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Work in Progress / DBPro Challenge: Make a professional FPS in a week!

Everwhat Studios
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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 22:00 Edited at: 28th Apr 2004 22:06

So, I'm making a FPS game, with the hope that within a week I can make something worth publishing, maybe to get backing of a sponsor/publisher and make some cash. Also I was having a heated debate with someone as to whether this is actually possible... I'll do anything for a bet!

To save time I shall be using models from DarkMatter 1&2 rather than modelling and texturing my own. However, a whole manner of graphical effects, shading etc will be applied and already they are looking spiffing lol The levels are to be fully lightmapped, and contain many cool lighting effects. I will be using the excellent NGC for collisions and the equally excellent BlueGUI for the Windows setup screens.

One of the main purposes of this project is to encorporate as many SpecialFX as possible in the time and make it look professional, able to compete on an almost top level basis. The early work I have done today is looking pretty amazing, but needs a Vhigh spec PC to run, so I'll add options in the menu to turn certain effects on or off. The feel I am going for is a Serious Sam / Doom style mindless blaster, with the graphical style of UT2003/4. It will be single player game to begin with, with just online hi-scores, but if I have time I will encorporate multiplayer in the future. If I have time I will encorportae some physics for objects with the excellent TokaMak Wrapper, but again, thats dependant on time.

I've taken a week off my usual work (game engine programmer) to see what i can achieve in DBPro in this short time. To stop my bosses from getting annoyed if they see this, I've changed Forum nick-name, but lets say I've been here on and off for a long time. (Please don't be "clever" and expose me, I'll have to stop the work on the project if u do grr)

Hmm a week to do a full game... wish me luck! lol

The forum user formerly known as...?
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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 22:05
if you're being serious then this should be pretty impressive i await the end of the week with much anticipation...

In the beginning, the universe was created...
This made alot of people very angry and it has been widely regarded as a bad idea...
Everwhat Studios
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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 22:17 Edited at: 28th Apr 2004 23:47
28th April 2004: Project Update

Features added and working:

* Preliminary Project Name & Logo sorted, its called "DeathBed"
* Basic Control method Completed, inc. Collision
* 6 Swappable Weapons Added
* Reflection Effects on all Weapons
* Sway, Recoil and Flash added to weapons
* Quick fire modes on all weapons, inc. Collision
* Bullet holes Added to level upon Firing
* 1 Enemy added, 3 actions so far, Idle, Walk, Run
* Basic Enemy AI added, & Collision
* Relective Suit and Weapon added to Enemy
* 1 Cruddy, Basic Level for testing Collisions, Effects etc.
* Lightmapping added to Level
* Cool "White-Noise" effect upon Pausing
* Animated Title Screen with "drunken" effect on Logo, needs work
* Cool Quake style Console, with DOS style 'hacking' code
* 4 Cheat modes implemented
* Funky working HUD for Health, inc powerbar, percentage and status

Hmm done pretty well, will update again tomorrow.

The forum user formerly known as...?
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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 23:11 Edited at: 28th Apr 2004 23:46
28th April 2004: Screenshots

6 Screenshots here:

The forum user formerly known as...?
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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 23:33
so how long does it takes to upload? , can't wait to see some pics

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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 23:38
Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everwhat Studios
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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 23:52 Edited at: 29th Apr 2004 00:11
28th April 2004: Feedback

Lol - sorry guys, No hotlinking allowed on the host I was trying to use, so I made a mini Website, the link for it is as above,

I'm afraid the screenshots don't do the game justice, the effects look much better moving. Also ignore the rubbish level please, its just there whilst I get the basic system in place!

I chose the name "DeathBed" and "DeathBedDos" for 2 reasons: 1. There hasn't been an FPS called this yet, according to Google lol & 2. [D]eath[B]ed - [D]ark[B]asic "Clever" Huh?

@ Red_Eye - Thanks! I am serious, but its a tough task. I'll see what I can do though!

@ Everyone - Thanks for the Interest! Been a long day, and now I'm off down the pub. I won't post here again until tomorrow evening, when I'll add a proper update - Otherwise I'll spend all my time here, not working on the game!

The forum user formerly known as...?
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Posted: 29th Apr 2004 00:21
Looks cool for a day of work

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Posted: 29th Apr 2004 00:56 Edited at: 29th Apr 2004 00:56
I was going to laugh at this when I read the title, but I must say you've made some very impressive progress in one day I'm looking forward to seeing how much can be finished in a week. Good luck!

Yo quiero ser anarquia
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Posted: 29th Apr 2004 03:41
Wow, How did you make a console?

Amist the Blue Skies...
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Posted: 29th Apr 2004 07:16
Awesome, even for something done in a short while. I bet you crammed your thesis, didn't you XD

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Posted: 29th Apr 2004 11:42
It that only a day I can't wait to see how looks after 6 more days!!
WoW is WOW
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Posted: 29th Apr 2004 13:14
You are incredible.
At work, what language do u use?
Emperor Baal
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Posted: 29th Apr 2004 13:44 Edited at: 29th Apr 2004 19:52
looks good

Quote: "

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Lukas W
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Posted: 29th Apr 2004 16:25
awesome work dude!

I am making a FPS game myself.
been working on it two days. it is written in dbc.

I've only made crouching, shooting (different bullets for each gun), five guns, matrix, no collision, no AI, no console, well nothing more than that. ok, moving and mouselook. but nothing more...

You really know what you are doing.
1 day. Incredible!!
can't wait until the end of the week.
keep up the good work man!

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Posted: 29th Apr 2004 19:04
28th April 2004: Feedback

Oki Slight hitch today, had to re-install Windows, DirectX and Service Packs but Got Broadband so that only cost me an hour & a half. That affor-mentionned Drinking Session last night caused more damage truth to be told! lol

Anyhew I'll be working on this until about 10:30 my time this evening so I will update properly then - lots of cool things added today though, still making good progress. I just thought I'd take half an hour out to reply to all these kind messages

To everybody who has posted cool comments, thank you very much! The positive energy keeps me going almost as much as the coffee and Mars bars I'm snaffling lol Now to answer specific questions:

The ABomb "How did you make a console"
I get the user's chosen screen resoution and divide it by 11. This gives me roughly the number of lines per pages. I make an array to store strings, and put them all to the screen at 11,11*array in order, obviously blank ones don't show. Then use the Entry Buffer to input text, and upon pressing Enter move all the strings in the array up one place loosing the top one and replace the missing last string with the entry record. Then its just a case of checking the string and if it's a recognised parameter, perform that operation. I saw an example in the codebase a while back which I think uses a similar method, not sure though this is how I've always done it, and its fast enough for my purposes.

r_kabouter "I bet you crammed your thesis, didn't you"
Argh! Just the mention of the word Thesis brings up thoughts of college and uni - I was a drop-out at 15! lol That said I've been programming video games since before the Spectrum so I guess my research and backstudy are pretty crammed

RPG_Freak "At work, what language do u use?"
At my actual work? It depends what I'm hired to do, I'm freelance. I have co-worked on C and C++ engines, as well as Raw Machine code back in the day, that was Evil! Most recently I have been mostly using C++ for large shared projects, Flash and Javascript for Smaller web-based projects, and DBPro for my own projects, some of which have publishing deals/arrangements. My favourite is working on a DBPro game myself, as it does so much of the hard work for you, so you have more time to be creative. Plus I like to do all the work myslef, then get all the royalties! lol j/k

nOid "I am making a FPS game myself"
Nice one man, keep it up, it sounds like you're making good progress. The only reason I am working so fast on this project is because I have done hundreds before this one... speed comes with practice. Working slowly and taking your time is a great way to learn things properly, and really fine-tune a game to perfection. I'm sure your game will be awesome! Just don't do what I often do, get half way through a project and loose interest... hopefully I won't do that this time

The forum user formerly known as...?
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Posted: 29th Apr 2004 19:19
Do you have AIM, yahoo, or MSN?

Amist the Blue Skies...
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Posted: 30th Apr 2004 02:56 Edited at: 30th Apr 2004 03:13
29th April 2004: Project Update

Sorry Abomb, if I were to use messangers, I'd get too distracted - plus less annonymous - boss still thinks I'm ill (which, to be fair, is not lying as such... got a pretty nasty cold)

Hi Guys, New Features added today:

* Cool Laser Sights and Electrical bolt Weapon Fire
* Funky Caustic Animated Mapping for Underwater, which also Reflects
* 2 Fire Modes per weapon, 2nd is more Powerful but Requires Charge
* Working HUD for Weapons, counts Ammo, Clips etc for all weapons
* Controls now fully Mappable so User can Configure
* Jump, Duck, Strafe and Run added to Controls, inc innertita under water
* AI of enemies improved, 5 different Enemy Types, 20 Max per area
* Screen-Shot mode added, Screen-Size mode also, ala original DOOM
* Can Switch real time between 320x240x16 all the way up to 1600x1200x32
* Can Switch Various levels of Graphical Finese On and Off real-time
* 20 Different Crosshair styles/colours

29th April 2004: Screen Shots

3 Cool New Screenies at
The last one looks especially nice, I think Hope you all like them!

I'll update again tomorrow, hopefully get some of the meaty off screen number crunching done... Thanks for the interest anyone still reading btw

The forum user formerly known as...?
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Posted: 30th Apr 2004 03:59
Wow.. That lazer is good-looking
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Posted: 30th Apr 2004 10:54
.... far to cool... *speechless*

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Posted: 30th Apr 2004 14:00
very impressive!

Quote: "The levels are to be fully lightmapped"

what will you be using for your lightmapping? are you using BSP or .x for your levels? if you're using .x objects, I highly recommend Gile[s], available from This website.

Looking forward to see how this bad boy turns out

Go Go Gadget DBPRO!

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Lukas W
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Posted: 30th Apr 2004 16:33
wow This game is starting to look really cool.
I like that under-water effect.

nice work dude

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Posted: 30th Apr 2004 17:22
cool! i'm going to be lucky to make a "professional" FPS in 3 months ...BTW i was planning on using a laser effect in my game and...well... if you have time i would like to know how you did yours

Formerly known as "DarkWing Duck"
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Posted: 30th Apr 2004 18:07

Not sure if it helps, but I made a laser sight previously, by sending a plain to half way between the start and end coords of the ray (basically the gun's line of sight), then rotating it and scaling it out (sttrreettch!) based on the distance between the gun and the wall. Worked pretty well The plain was red, and ghosted. I was using NG's ray commands btw.

Peter H
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Posted: 30th Apr 2004 18:31
oh ya forgot..i have NG V2.03 if that helps

Formerly known as "DarkWing Duck"
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Posted: 30th Apr 2004 21:38

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Posted: 30th Apr 2004 22:16
keep it coming!!!!!!!
Everwhat Studios
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Posted: 30th Apr 2004 22:31 Edited at: 30th Apr 2004 22:34
30th April 2004: Feedback

Hi guys, a proper update later, I'm just checking in to answer questions and stuff. Wow I'm seeing a lot of positive feedback here, very encoraging thank you so much guys, its really spurring me on... talk about job satisfaction lol

To answer the few questions here:

Walaber "are you using BSP or .x for your levels?"
I am using x Files, kindof. BSP files seem to have a lot of limitations in DBP at the moment. Plus I want my engine to be flexible so that I may use it in the future for non FPS projects, and BSP is best suited to FPS and similar games only, realistically.

To be accurate, the format I am using is actually closer to the Csm format, and can contain lightmaps without having to load a new object. But I then add a usually invisible .X file to detect collisions, and also to patch with extra effects and alphamap.

Walaber "what will you be using for your lightmapping?"
Cartography shop, then editing the lightmaps manually when needed, to re-colour, add extra details etc. Thanks for the recommendation of Giles, it looks great, I'll be sure to check it out properly when this project is finished, can't waster a second at the moment, I'm starting to feel the pressure lol

Magellan Studios "I'm going to be lucky to make a "professional" FPS in 3 months"
Don't put yourself down! Realistically 3 months is a more realistic timescale than a week, and thats if you were working at it full time! My first DB game took me a year to write. Like I said before, taking your time is the best way to learn and perfect things

Magellan Studios "laser effect in my game/would like to know how you did yours"
Simple really, a ghosted, textured plain, with no effect from light, glued to the end of my gun object. You can then detect how far away the nearest object is and resize it to there, prety much the same as Lampton Worm said. Or you could be REALLY cheeky and have it an almost infinate length, and it'll simply pass through the walls etc but not be visible past the solid object. This is the easiest way, but you can't detect what it has hit or use multiple camera angles with that. Basically though all you need is a well textured plain.

For a texture, I suggest Drawing a line free hand in PSP to make is slightly wobbly, then "soften more", reduce to 16 colors using optimised medium color. Then go straight back up to 32 bit color, then use colorize to get whatever colour you want the beam. Then apply it to a single stretched plain. You can scroll the texture if its extra wobbly, for an electrical pulse / ghostbusters like effect too!

Anyway I'm deep in a new lighting engine I'm working on, hoping that once its inserted properly everything will work like it should If I can though, it should make the graphics and lighting much more subtle and realistic, seriously improved screenies later hopefully...

Later guys, thanks for the overwhelming support so far!

The forum user formerly known as...?
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Posted: 30th Apr 2004 22:43
wow... will u be sleeping??

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Posted: 30th Apr 2004 23:52
the screens look great can't wait for this...

In the beginning, the universe was created...
This made alot of people very angry and it has been widely regarded as a bad idea...
David T
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Posted: 1st May 2004 00:02
Looks great

lol, I can imagine your bosses looking on this site, to see if you've posted anything about being off work for a week.

They find a guy saying "Hi, I'm an engine programmer, I'm skiving off work and I'm gonna make a game in that week".

Expect your bosses to pay a visit to check progress!

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"To be is to do" - Voltaire
"Do be do be do" - Frank Sinatra
Peter H
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Posted: 1st May 2004 00:42
Thanks for the advice! ...and it looks like your game is doing good!

Formerly known as "DarkWing Duck"
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Posted: 1st May 2004 04:24
30th April 2004: Project Update

Hmm Day three, nearly half way! Scary

Done pretty well today. Spent most of my time completely re-writing my lighting engine which I was wondering whether it had been worthwhile, until I just uploaded them and did a direct comparisson, the difference is pretty substantial - I'm pleased with it.

So, new stuff...

* Completely Re-written Lighting Engine, far more gritty and realistic.
* New Level built for testing engine, slightly more complex, 4 rooms with slanted roofs, joined by coridors.
* Perfected Laser/etc effects to be accurate for each separate gun
* Vastly improved AI for enemies, run between rooms, attack & strafe etc.
* Enemy now has enegy, can take damage, and also die, with anims.
* Many explosions , fire & particle effects started, more on those tomorrow!
* Added capacity in level engine for stairs, slopes and lifts, to test tomorrow
* You can now swim whilst underwater
* Tidied up code, took an hour! It was getting v. hard to follow.

3 Screenshots of the new lighting engine at

N30F15H "Wow... will u be sleeping??"
Lol Yes, I'm just going to bed now... 1:20AM

DavidT "Expect your bosses to pay a visit to check progress!"
Lol nah they don't come here, they're C++ dudes at the moment, boring stuff

Magellan Studios "Thanks for the advice!"
No problem, Glad to help!

Everyone who's reading/posting praise, thank you! Let me know what you all think of the new lighting engine, is it better, or does it look too dark?

Tomorrow will be fun, I'm gonna build some bigger and more varied high poly levels, plus add some more special effects to test what kind frame rates I'll get then I'll post 2morrow evening again.

The forum user formerly known as...?
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Posted: 1st May 2004 07:37
You obviously have alot of experience behind you, I'm still saving up for all the software I need to make a game, plus I still have to learn how to model properly. I'm only 15yrs old and am still looking for a job, to get more money.
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Posted: 1st May 2004 13:57
OMG... You're really serious about this... Incredible progress...

Are you gonna tell us who you are after this project? LOL "The Masked Coder" (pun not intended, was a previous forum user till he got pissed sometime ago... He's in LLRGT now.) haha.

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Posted: 1st May 2004 15:42
This is crazy! How does a random guy join this forum on the 28th of april and kick off with a week long, super brilliant fps??? I think Lee Bamber is up to something. Could this be FPSC were seeing? LOL, joking, this looks fantastic and I cant wait to see it finished.

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Posted: 1st May 2004 17:47
The light engise look good? How you doing the A.I.? Using A* or somthing else?
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Posted: 1st May 2004 22:26
Looks much better than before! The lighting adds a lot to the look of the game. If you want some better texture variation in the final level, you could check out (many royalty free textures that would work well in an FPS). Also, are planning to change the muzzle flash from what it was in that early screenshot, because it looked a little too large and translucent before. This is very impressive for only 3 days wort of work!

Everwhat Studios
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Posted: 2nd May 2004 01:55 Edited at: 3rd May 2004 02:58
1st May 2004: Project Update

Hmm Day Four, gonna have to speed up!

Made a huge level to test the engine with today with many rooms, areas, underwater section, stairs, ramps and loads of lights. Looks beautiful! Runs at 2fps

So, like me, I spent most of today fiddling with it, making optimisations etc. when I should have been doing something more productive, only to get a final frame rate of... 17fps Kind of a waster of time then. What I should have done is re-written or optimised the object format and loader, so that all levels will run faster. Obvious really, but I just got caught up in it and wasted time instead. Pleasant surprise, when I turned off all the special effects I got a more respectable 75fps, so I can work with that, make the game properly playable, then go back to it when I have time at the end. Really gotta get my act together tomorrow if this thing is gonna be playable by end of day 7, still, its doable I think. Probably a demo, with most features enabled, but only a hand-ful of levels perhaps, with more to be developed after the time is up. This way I still win the bet, I reckon...

RPG_Freak "I'm still saving up for all the software I need to make a game, plus I still have to learn how to model properly"
Yeah, modelling and mapping are the things I find hardest, hence why I'm using DM models to save time on this 7 day project. As for the money aspect, most software at a low level is quite cheap. DBPro for a birthday present, Milkshape for 5 car washes etc. It all adds up!

r_kabouter "OMG... You're really serious about this..."
lol told ya
r_kabouter "Are you gonna tell us who you are after this project?"
Maybe I'll leave it a while, to see if I can make some money off these solo projects. If I can then I can be a free man lol

M00NSHiNE "This is crazy!"
You got that right! My fingers are getting more swolen each day
M00NSHiNE "I think Lee Bamber is up to something. Could this be FPSC were seeing?"
Lmao! Lee's a great guy, and in many areas has much more knowledge than me. There's no-way I could have written DBPro for starters! FPSC however, well yes I think I could put together a point and click style FPSC style product quite quickly. I wouldn't do anything to directly be in competition with FPSC though, a simpler budget FPS Maker title, or a more complex multi genre title would be more my-style.

Cavex "How you doing the A.I.? Using A*?"
I'm actually trying a method I haven't exactly used before, its my own blend of many styles, simplified. The point for me is to write a rountine that I can use for other games, not just FPS ones. The AI system I am making could easily be adapted to an RTS, or platformer for example. I'm really using this 7 day project as a learning experience and to start a much more complex, multi-use engine, made in DBPro.

ESC_ "You could check out"
Thank you! Yes, I have used stuff from there before. I have many royalty free textures stored on my hard drive which I will use on the final levels, the screenies I'm showing at the moment are simply to test the engine itslef, not a final level, hense why I'm not really bothering to go to town on the design or texturing yet.

ESC_ "Are planning to change the muzzle flash"
Yes, you're psychic, I already have done! That was just a generic texture, made in a few seconds from a light placed in Paint Shop. I'm making many different special effects, all unique to each weapon. Most muzzle flashes are quite large due to the dramatic projectiles etc comin from them, but they resize/disperse quickly.

1st May 2004: Screenshots

3 shots of the first part of the tester level, looking quite nice I think. Not really proper in game shots, more flybys to test the lighting. They are being rendered in DBPro though, so its not cheating! lol Check em out here :

Once again, thank you everybody for the kind words, its all helping, especially when I have a comparitively frustrating day like today. Hopefully though I'll be able to add much more tomorrow!

The forum user formerly known as...?
Peter H
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Posted: 2nd May 2004 03:17
hey you still have three days left! at the pace you're going that's plenty of time...(at least you don't have to put in a story line )

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Posted: 2nd May 2004 05:52
All I have to say is
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .

At first I thought you where high or something then I saw the pics and fell over dead! Keep up the great work, if you ever sell it I want a copy.

Takes one to know one
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Posted: 2nd May 2004 15:05 Edited at: 2nd May 2004 15:06
2nd May 2004 : Quick, Happy Update

Oki spent all this morning re-writing the lighting method AGAIN and this time I got it right Now, on with the fun programming! Thanks for the positive comments guys, it all helps!

Magellan Studios "at least you don't have to put in a story line"
lol funny you should say that, I was considering putting a "story mode" in if I have time!

Darth Vader "if you ever sell it I want a copy"
Thanks If I can get it published I will. If not then I'll sell it via a proper .com website, I'll build a nice one. Probably a budget title, £5-10 ish

Proper update much later today, probably close to midnight if the last few days are anything to go by lol

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Posted: 2nd May 2004 15:07
When I read the name of this topic, I just thought "his brain is dammaged or there's something in the water" ... but after reading your second message, I understood you don't have brain troubles and there's nothing in your water but a few fishes ^^

that's a very good work

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Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 2nd May 2004 15:17 Edited at: 2nd May 2004 15:19
Haha I know Everwhat pretty well, and I can say he definitely is brain damaged, and that thing in the water you are wondering about is Absynth

Looking great man know ya can do it But u owe me a pint if u can't

Quikly Studio Pro. Soon. Honest.
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Posted: 2nd May 2004 16:32
Quick question : where in the UK are you Everwhat?

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Posted: 2nd May 2004 18:38
Everwhat Studios , this looks very good. I'm really impressed with the lighting also.(And now you say you've made it better )

After you finish your deadline, I'd be interested to talk to you about lighting.

Keep up the great work.

A book? I hate book. Book is stupid.
(Formerly known as Yellow)
Everwhat Studios
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Posted: 3rd May 2004 03:32 Edited at: 3rd May 2004 04:08
2nd May 2004: Project Update

Wow got a lot done today! Well on target to release a demo on Wednesday, thus having given me 7 days to get it done, then a few hours to get it comiled and squeezed into demo form and uploaded.

Stuff I've added today:

* Frankly quality cinematic intro
* Lighting now uses DBO format, and runs & loads at ++++ speed!
* Projectiles added Properly with some pretty cool praticle effects
* Funky new special effects, curtesy of Ex-Gen, Animation shop, and some goood s**t. Listenning to Hip-hop also helped the anger and therefor explosion rating
* Cool Menu System, including Save/Load game, loads of detail options
* Actual (bare-bone) Game Modes finally added. Story, Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and unlockable Survival and Paintball modes!
* OUTDOOR levels too! Now has Space ship/station levels, underground alien mine levels and outdoor planets to explore! Sooo fun to make.
* Full sound track, including a Score I've dragged and dropped together from r/f samples, and a cool 3d sound engine for effects.

So pretty darn productive day! I'm very pleased! That said I've found many bugs and glitches too, some of which are annoyingly difficult to pin down, but I've got a couple of days right? lol

MAIN jobs for me now are to implement the proper AI for each mode, add power-ups, crates, barrels etc and make more levels.

Actually, for the levels, I'm considering making a simple grid based level editor that would put together pre-fabs. That way I could release with potentially hundereds of (admittedly similar) levels, and also release the editor so people could make their own mods Hmm sounds like a lot of work, but then again there does seem to be the opinion here that I am crazy any way lol

I am also sorely tempted to start multiplayer code too, but I think I'll wait till after the deadline to do that as I am new to it in DBP.

Atreides & Kangaroo2 - lol at both of u! and thanks for the kind words.

MOONSHiNE - "where in the UK are you Everwhat?"
Hmm sounds like anothe post from my boss trying to get me in trouble just kidding. I'll tell u when I can reveal who I am.

MikeS "I'd be interested to talk to you about lighting."
I'd be happy to Not sure how much I could teach you though, it seems like my methods aren't as fast as simply using easy solutions like Gile[s] and DBO. Its really something I'm only just starting to understand properly very recently - maybe thats why I've "wasted" so much time over the last few days on it lol

I'd rather not post any more screenshots for a while, maybe until the demo is up - (Wednesday) - for three reasons:
1) Things like cut scenes and explosions look much better moving...
2) A lot of the things I'll be adding now won't be visible in screenshots (Music, AI etc.)
3) I want to keep some cool surprises for when people play the game! like, round every corner you'll go "wow I didn't know that would be there" - lol

I hope u all understand. But to keep your whilstles whetted, I'll add a pic of some more of the character and weapon models I'm using to give you an idea of the gameplay Check it out here:

The forum user formerly known as...?
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Posted: 3rd May 2004 03:40
Thats must be working solid on this project, shows alot of dedication and shows just what DBP is capable of even in one week! (With experience).
Excellent stuff, looking forward to a demo


Supermonkey - The crime gifhting sex god monkey!
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Posted: 3rd May 2004 03:44 Edited at: 3rd May 2004 03:44
Looking good Everwhat(or shall I say sounding?).

I bet this could make it in the TGC newsletter.

As far as lighting goes we'll talk after you finish your project. (Don't want to delay you ) I wasn't planning on using gile[s] either so we might be on the same page.

A book? I hate book. Book is stupid.
(Formerly known as Yellow)
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Posted: 3rd May 2004 13:17
Great work keep it up

this is making me as a 3d modeller interestet in coding and buy DBP to lern how to code games.

thx for Inspiring me.

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