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Geek Culture / Competition - Win a GOOGLE NEXUS 10

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Posted: 1st Mar 2014 16:30 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2014 10:50
*** AGK FREE UNTIL 21 March! ***


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Community Ad Network Details

The Prize

A brand new Google Nexus 10! The Nexus 10 is the dynamic ten inch tablet from Google. With a Super High Resolution Screen, all new multi-user features, immersive HD content and the best Google apps - Nexus 10 has something for everyone.

With a dazzling 2560x1600 high-resolution display and powerful graphics processor, Nexus 10 places you right inside the action with picture-perfect performance.

Today we begin a Community Competition designed to be won by anyone with a creative mind and basic AppGameKit or DarkBASIC Professional programming skills. Up for grabs is a Google Nexus 10 donated by The Game Creators!

The Theme

This is for all you Flappy Addict wannabes. Create a game that makes you want to have "just one more try". It must have only one level with no end, although it can get progressively more difficult. It can be based on the Flappy Bird concept, although any game will be considered. You're more likely to score high by being more original.


The Judges will award points for simplicity and addictiveness amongst the usual criteria. We want the entries to be creative so the criteria is minimal. Complicated game rules or controls will not win you the prize!

Extra kudos will be awarded for:

Implementing the AppGameKit Community Ad system (More details to follow)
Making your game available as a free download, a desktop version is acceptable in order to meet this criteria
Sharing progress and ideas with the community
Adding online high score tables

To be clear, the judges won't know what they are looking for in the winning game until it arrives on their desktop or mobile device. They are simply looking to be amazed. Remember, nobody envisaged the success of Flappy Bird.

The Deadline

You have until the end of April 2014, giving you 8 weeks to create your entry. Deadlines of how to submit your game will follow.

easter bunny
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2014 23:41
Are we allowed to enter games we've already finished?

Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 4th Mar 2014 02:06
Would be nice with an nexus

Android 2.3 , ZTE Skate , 480x800 , 800 mhz , Samsung Galaxy Y , 240x320 , 832 mhz , Sony ericson arc 480x854 , 1 ghz
Android 4.0 , Dmtech 3g 9738B , 1024x768 , 9.7 inches , 1.2 ghz
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Posted: 4th Mar 2014 02:52
Excellent, have just the game in mind.
A couple of tweaks to meet the brief and I'm in...

It's called Swiped Out and the current version is available on Google Play.

If I only had the time...
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Posted: 4th Mar 2014 05:40
Well, I'm up for it so I put aside my main game tonight and started a simple flappy birds clone from scratch.....good enough excuse to try out some 3d anyways.

This is about 3 hours work, about half of which was spent faffing around with graphics (especially the blasted water!!!).

Tomorrow, I'll add obstacles, death and points.
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Posted: 4th Mar 2014 05:48
I'm still toying with ideas, I have a couple but nothing I'm 100% happy with yet...

Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with though. Hopefully some cool and original stuff and not too many flappy clones (no offense, just personally sick of them).

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Posted: 4th Mar 2014 08:24
So many things to do... But this is a pretty awesome prize. I'll see what I can come up with. Ganbaremasu!!

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Posted: 4th Mar 2014 08:36 Edited at: 4th Mar 2014 08:37
Good to see some early interest in this

Quote: "Are we allowed to enter games we've already finished?"

Yes, and I'll explain why...

This is usually a sticking point, because nobody can ever check what people have in development, or what libraries they've built up over the years. But in this case it's quite easy. Anyone can make a game to the standard of Flappy Bird in under a week. This competition lasts 8 weeks. Therefore nobody is disadvantaged by people entering previous code. Just remember, we're looking to be surprised and addicted.

The second judge is Naphier, so start being nice to him
If you need help integrating the Community Ad Network, he's the one to quiz.

The Zoq2
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Posted: 4th Mar 2014 09:43
I will try and get something done for this aswell, a nexus 10 is to tempting to pass on

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Posted: 4th Mar 2014 11:54 Edited at: 4th Mar 2014 11:56
By the way, what's the maturity rating for this game? I mean no H-games is a given but I'm just curious because say I made a game involving flatulence, would that be disqualified or say I made a game involving mild violence, would that be a no-no, or say I made a game that targeted adults from an intellectual pov, would that count against me. How about some guidelines? Sorry for a weird question but I'm a not very good with implicit things. Some examples of existing games that would by allowed would help...okay, rambling... Anyways, yeah, some general content guidelines on the grey issues would be great, thanks.

PS: What is the minimum resolution this game must support? I presume if it's in DBP we'll be expected to port it to AppGameKit for mobile or am I wrong? I would love to be in this instance.

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Posted: 4th Mar 2014 13:54
I. Am. In!

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Posted: 4th Mar 2014 21:22
Quote: "By the way, what's the maturity rating for this game?"

If you wanted an addictive and viral game that reached as many people as possible, how would you go about it? You'd want it to be attractive to men and women, English and non-English speakers, children, teenagers, adults and pensioners.

You can't please all of the people all of the time, but you should try to please most of the people some of the time. If you make a gory game that women hate, children are banned from and pensioners don't understand, it won't help you. But most games can be converted from total horror to mild comic peril or something similar.

Quote: "What is the minimum resolution this game must support? I presume if it's in DBP we'll be expected to port it to AppGameKit for mobile or am I wrong?"

No, this isn't essential. My experience tells me that thousands of office workers love it when the Google banner is a mini game, they spend hours on them, tapping aimlessly on their keyboards.

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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 03:27 Edited at: 5th Mar 2014 03:30
Ah, the google;s the closest thing that my work gets to having a game on the PC. Lol.

Anyway, I've finished another evenings coding and I'm off to watch some star trek now, but here's a video from day 2. Some quick info:

*two scrolling background layers
*sky and water are both 3d planes (video may not show this too well)
*water is a dual paralax effect to simulate ripples (again, quality might make this hard to see)
*pipes are entirely procedural and never end
*bird controlled by custom (very simple) physics which can be tweaked - after a while it gets "heavier" so frantic tapping is needed!
*every three coins levels up the game - the speed can increase, the pipes get closer together (generate faster) and after level ten the gap gets smaller too (four recordings I never got that close once! lol).
*440 lines of code.

Currently happily at 60fps on PC, galaxy note 2 and a mid range tablet. NOTE: graphics as is are heavily internet borrowed - these will change now.

Next up, to rework those graphics, menu screen

Then ads and an online scoreboard (maybe, if I get time).

But as is, here's flappy bird in 8 hours, with 3d effects as a bonus.
(Link may take a few minutes to finish processing)
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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 05:18
Am inspired by the interest in this comp.

My game, Swiped Out started in late January with an idea. I exchanged simple graphics for photographs and it took on a whole new feeling. Do people use photos in games - not much, always a drawn anim.

Added some backgrounds, music, added a score based system and had a play. Hmm, needs more interesting gameplay. So I sped it up, added balloons, space junk, fruit and some vegies. Lovely.

Now some power ups. Scoring is done as a logarithm, so the more you swipe the bigger the reward. Swipe 10 and remove all objects of that type. If there are 20 or more, get a free life - you'll need it.

As the game progresses, the objects get randomly smaller, and have more variety.

Okay, now I'll make 4 images of each object to make it more realistic. Fantastic.

Now for the high scores. Tested getting a file off the server, done.

Asked for players name, done.

Built a scoreboard that reflects the game score, done.

Bugger, Ive run out of time. I don't even have time to watch Star Trek!

More later

If I only had the time...
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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 05:36 Edited at: 5th Mar 2014 05:37
Hi All, I'd just like to put it out there that I'm offering my free online scoreboard as a possible candidate for extra kudos part of this competition, and indeed for all your Windows games. It is still only for Windows at the moment (until AppGameKit can incorporate user created modules/plug-ins) - sorry. Please use this link or my signature link to check it out.

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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 07:57
This is awesome Can mods enter?

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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 08:33
...Wasn't planning gore but I wondered about violence because I dunno where to stand regarding people shooting one another but in hindsight, I don't like the idea anymore for design reasons -- it's too complicated.

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Van B
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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 09:01 Edited at: 5th Mar 2014 20:28
Good question Jeku... better be or there will be hell to pay!

My game will be the best anyway, it's got a prawn, a UFO and a Korean BBQ in it.

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easter bunny
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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 09:09
Quote: "My game will be the best anyway, it's got a prawn in it."

Pffft, I got a UFO

Van B
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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 09:20
Ohhh, can you abduct cows for bonus points?

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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 09:30
Prawns + UFOs = District 9?
Doesn't matter because I have infinity prawns and UFOs and I have Korean BBQ. You can't beat that.

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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 09:34
Btw, I will try to make my code portable. Is it okay if the core is a dll and the DBP program links to it? (assuming time permits after design phase).

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Van B
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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 09:52
Well my prawn has a back story, and a moustache... Imagine Danny Trejo as a prawn and your on the right track

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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 15:49
I have no idea what you guys are taking about. I hope mods can enter as I've had an idea swimming in my head since I first heard of flappy birds and it's strange following.

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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 17:46
I have DBPro, but i haven't AGK: can i use Trial Version of AppGameKit?
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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 19:51
Hopefully I'll have the time to enter. I already have a basic game mostly laid out, but unfortunately given the expectations of the masses, strong visuals are pretty key. That may take a while

For now have a pear

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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 21:14
Yeah gfx are my biggest ailment. I have a skilled friend but he's busy so my scribbles may have to do.

Btw, weird tangent, but I pictured Flappy Pony the other day (obviously it'd have to be Fluttershy). I really wish I had about 16 hours to kill, I'd make the game too.
I had another quite rude idea: Crappy T-rd about a flying ... yeah, nuff said.

Well enough giggles and back to the plot, I got a vague idea now of what I want. Image is forming.

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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 22:22
Quote: "I'm offering my free online scoreboard as a possible candidate for extra kudos part of this competition"

An online scoreboard to add a competitive edge could certainly make it more addictive, so it could be a good idea to use mr_d's offer.

Quote: "This is awesome Can mods enter?"

This is a Community competition, TGC are simply providing the prize. So...yes, absolutely!

Quote: "I have DBPro, but i haven't AGK: can i use Trial Version of AppGameKit?"

I don't know what the trial version allows, but you will need to have a compiled version of your game available. DBPro games are also eligible for this competition.

Quote: "Ohhh, can you abduct cows for bonus points?"

No comment

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 02:41
Two questions:
1) Where should we post our forum thread? Does it matter?
2) You say the end of April, does that mean April 30th exactly?

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 09:05
Sounds like fun!

Just a couple of questions though, are we allowed to base our game on a movie or video game? And if the answer is yes, can we cover any licensed music in our game ( if we make it ourselves )?

I can see the above being a problem if we were going to submit it to an app store, so I'm not sure what the goal is for the final product and if that will be okay.

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 09:39
That's a good point, forgot music. Can we use "Free but not for profit" music or would the prize be considered "remuneration"/"monetary gain"? I don't speak legaleese too well.

Sidenote: Should we not create a Competitions board (for all comps, TGC and other) like I suggested and move this thread there OR make this a Global Thread. I'd like to see some DBP newcomers give it a go too.

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 09:45
Quote: "Where should we post our forum thread? Does it matter?
You say the end of April, does that mean April 30th exactly?"

If you're making a wip thread, just post the location here and I'll keep a list up to date in the first post.

The deadline will be April 30 2014, 11.59 PST. I'm based in the UK but I appreciate that some US people may appreciate the last evening of fine tuning. But I hope this competition is easy enough to get games finished in plenty of time.

Quote: "are we allowed to base our game on a movie or video game? And if the answer is yes, can we cover any licensed music in our game ( if we make it ourselves )?

You're responsible for your own game in terms of copyright infringement, IP etc. It would be fantastic if the result of this competition was the release of as many games as possible to marketplaces.

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 10:20
Well a heads up to all then that ypu can't do a flappy bird clone as they are being blanket rejected by the app stores.
Van B
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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 11:22 Edited at: 6th Mar 2014 11:26
Yeah, I think that's understandable - we just have to expand on the idea, add our own twists and gameplay mechanics... which is probably the toughest part - making a Flappy game is really straightforward, making it feel new and fun to play is the real challenge IMO.

Ohh, one little tip - if your re-using sprites and using built in collision - remember that SetSpriteActive command, that's the one that will get rid of collision data for you, otherwise you might find yourself with invisible walls of nonsense. When you hide a sprite, deactivate it as well to get rid of it's collision box.

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 12:01
One point I'd like to make is that this is not a "Make a flappy clone" competition. The idea is to make a single endless level game that is cool and original (or as much as possible).

IMO a flappy clone should only win if it is quite clearly not just a flappy clone.

I have 2 ideas I'm toying with. I might make both...

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 13:27
Take heed of Baxslash. He's wrapped up the requirement very well. being creative is half the battle.

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 13:39
I have just read in the newsletter that it must be a game til no end with one level. I currently have a "Flappy" type game however, along the course to no end racking up points when the player scores x times the skill level he/she selects in the game menu a new (background/theme) which I call next level will appear. Did this to make the game less boring and more fun! Will this be accepted for the competition?
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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 13:55
Quote: "I have 2 ideas I'm toying with. I might make both..."

Wait, can we enter more than 1 game?

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Van B
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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 16:29
Aviles, I'm sure it's just a stipulation that the level shouldn't end - so having different themes should be fine as long as the level doesn't actually end.

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 19:01
the fish crazy


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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 21:15
Aw man, Motran stole my fish idea! Seaweed and all!

Good thing I have a few more ideas. Here's my 2 hours of work so far, Flappy Bat!

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 21:31
Link to my entry on the AppGameKit showcase board:

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 22:18 Edited at: 6th Mar 2014 22:19
Great to see another TGC community compo! With such low scope, even I can make time for this .

I'd like to echo nonZero's question. Since the scope is so low, can one person enter multiple games?

Quote: "Aw man, Motran stole my fish idea! Seaweed and all!

Good thing I have a few more ideas. Here's my 2 hours of work so far, Flappy Bat!"

Sweet animation.

EDIT: At the risk of giving away all my secrets, you should all watch this:

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 22:25
Not sure what that video would give away other than you plan on adding "juice" to your game. (what the rest of us would refer to as polish)

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 22:32 Edited at: 6th Mar 2014 23:44
Ah, but that all valuable "juice" is what makes or breaks almost all games. :-( I've been trying to spruce mine, and they look better but still a mile off.

I don't actually like the Flappy Bird game mechanic AT ALL, but having seen how very easily it's put together I now have a new level of respect for the guy who made the fortune out of it. Lol.

EDIT: video of it FINALLY uploaded.


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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 22:37
Quote: "Not sure what that video would give away other than you plan on adding "juice" to your game. (what the rest of us would refer to as polish)"

It's a good source of specific tricks for doing that. In my opinion, polish and "feel" are critical for making simple games addicting.

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 22:39
I agree, and these days the young players aren't happy unless there is a lot of visual noise always happening to stimulate them.

If I only had the time...
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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 23:02

Just tried your web based the screen at -1,-12! Lol
The Zoq2
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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 23:33
Wow, that web game is pretty cool

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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 03:38
I'm still shocked at how flappy bird became so popular to begin with. And even more shocked how anyone could possibly walk away from a supposed $50k/day earchings.

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