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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / After Overlord: Berlin via Normandy [WIP]

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Posted: 10th May 2007 03:38
Ok you could always scrap it if it turns out crap though.

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Posted: 10th May 2007 16:41
yeah i know, i mean it would be a shame to not be able to include a D-day level, and with the publishing interest i really wanna complete it

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Posted: 10th May 2007 17:26
yeah but some of the best WWII games don't have D-Day levels, RO springs to mind.

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Posted: 10th May 2007 20:13
yeah and hidden and dangerous was good in its day, i was just about to ask if its an unwritten rule that WW2 games today need D-day levels, but i dont think that neccesarily the case, however i havent seen it done with FPSC yet so im gonna give it a go

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Posted: 10th May 2007 20:18
Ahhh it's been done but successfully is another matter

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Posted: 10th May 2007 20:52
yes! exactly, im trying a whole range of different approaches, each one poses new problems, but i dont think its impossible with FPSC

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Posted: 10th May 2007 21:53
FPSC is better than most people give it credit for. They are always expecting the Unreal engine but drag-n-drop, they incinerate me! Do you mean you don't think its possible it is but making it good will be hard. I worked on a D-day level a while ago great fun.

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Posted: 10th May 2007 23:27
i think it is possible, i think FPSC is capable of so much more than people think. Yes it has a drag and drop interface, which is good because it means anyone can use it, however that doesnt mean you cannot do more with it if you know how

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Posted: 11th May 2007 01:04
I know thats basicly what I meant

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Posted: 20th May 2007 20:10

Bump> P.S awsome game!

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Posted: 25th May 2007 20:32
cheers mate, the current progress is basically un-recognisable from the demo in terms of gameplay, ive made a lot of changes to add to the authenticity of the gameplay experience, enemy and ally ai is now so much better

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Posted: 25th May 2007 22:32
what version are you using? Emptys mod?

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Posted: 25th May 2007 23:02
Hey, I'll help model / texture for this project. Just give me a list. The thing is though if I help out a lot I would like to make a page about it on my site.

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Posted: 26th May 2007 11:14
Quote: "what version are you using? Emptys mod?"

im using v1.0 XD for the time being but im thinking ill have 2 upgrade soon, possibly use empty's mod.

Quote: "Hey, I'll help model / texture for this project. Just give me a list. The thing is though if I help out a lot I would like to make a page about it on my site."

thanks for the offer XD im considering it XD Ill just see how far i get with the level design first, im only just getting back into it now that i dont have exams to worry about so im knuckling down with the level design

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Posted: 28th May 2007 01:38 Edited at: 28th May 2007 03:04
Ok people XD ive been a bit quiet about the progress of this for a while now, however behind closed doors, some progress has been made, including:

- Graphical updates, particularly with lightmap improvements
- New missions including a sabotage mission and a stealth mission
- Much needed enemy AI updates, because in all fairness, they were quite retarded beforehand
- Some modelling including bunkers etc
- New back-story, its no longer about the beach invasions, you are now in fact one of the paratroopers dropped behind enemy lines, you have to sabotage communications and german lines of defence for the invading forces, before pushing through france in a series of missions to reach germany, which will in fact lead up to a sequel to the game, which will continue the story through germany

New screenshots and trailers will hopefully be made available throughout this next week XD im really excited now, its, been a slow process experimenting with FPSC to try and find whats possible and what is not

A bit thank you to the 106 people who downloaded the beta demo, all the feedback I have recieved has been very helpful and has contributed to the development of this game! Keep an eye out on the official site for the upcoming videos, screenshots and the soon to be released Official Demo

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Posted: 30th May 2007 00:16
lol i know i post too much on this thread but i like to keep ppl informed, basically i began work on the multiplayer feature, which will include several maps and i already have one map complete, its team based with teams of 4. Each team will have a sniper, a machine gunner, a rifleman and a light infantryman.

Sniper will obviously be equipped with a sniper rifle
Light infantry man will have weapons such as the Mp40 or Sten gun
Rifleman will have rifles such as the M1 Garand
The machine gunner will hopefully have something like a bren gun, however will not be able to shoot and move, instead will have to stop to shoot, best behind sandbags, however the gun will be deadly accurate and fire rapidly and lethally

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Posted: 30th May 2007 00:34
Awesome new story line Me and Darimc have been planning a war game for 4 long years 3 years planning it's nuch like yours with the paratroopers and stuff but... nevermind that's off topic.
anyways sweet game will the multiplayer be done soon?

Crap happens.....just not to me
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Posted: 30th May 2007 01:14
Wait....and how do you plan on accomplishing teams?

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Posted: 30th May 2007 01:16
i think he might have the same model as one team so you all look the same and te other team are different models. I think thats what he might dunno but i dont know.

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Posted: 30th May 2007 01:33
well what ive actually done is ive used allied soldiers such as tommy and US marine for one team and the german soldiers for the other
Each team has a rifleman, a sniper, a machine gunner and a light infantryman, and each team spawns in the same area, you pick which member of the team you want to be, like if you want to snipe, there can only be 1 sniper per team. Unfortunately you cannot have proper teams without team killing on FPSC therefore yes you can still team kill, though im doing my best with what i have at my disposal, at least for now

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Posted: 30th May 2007 14:01
Da dan na na Bumper man (Not Transexual Butters!!!!!!!) is here!!!!!!!!

Have No Fear Bumper Man Is Here!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted: 6th Jun 2007 02:43
I really hope I see the official demo tomorrow it's the 6th tomorrow

Have No Fear Bumper Man Is Here!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted: 8th Jun 2007 02:54
well im sorry theres been little updates, i was about to release this long paragraph but ive decided not to scrap it.

Quote: "Well, it seems, that after a looong process, This game may well just be scrapped, it hasnt worked out as i had hoped, i am going to release a series of mini ww2 themed multiplayer maps, seeing as ive already made them, however as a single player mission orientated game, it just hasnt been up to scratch and i believe its time to cut my losses, and spend more time on the "sister project" ive been working on alongside this, i wasnt going to bother much with the other project HOWEVER this last week especially ive spent a lot more time on it and it is turning out sooo well.

I am upset that this project didnt work out, at least for the time being, i may go back to it at a later date, however as things stand, its now officially scrapped thanks for your support during this process, I wont release any info on the other project until later in the development to ease the pressure i felt during the process of this game.

this decision isnt entirely final, i am going to tamper with the idea of a ww2 game but at a slower pace and not likely to be a commercial project as i had intended it to be."

Instead im gonna continue working on it alongside the other project, HOWEVER i wont really be releasing any more news on it for a little while as id rather just get stuck into it and get on with it, instead of setting these pressurising deadlines for myself

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Posted: 8th Jun 2007 03:55
lol I understand man but I can't help feeling disappointed Who's this sister you mentioned, I happen to be single at the moment

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Posted: 9th Jun 2007 00:33
Rofl no i started work on another project as i was working on this, and though i AM still gonna do the odd bit on this, chances are, i wont have it released as a commercial product, im finding it hard to come up with anything "new" so to speak, for a WW2 game. Its all been done before, at least as far as you can go with FPSC, therefore i figured a fictional plot and modern setting would give me more creative freedom, in terms of level design and plot etc, though i havent used a lot of custom media yet im still working on it, ive improvised with what i already had at hand and it looks good, but i wont talk much about it in this thread. Im not making the mistakes i made with this project, this was a learning curb, ive also learned not to be specific about deadlines because it creates pressure lol

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Posted: 9th Jun 2007 00:48
Tell me about it, but man you should stick with this I'll help you out a bit even (just no deadlines this time please). WWII is not over-done let me say why in two letters: RO. Please don't start a new game then it gets worse and worse and you could end up like AI, endlessly switching games hoping to find the one to satisfy his soul When AEs WWII weapons pack comes out you will have all the weapons you need (with hands!) but before that you can fill in with stock media. Please don't drop this and if you change your mind please post here,
BTW if you want some help with storyline or something email me at and I'll see what I can do. I don't want to sound like I'm bragging or anything but I consider myself quite good at story-lines so maybe I could help you out if you need a good storyline and decide to continue

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Posted: 9th Jun 2007 05:26
Actually, ive spent a lot of today thinking and tampering with ideas, and I am sticking with this, im having these moments of madness where i just wanna pack it in, im pulling all nighters just trying to sort ideas out, playing with level design and working on new multiplayer arenas to go with it lol, it gets stressful, but hey! its a hobby and if i can make a little bit of cash from it! so be it! lol

AE's weapon pack does look great, i will be purchasing that, i havent really heard from Opposing Force lately about his ww2 weapons but im not bothered, it was nice of him to offer in the first place and from what ive seen he made a really good go of it XD

Im changing the direction of this game a lot, including the games title for a start, i'm still not entirely satisfied with it. I have an absolute tonne of screenshots and videos that i havent shown on the forums of my updated work, i mean the most recent picture i put on the forum is totally obselete lol, most of the stuff ive shown is now, Im just not setting any more deadlines, other than sometime this summer, depending on circumstances.

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Posted: 9th Jun 2007 12:52
Cherd, about the weapons. Having been away from my modelling software for a week, I sort of lost the motivation for modelling. This motivation comes and goes ever so often and comes back. When it has come back I will try and get that STEN done ASAP. I know I keep saying this, but a lot is going on at the moment and priorities have to come first I'm afraid Good luck with your game, and as soon as I am ready, I will be back

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Posted: 10th Jun 2007 07:57
I would just place hold with stock weapons till AEs pack but I'm glad that you are continuing with it. I have moments like that too working with EOT.

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Posted: 12th Jun 2007 01:01
Quote: "Cherd, about the weapons. Having been away from my modelling software for a week, I sort of lost the motivation for modelling. This motivation comes and goes ever so often and comes back. When it has come back I will try and get that STEN done ASAP. I know I keep saying this, but a lot is going on at the moment and priorities have to come first I'm afraid Good luck with your game, and as soon as I am ready, I will be back "

Really no problem Opposing Force, it was a nice offer anyway, and It was a lot to ask of someone really so really its cool!

AE'S WW2 weapon pack does look cool though

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Posted: 12th Jun 2007 01:09
Yeah even though I've got a sci-fi and a modern game on my hands I'm still buying it!

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