Please tell me you are not comparing smoking in a hospital to smoking in a bar.
Here's the bottom line on all of this and the way it should have been done.The business,not the government,should decide whether to let people smoke in their know...since they have to pay the costs of running it...not the government.
Then the consumer would be the one who ultimately decides if smoking is allowed by voting with their hard earned dollars,euros, pounds or whatever.But that would have made too much sense.
Personally,if I were still smoking and they told me I couldn't smoke in a bar I'd stay home and drink...which is cheaper anyway.
By eliminating smoking in bars you are putting people out of business and costing people their jobs.
Quote: "Also I don't believe this whole being totally addicted that you cannot stop talk, if you absolutely cannot live without smoking then you must have almost no will power"
Apparantly you know absolutely nothing about addiction.It has nothing to do with will power and maybe you should do some research.It is a proven fact that tobacco is one of the most addictive substances.My grandmother died of lung cancer and I do feel sorry for her.There were no warning labels on cigarette packs when she started smoking and by the time she quit,as is the case in a lot of these situations,it was too late.
The positive thing to come out of it was there were several people in my family that quit smoking because of it.
To all of those that think tobacco should be outlawed the prohibition thing has been brought up and think of how succesful making drugs illegal has been...not at all.
Last,but not least,think about all of the people in the tobacco industry and the tobacco farmers who will have no income?How are they supposed to pay their bills,feed their kids,etc?
Quote: "I don't understand this whole philosophy of 'its a pub you cant go to a pub and not smoke'."
You can go to a pub and not smoke...just don't expect everyone else to do the same.