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Geek Culture / Competition - Win a GOOGLE NEXUS 10

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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 08:15
So, is this going to be like the last official TGC competition, where people put hard work into their entries, submit in time, and nothing ever happens?
No prizes, no judgement, no official statement whatsoever (except "working on it, be patient")...
Some smart TGC guy even silently removed the thread from the forums by now.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 08:43 Edited at: 7th Mar 2014 08:46
Quote: "So, is this going to be like the last official TGC competition, where people put hard work into their entries, submit in time, and nothing ever happens?"

No, This is NOT an official TGC competition. This is a Community competition, with TGC kindly providing the prize.

TGC are far too busy to manage a competition, and this is the reason for the previous competition having difficulties. I spoke to Rick and he agreed that a Community Competition would be the best way to go. He also agreed that the idea of a theme with low entry requirements would be good to get as many people as possible involved.

We have our judges (Naphier and myself). We have our prize. We have our competitors (with hopefully more to declare themselves over time). And we have lots of "oldbies" wanting to enter because they recall how exciting and successful previous community competitions have been.

I have added Ched80's WIP post to the first post (take a look if you want inspiritaion to think beyond Flappiness) , I'll add any more that you make me aware of.

Van B
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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 09:17
Exactly - this compo is already stirring people up, I'm sure most people would agree that there hasn't been a lot of activity lately and this is the best way to change that.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 10:55
So, err, back to my question re bax's statement, does that mean we can enter two (or more games)?

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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 11:33
Sorry, missed that one. Yes, enter as many games as you like. I think the other "win"from this competition is the incentive to complete a game or two or three, and possibly even publish them.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 11:44 Edited at: 7th Mar 2014 11:49
You know what, I'm not sure I have time to enter this (I'll try) but I am very happy to provide animated spritesheets and/or characters using Spine for AppGameKit V2 or my own system for AppGameKit V1 or V2.

This is an open offer but limited to how many people want gfx. Email me using the button at the bottom of my post if you would like some help and I'll do what I can to help.

No favouritism, first come first served.

My avatar is a basic example but characters can be much more complex as long as there's not too many animations needed.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 13:13
Bax! I will take you up on that amazing offer!

I don't need the cow animated, I'll be making it rag doll

Pixel art is the style I'm going for, but can the sprite be face on?

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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 13:19 Edited at: 7th Mar 2014 13:57
I'll have a go. Really it's animation I'm good at not particularly art but I'll try

Here's a quick attempt that just needs exporting in peices:

Here's a hilarious story. I just lost everything but the head because I didn't click save... I'll start again after I get your feedback. Only took about 15 minutes anyway.


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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 16:17
That is awesome!

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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 16:56
I'd take that offer, but I have a friend who's an artist and I twisted his arm (no, really like Yakuza style) so he said he prolly will as he has 2 weeks leave coming up. Therefore, it'd only be right if I didn't ask. Besides I have my sfx sprites already.

And on a different note, I really want to thank everyone involved for making this competition happen. Win or lose, I'm glad I can be in it.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 18:02
Quote: "That is awesome!"

Great! I'll make it again tonight if I get a chance, Monday at the latest. If you like I'll make an animated sprite of him dancing for your menu?
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 19:07 Edited at: 7th Mar 2014 19:43
Batvink here is my wip thread.
We We Ghost.
Iam doing it for fun to support the competition
And who says no to a nexus 10

Here is a whipped together video of the current state

Android 2.3 , ZTE Skate , 480x800 , 800 mhz , Samsung Galaxy Y , 240x320 , 832 mhz , Sony ericson arc 480x854 , 1 ghz
Android 4.0 , Dmtech 3g 9738B , 1024x768 , 9.7 inches , 1.2 ghz
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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 22:57
Link added Cliff, many thanks. Looking good already.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 23:55
Hey all.

My first proper build of Happy Flap (yes, ANOTHER flappy clone) is available to try. I've followed suit and made a showcase listing her and there there is a playstore link if you want.

So far I'm quite happy with it for a few evenings work, although I noticed right after uploading a new APK the sky doesn't quite extend far enough now, but that's a little annoyance. :-(
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Posted: 8th Mar 2014 00:28
I just released the proper version of my game Comet Bird on Google Play yesterday. The game itself was programmed in one day and I spent the next one week to add features like Google Play Games Services, Analytics, Admob mediation, etc (it was created on Tier 2).

This is the showcase to my game:

or you can download it directly here:
easter bunny
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Posted: 8th Mar 2014 01:31
Can I enter Tap Tap DIE? Link to Google Play is in Sig.
It's already available on quite a few different markets though, not just Google Play

Like SlideDB:

Here's my WIP thread:

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Posted: 8th Mar 2014 01:59 Edited at: 8th Mar 2014 05:11
Just checking... 3d games are allowed, right?

Also, I was thinking about using Evolved's advanced lighting and shader system in my entry when I get started on it, but I'm not sure that'd be fair... In the unlikely event I won, Evolved would be the rightful owner of 7/8ths of the Nexus
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Posted: 8th Mar 2014 06:57
Don't forget the theme is simplicity among others. I think this is the beginning of a landslide of complex games with OTT attributes. Nothing wrong with a 3D game, imho, so long as it doesn't turn into Resident Evil. As for using other people's code, there's technically nothing wrong with it (licence permitting) since the comp rules don't say you can't -- imo.

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Posted: 8th Mar 2014 22:46
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Posted: 9th Mar 2014 11:48 Edited at: 9th Mar 2014 11:50
Yes, 3D games are allowed.

Added the following WIPS/Showcase entries to first post, let me know if I have missed you

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Posted: 9th Mar 2014 13:48 Edited at: 9th Mar 2014 13:55
Oh man, I am SO in! Can't believe I didn't see this sooner...heaps of time to go, though, so I think I can win. I have a brilliant idea already....completely original and very clever, even if I do say so myself

As soon as I have a WIP thread up, I'll post the link.

EDIT: What is this AppGameKit Community Ad system you speak of and how do we use it?

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Posted: 9th Mar 2014 14:29
Sorry but I've seen the future ans I win

Good luck though in all honesty and the same goes for everyone else.

easter bunny
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Posted: 9th Mar 2014 22:34
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Posted: 10th Mar 2014 15:23
woo-hoo another Compo,

Here is a link to my WIP

Nice to see lots of interest and some of the old regulars are joining in, fantastic looking games guys.

_Pauli_ - Try and not let your last experience stop you or anyone else from entering again. I have entered lots of TGC competitions over many years. Fair enough, the maths and music video competitions were badly run. That has never happened before, I am sure TGC have learned and will not do that again. The threads have not been deleted and they can be found via the forum search.

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Posted: 10th Mar 2014 21:32
My WIP thread for MineClimb, my entry:

Van B
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Posted: 10th Mar 2014 22:34
Diablo The Prawn, early screenie attached...

Danny is animated completely with code, using a kinda 2D skeleton offset system, works very nice

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Posted: 10th Mar 2014 22:41
Hi all,

I'm having major major issues with compatibility of my simple game on multiple devices, which I'll be honest is completely reducing my faith in releasing anything more complex to nil, so hopefully some or all of these issues will ring true to someone else.

First off, the 3D planes are causing me a NIGHTMARE. Does anyone know, are 3D planes affected by setvirtualresolution? They don't appear to be from what I've seen, nor does some of the spacing. All my graphics are designed to be 1280*720, or 16:9, but I have one device at that aspect and one that is native to 1024*800, a more square screen. To begin with, all the sprites were the wrong size on this tablet, scrunched up sideways. On a smaller phone with yet another aspect ratio, they were even worse. But the size values of the 3d D planes seem to be WAY out, much more than the sprites. The sky is 3 simple planes, scrolled sideways. As one goes past a lower limit, it is moved to the end of the other two to create a constant scrolling effect. This works perfectly, but on one device they meet the water perfectly, and on another they have a huge gap, and another still they overlap by almost a third.

I got around most of these problems thus: I now open with

Now the xscale# and yscale# hold the multiplied ratio's that are needed to size and space eberything correctly. So on a device that supports 1280*720, a sprite of that exact size still shows that size as the multiplier is 1.0, however on my tablet with a width of 1024 the ratio is 0.8. So sizing the sprite to 1280*xscale# makes it perfectly fit 1024. I've applied this to the 3d planes as well, and on both my devices it works well, and all sprites are perfect, however on another devices the 3d planes have become oddly narrow. This is hard to describe, but they are still together seamlessly, but now almost all 3 can fit on the screen at once, as though the 3d aspect ratio has gone all to pot. Are 3d objects subject to the virtual resolution does anyone know?

Secondly, and worse still, is that two different models of Humwai phones, both android 4.1 or greater and brand new, display nothing at all. The game starts, the music plays, the advert displays...but nothing on screen. Knowing where the buttons are, I can even start a game and hear it playing, my dying, and then it end....but still no picture, 3d planes or simple sprites. Has anyone else had this problem with Humwai devices? I suspect it may be because they are not reporting a devicewidth and height and therefor the ratio's are setting to zero but I've no idea how to get around this?

I don't suppose anyone else tried the game and found odd display properties?
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Posted: 11th Mar 2014 01:13
I suspect that Humwai is a cheap clone, and not a very good one, as a lot of games that fail to play correctly are on Humwai devices...
Am I correct?

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Posted: 11th Mar 2014 01:50
Well it wasn't the dearest phone in the world, but both were £100 plus and from Carphone warehouse so more than that I can't say. They're not the fastest, but they should be able to handle 3 or 4 2d sprites. Lol.

I'm reducing the image sizes by half, see if that works in case it's cheap hardware that can't take a 1024*512 image (the default format I use).
easter bunny
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Posted: 11th Mar 2014 01:52
By Humwei, do you mean Huawei? or is this another Chinese rip-off brand?
And yes, they are bad, but for the price you can't really argue

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Posted: 11th Mar 2014 03:10
Do you really think any one who can't or won't pay for a decent phone or tablet will part with money for software?
I don't think so.

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Posted: 11th Mar 2014 03:30
@easter bunny, yes Huawei would be the right one. Lol. They actually seem like decent enough phones, just lacking the oomph needed for games really.

@java man, not entirely sure I follow you're chain of thought there - pretty sure a heap of money has been pumped into the likes of Candy Crush from low budget handsets. Lol. But either way, unless you plan to write games for only certain models then it's good to know about any issues out there.
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Posted: 11th Mar 2014 03:34
I suppose what I mean is if the cheaper units don't support the Android spec fully, how can we really program for them. If we eliminate all the code that doesn't work on cheap goods, then we can't make a truly professional game for the units that do support full features like graphics speed, memory, accelerometers etc.

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Posted: 11th Mar 2014 03:40
Hmmmm, yes I see your point there, but these aren't supposed to be useless. I've seen one of them play PvZ2 and Where's my water (not sure if you'd class these as demanding or not) but as I was only trying to display four static sprites I was confused as to why they were seemingly running the app, including playing music, but not rendering to the screen.

Unfortunately they're not my devices, but I've prepared two variations of a startup to check to see if it's the device (possible), my odd coding habbits (likely), or AppGameKit itself (unlikely, but you never know - these handsets are newer than AppGameKit and who knows what Huawei have done to the android build). I'll check them again in a day or two.

Anyway, are you entering the competition Java Man?
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Posted: 11th Mar 2014 03:48
You bet.
I have a cracker of a game. It's fully operational on Google play.
I have to tweak it now to meet the specs of endless play. Once done, I will add the endless play as an option to my main game.
Try it and let me know what you think. If your Who are we phone can play it then it has good specs.
Link below:

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Posted: 11th Mar 2014 03:57
Hahaha - my own phone is a Samsung Note 2 - pretty sure it will manage.

I'll download it now and have a bash - you should create a thread and ask Batvink to link it at the top with the rest.
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Posted: 11th Mar 2014 04:12
Not sure how to do that

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Posted: 11th Mar 2014 09:54 Edited at: 11th Mar 2014 10:00
Quote: "are 3D planes affected by setvirtualresolution"

Your 3D World coordinates aren't affected by resolution, you don't scale the sizes and locations with screen resolution. Think of the screen as a window out into the real world, you don't see a different landscape by putting a different sized window in a house.

The Caveat is that you may be using 3D objects in a 2D environment (e.g a Hud with 3D objects). In that case you need to be specific about where you place the objects.

WIPs - I'm updating the WIPs every couple of days at least. Just added:

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Posted: 11th Mar 2014 20:38
Can we use any thing to make the game with?

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Posted: 11th Mar 2014 20:41
It says you need to use AppGameKit or DBP I think

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Posted: 12th Mar 2014 18:39
Awesome, if I had time I'd get something done.

Anyhow, it's a decent prize up for grabs, I've got a Nexus 10, in fact, I'm typing on it now. For the price it has very good specifications and a surprisingly high resolution, it's higher than what I run my PC on. Having OTG and a micro HDMI connections are a bonus, I play stuff of my external HDD and can hook it up to a TV.

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Posted: 13th Mar 2014 00:05
Not sure if anyone's interested, but there was a good write-up on Gamasutra on making NBA Rush, an infinite runner. I thought it might be relevant to the interests of people working on this contest.

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Posted: 13th Mar 2014 00:32
My Entry WIP

In a crazy 80's mood atm! Hope to create a unique game. Not much to look at..trying to get some shots up before I hit the sack.

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Posted: 13th Mar 2014 06:09 Edited at: 16th Mar 2014 22:55
Ready to go now, where are the details of the advertising page requirements??


<Edit> Thanks, got the link, read the blurb, made the ad, gave a donation.
All good. Thanks folks..

<Edit> Many, many thanks to Naphier for his cool AppGameKit advertising code. I have thought about the whole advertising scene and believe that people playing games will respond to 'other game advertising' much more positively than ads such as 'insurance' or 'junk'.
I truly believe if we support in-house ads in our games that we will get much better circulation of our games into new buyers hands.
Also, Naphier is very, very helpful and deserves at a minimum our attention to his great idea.

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Posted: 13th Mar 2014 06:18 Edited at: 13th Mar 2014 06:21
EDIT: double

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Posted: 13th Mar 2014 06:19 Edited at: 13th Mar 2014 06:20
easter bunny posted a link to the advertising API you have to include. It's also in the OP.

EDIT: "have to" is a misstatement. The ad API is listed under "extra kudos"

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Posted: 13th Mar 2014 06:22 Edited at: 13th Mar 2014 06:29
Quote: "Ready to go now, where are the details of the advertising page requirements??"

I think you need to go to as stated on the first post. You'll find more details there.

Don't worry all, I am in the comp and I fully intend to share all progress and ideas, I just haven't started yet. I have one last little project to get out of the way before I start full-on with my entry!

By the way, I know it would result in much lower score, but out of curiosity, are we allowed to enter a priced game?

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Posted: 13th Mar 2014 10:02
Quote: "Can we use any thing to make the game with?"

AGK or DBPro only. I thought about including FPS Creator to spice it up, but it doesn't lend itself to the simplicity of this challenge.

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Posted: 13th Mar 2014 11:12
The shoot em up kit, in my opinion is ideal for this though and I was planning on using it. Any leeway to allow the use of it?

Van B
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Posted: 13th Mar 2014 11:32
I'd argue that AppGameKit is more ideal than the shoot em up kit... I mean quick and easy sprite engine, build in collision, built in physics... someone can literally have a Flappy game within an hour or two... seriously it's taken me more time to make the test media than it has to code the thing!

Plus - I think that people are focusing on the compo rather than their project... look beyond just the possibility of winning a tablet - aim to make an addictive mobile game, you never know where it might lead.

I am the one who knocks...

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