted: 30th Apr 2007 20:00
I have just encountered a problem with animating. The arm in the picture goes all wierd when I export the animation, so I need to remake the whole hand. This means I will need to spend more than this evening to finish it. Cherd, If you want, I can send the Sten as it is, un-animated, so you can use it in some more of your screenshots. Or you can wait untill I finished it, your call

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Posted: 30th Apr 2007 20:19
i can wait its cool! ive been working on a d-day style bunker in sketchup, but i duno how to export it lol, i need to texture it too rofl


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Posted: 30th Apr 2007 20:34 Edited at: 30th Apr 2007 21:41
theres no way to export it to a useable file format with the free version!!! =(

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Posted: 2nd May 2007 13:38 Edited at: 2nd May 2007 14:40
Well you can upload it into anim8tor but the texture wont appear

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Posted: 2nd May 2007 18:13
its ok ive done it now thanks, ive also done a Higgins landing craft used in D-day, ive made it available free on the forums

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Posted: 3rd May 2007 09:47
I've just played the demo and all I can say is thats its a load of complete excelence! This game is realy coming along well, keep it up.

The Dup

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Posted: 3rd May 2007 17:48 Edited at: 3rd May 2007 17:48
oh thanks XD the demo was really just a couple of days work, it started as just a general mess around, and i began to get pleased with it, ive made massive changes to that level, ive used sensei on the allies and ive made the enemies more intelligent since the beta demo XD!! Also working on some wall hangings to make it look less bair, but thanks XD glad you like it Duplex

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Posted: 3rd May 2007 21:02
HA HA HA!!!!! Yesssssssss

I've done it!!!! I've sorted out my animations!!!! I now know what has gone wrong. In gamespace, exporting animation, keyframe defaults to 10! FPSC keyframe ratio is 1, so that was the problem!!!! I can now export my animated weapons successfully! Sorry for the over exagerated happiness but this is a greay achievment!! I can now animate. Hold on Cherd, the STEN will soon be yours mate!

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Posted: 3rd May 2007 21:43
OMG THANK YOU! You dont know how much i appreciate this XD

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Posted: 3rd May 2007 21:51
You are more than welcome Cherd After I finish this STEN I will make you a BREN and a Lee Enfield.

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Posted: 3rd May 2007 21:57
Wow really your too kind, im really impressed with your work so far

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Posted: 5th May 2007 19:20

D-day level is well underway, ive been working on it in secret for a few days now, ive worked on models, textures, and sound effects etc, im still having some issues that im going to have to work out but generally its going well, looks decent, heres a screenshot of the work so far, id like to add i have built models of the massive concrete bunkers, which i may use to replace the segement made ones, which you see here, and i dont know if you can see it on this screeny, but ive worked on 2 sand hill models, one which is just like a ramp on both sides and textured with sand, the other is the same but with a big gap in the middle like its been blown open, these will be at the end of the beach, ideal for hiding behind and shooting over


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Posted: 5th May 2007 19:23 Edited at: 5th May 2007 19:26
another screenshot

Also i have found a way to make the Random explosions occur on the beach while you are making your way to the end of the beach, this will eradicate the need for masses of enemies shooting at you, instead i will have just 2 enemies shooting (as well as some in-animate enemies for effect) and the explosions will do most of the damage XD XD XD this is going soooo well right now


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Posted: 5th May 2007 19:25
Where's the screen?

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Posted: 5th May 2007 19:26
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Posted: 5th May 2007 19:50
It's not showing up for me.:-(

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Opposing force
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Posted: 5th May 2007 20:27 Edited at: 5th May 2007 20:30
Nice job Cherd I made a multiplayer level of D-day a couple of weeks ago. Are you going to make some of those wooden ramps for your level?

Your screenshot has made me want to watch saving private ryan now

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Posted: 5th May 2007 21:06
Saving private ryan was on the television yesterday.
(In Holland that is)

Uhmmm well okey looked at the new screenshots of your beach.

Well it would be much better if you could make a segment for it with a custom mesh.

A custom mesh that goes up so it would feel more like a beach.

But making....D-Day is it right?
Would be very very hard for FPSC because it would be constant shooting and grenades exploding etc etc....

So i dont know it would look great in FPSC the idea is good though.

You would also need some dead corpses laying on the beach.

Anyway would like to see more of this level.
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Posted: 5th May 2007 22:38
Very nice! I hope you're going to try adding some fog. (btw OpFor - after seeing your models I've also started some wwII weaps. Now I'm trying to make hands, but i've got some problems )

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Posted: 6th May 2007 01:22
Yeah i have considered all of these things, im am looking into the idea of a landscaped beach, i also have made the wooden ramps, i did that a while ago but forgot to put them in while building the level, but yeah! XD
Also the explosions and constant firing, i have my methods XD ill reveal how i did it later, but ive managed to find a way to make random explosions occur, on the beach, within a certain radius of the player, it adds to the atmosphere and can cause some damage, as for the firing, ill make the enemies shoot continuously from distance, 2 should do as they will only fire upon you, ill only make 3 live allies and several others that are stranded on the beach, but will not move or shoot, just for affect, as well as dead ones, to populate the beach, the enemy gunner should be enough as the explosions will do most of the damage anyway, but its not entirely impossible this mission, but you will end it with severe damage done to you

My only issue really is frame rate, im trying my hardest to keep the poly count down, and with the grid size available on FPSC, its damn near impossible to make an acceptable sized environment

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Posted: 8th May 2007 20:48
Ive got a major problem with my FPSC, all my character entities appear all black i dont know how to fix it ive tried everything in the last 2 days, i cant get any work done until i fix it!!! is there anyone that knows how to fix this? ive tried everything i can think of i have a thread about it in the bug board, its near the top

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Posted: 8th May 2007 21:54
this happened to my friend, he just went to set programs access and defaults and he went to uninstall fpsc and it said fix, just install the fix and it should work.

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Posted: 8th May 2007 22:31
Wow thanks, i re-installed it but i didnt try this, thank you

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Posted: 8th May 2007 23:31
ok i tried something else, i tried just repairing it instead of re-installing, as was suggested too me, and it worked, only when i tried to put all my media back in, it went straight back to the way it had been, which leads me to believe its something ive added to FPSC, and seeing as i only got this problem after i installed 2 characters i got off the forums, im guessing it is them

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Posted: 10th May 2007 01:23 Edited at: 10th May 2007 01:27
OK OK OK!!!! SOME NEWS, unfortunately i wont be working on this for another 2 weeks, due to A level exams, however, ive been in contact with a game publishing company who have expressed interest XDXDXDXDXD though nothing is agreed yet, they want to be updated on the project near completion, ive had no guarantees and i probably wont make much money off it but its nice to have interest shown in my work

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Posted: 10th May 2007 02:57
OK well I have some advice that will be hard to carry out in FPSC but whatever here goes. I think you meed to have the some of the fear and excitement of D-day in your level. Think how terrifying it would be to be shot at by MG42s as you try and climb up, over barbwire and bomb blasted shale. If you can add even a fraction of that fear of death then your level will go up a lot in playability value. There's no real excitement in being shot at by 2 wechermats, sorry. Also are you planning on having a Pa-pa-sha 41? It's kind of the classic WWII submachine gun along with the MP-40.

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Posted: 10th May 2007 03:23
yeah but the almost constant explosions going on around you, along with the heavy none stop fire recieved from the bunkers is pretty challenging, ive tried it several times now, it was decent, the only problem ive had is making the environment realistic, im now trying to model the whole scenery as one large piece, but split into segments, maybe about 8 segments, that should work i think, also the beach itself will be sloped gently, only flat enough to avoid collision problems. I hope it works, if not the d-day level wont be as i want it to be, im hoping the rest of the missions make up for it though if that is the case

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