Ah yes, of course, I missed that comment, it's too easy to go off topic when someone mentions something else.
Sorry, well, he will be missed as a moderator, I mean, his name has cropped up all over the place for his good moderating, although he has made his mistakes, but he's done his best to correct them as I've seen, despite any of the tensions between him and other members. It will be hard to replace him, I think my description of 'who to replace him with' is a description of the majority of Indi's moderating life whilst I've been around. But, after all those years of moderating, I guess you want to feel normal again, as oppose to a voluntary authority. I'm sure some peoples comments get a bit down pulling, especially when there praise is more rare than criticism. But as you can see, as soon as you stop, all of that recognition comes out and I hope you feel you've done a good job and that you enjoy 'retiring' from being a moderator of TGC and best of luck to the guy replacing you, he'll need it as you can't be replaced.
[/sentimental soppy love songs]
[off topic]
Quote: "Modern Modern Art (the bullcrap they put in the Tate Modern) is quite frankly art because some guy is that good at blagging or is so dilluded he really believes that drawing a 700 layer dot equates to the human soul because every layer is black. i.e. too complex to see the entire surface of someone. Which makes sense, but when you have to explain that's what somethig is about to sell for a nice 5-6figure pricetag to someone who just wants it for the label, like their custom pair of nike trainers or armarni suits."
I see, the actual meaning behind modern art that counts, the meaning isn't put into the actual art itself as other styles do...this requires background info - and the art is represental of what they're saying...sort of philosophical I guess (Suprised I didn't see that one, I'm usually good for sussing out hidden meanings)
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