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Work in Progress / DBPro Challenge: Make a professional FPS in a week!

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Posted: 4th May 2004 00:32
Thats looking so good. Just a few very quick questions.

o What level ed are you using.

o How long have you been using DBP

o With time would you consider using your own models.

oHow'd you do that cinematic intro.

Thanks for wasting your precious precious time.


Everwhat Studios
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Posted: 4th May 2004 03:18 Edited at: 4th May 2004 03:20
3rd May 2004: Project Update

Well, I've been working very hard on this, being day six of seven and all... lol trying to fix as many bugs and glitches as possible. Many 50% finished features won't make it into the demo, but a finished game should take about a month including to get it to the point I'd feel happy releasing it fully. As a full game I'd like to release it in Moddable form, with a level editor, very many levels, long story mode, and perhaps multiplayer, build up a good online comunity so its always expanding. That would make me feel like I've released a finished product worth buying

Wednesday's demo will hopefully be fully playable, with three largish maps, and basic death match, capture the flag and arcade mode intact. The demo will only contain three weapons, 3 enemy types and one playable character to leave some surprises for those who buy the full game, I think that is fair?

Added Today:
* Most bugs & glitches fixed
* Power-ups added
* Crates, barrels etc. added
* 3 largish levels completed, many more started
* Much optimisation and cleaning of code
* Front and back end about 50% complete
* Started a scripting "language" for cut scenes.
* Basic Level editor started
* "Proper" website started

3rd May 2004: Feedback

MikeS "I bet this could make it in the TGC newsletter."
Oooh I'd love that Maybe more approprite once the full game is released, but a demo to show what can be accomplished in a week might be a good angle too!

Matic "this is making me as a 3d modeller interestet in coding and buy DBP to lern how to code games. thx for Inspiring me."
Wow, inspiring, moi? lol Seriously though, if you are a good modeller, then to me thats the tricky part. Coding games in Darkbasic is quite fast once you get the hang of it. I find BASIC languages make a lot more sense than others when it comes to writing games. The thing that takes the time witha full project is th modelling and mapping. (In my humble opinion anyways, I'm sure everybody's different) I would always encorage anyone interested in learning about maing games to use DBPro, its really very flexible and fast to learn.

Code2Kill "What level ed are you using"
My own. But it basically just bricks together elements made in Milkshape and Cartography shop. I like both those products as they are cheap and well supported. For Lightmaps I am using a mixture of my own labourious methods, but also use Gile[s] for testing ideas.
For an easy quick & cool DBPro level a good method is
1. Cartography Shop -> x
2. x -> Gile[s]
3. Giles -> DBO
Not exactly the method I use, as I like to feel more in control, but I will often test ideas out or use that as a starting point.

Code2Kill "How long have you been using DBP"
Since Patch 3.1, I found it unusable before then. before that though I was using DBE and before that DBC so I've been with DarkBasic since basically the beginning

Code2Kill "With time would you consider using your own models."
Absolutely, I often do! But for me, modelling is the thing that takes longest, as I am very critical of my own work. A decent main humanoid character, fully textured and animated would take me a good, full 2 or even 3 days. For a project such as this I can't afford that, as I set myself a short dead line. I'll do a few more of these "Game in a Week, release in a month" type things, and see whether I can make a viable living from them. Once I have enough money saved to support my wife and kids for the development time, I'll do a longer project all of my own, perhaps and RPG or the fabled DBP MMORPG

Code2Kill "How'd you do that cinematic intro."
Perhaps I should have specified that it's a cut-scene not CG FMV. FMV in a game is a pet-hate of mine, it spoils the flow and look of a game to be switching resolutions and graphical quality all the time. So when I say "cinematics" I mean scenes being real time generated by DBPro but with fixed camera positions and paths.

Cinematic to me means making the game experience feel more like a film, with a proper atmosphere, lighting and direction. Unfortunately I am yet to find an FMV sequence which didn't then make the ingame graphics look poor or startlingly different by comparison. And by the time the real-time graphics are cool enough to co-exist with FMV, what's the point in FMV? Perhaps the best recent example of brilliant cut-scenes but poor FMV intergration was CodeVeronica on Dreamcast. The in game graphics were so much more stylish

DBPro is more than capable of producing cool cinematically scripted, lit and directed cut-scenes by itself realtime, with the help of decent models, textures and a good director, so this is my prefered method. That said, I do sometimes use FMV for making animated short cartoons, and for this, I use 3dsmax5.

Thanks again for the continuing flow of positive comments, you are all very kind, I feel kinda humbled. Its only a generic FPS after-all.

This kind of enthusiasm is spurring me on though. I feel that perhaps this game will be in a constant state of semi development, perhaps with a constant flow of updates, levels features, mods etc. appearing on a website for registered users? AS long as people wanted more content I could add more, it could grow into the worlds largest game if I can finance expanding it!

Anyways I'm off to bed, need to get some rest in, tomorrow will be a long day trying to get everything up to scratch for a playable demo!

The forum user formerly known as...?
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Posted: 4th May 2004 03:28
cant wait.
Lampton Worm
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Posted: 4th May 2004 15:41

A few questions for me too if ya get a chance...

1) what collision detection are you using between bullets and enemy players? Single elip, limb based etc.

2) are you using your own blend-animation technique or just the DBP play object/set frame commands (and maybe the interpolation).

3) can the enemies aim up/down at you if you're on a higher platform?

Good luck with the demo, I'm looking foward to seeing it in action.

p.s. bit too much algaebricks.bmp in there at the moment

Everwhat Studios
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Posted: 5th May 2004 15:17
Oki Demo finished and my mate is suitably quietenned

I have just ordered a domain name and some hosting with which to host the demo and make a cool site. Domains usually take 2 or 3 days to be usable, so I can use that time to build a website for it Please be patient whilst waiting for this, and look forward to the release. I will post it in a new thread under Program Announcements when its ready. I'm really looking forward to feedback on this!

LamptonWorm "What collision detection are you using between bullets and enemy players? Single elip, limb based etc."
Currently single ellip, as nothing more accurate is necessarily needed at the moment with weapons of this nature. With newer versions of the game I would like to include ragdoll style physics on the characters, and then I will switch to a limb based system and have different reactions depending on where they're hit etc.

LamptonWorm "Are you using your own blend-animation technique or just the DBP play object/set frame commands"
I am just using the set object frame commands, using the anim joining frames in DM2.

LamptonWorm "Can the enemies aim up/down at you if you're on a higher platform?"
Yes. Their animtion doesn't change as yet, but their projectiles are always aimend at you when initially fired.

LamptonWorm "P.S. bit too much algaebricks.bmp in there at the moment "
Lol yeah, but as I said before, that level is just for testing my enggine. In the deom and the real game thaere is a lot more variation in the levels

sMitch "Cant wait"
Me neither Domain name ordered today so as soon as that is active it'll be available I hope!

Thanks for the support everyone, see you all in the new thread soon!

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Posted: 5th May 2004 18:44
Well, if it's going to take that long, at least give us a few recent screenshots. Come on, please? It doesn't have to reveal any surprises or such ..

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Posted: 5th May 2004 19:21
@Everwhat Studios

get free hosting at for now until you get your server and domain up and running.

I don't want to have to wait for your game; you said Wednesday so dammit im gonna play it on Wednesday .

Amist the Blue Skies...
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Posted: 5th May 2004 19:52
Lol Oki I'll post some more screenshots later tonight, some real nice n varied ones

Just tried DBSpot : "Please allow 48 hours for me to approve of the hosting." So I might as well use my own...

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Ian T
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Posted: 5th May 2004 20:59
I've got a domain right now on DBspot. It'd be a temporary solution, but DBSpot is fast an reliable. You could email the demo to me and I'd have it hosted ASAP.

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Posted: 5th May 2004 23:24
Quote: "my mate is suitably quietenned"

lol, v funny.

Congrats on such a high quality game(according to the screenies) In such a small amount of time. Kind of a quake/doom re-make. Very nice.

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Posted: 6th May 2004 05:16 Edited at: 6th May 2004 05:28
Lmao In a way its a good job that I didn't upload a demo today as I've just tried it on my Wifes computer to check performance on a lower spec machine, and it wouldn't start because of missing files - it seems as if I've forgotten to include at least one peice of required media MAAaan thats a NooB mistake to make! Gonna have to go searching through tomorrow and find the blighter, then make a new installation

Should get it done tomorrow though which should hopefully co-inside with getting my own webspace. If not, I'll email you Mouse, thanks for the kind offer (although its quite a big file, hope u aren't limited in your inbox space?)

Thanks for your patience everybody, stupid mistake I know, but man I'm tired lol Anyways to tide you all over...

6 new screenshots, 56k WARNING they are HighRes 1024x768x32, thought you might like that. They're at the usual

Now I'm off to get some sleep. Speak to you all later, thanks for the support as usual

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Posted: 6th May 2004 08:22
Quote: "If not, I'll email you Mouse, thanks for the kind offer (although its quite a big file, hope u aren't limited in your inbox space?)"

If the file is to big to send through email, you can upload it on my server via FTP.

email me at so I can send you the info.

Amist the Blue Skies...
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Posted: 6th May 2004 12:58
very nice! Can't wait!
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Posted: 6th May 2004 12:59
ding dong .....
It's now the 8th days ... your own challenge is over
Result look really cool but wasn't finisehd in time
Game Is Over ......

Impatient to try your demo when you'll release it
good work !

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Posted: 6th May 2004 13:30
screens look fantstic. I hope you get the hosting / webpage up soon

Go Go Gadget DBPRO!

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Lukas W
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Posted: 6th May 2004 14:05
really awesome work, dude!

you should write some tutorials about how to make a SUPERB fps game, like yours

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Posted: 7th May 2004 17:31
Hi guys

Sorry I didn't manage to get it sorted out last night, my mum decided to come down un-announced and take us all for a day out. Nice, but she doesn't always give us warning she's here until Sunday afternoon, and cos she has to travel 100s of miles I kinda feel she has a right to see my kids and I (Yes I am married with kids btw)

Mind you I just heard back from my hosting, it'll be sorted for Monday, so If I spend sunday tracking down and fixing the missing file and building a nice website, it'll work out nicely, without having to take up any kind offers from others.

Thank you a whole load for all the positive statements guys, I'm sorry to dissapoint on this count. But I PROMISE that on Monday there'll be a site and a demo in the Program announcements board, mother or no mother lmao

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Posted: 7th May 2004 17:58 Edited at: 7th May 2004 18:06
And how do we know youre not pretending and using this extra time to keep working on it? Hehe

[EDIT] STOP EVERYTHING! Ive just seen your sig Everwhat - your a forumer with a different name?! Hmmmm.... who could you be...

Peter H
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Posted: 7th May 2004 18:24
Quote: "STOP EVERYTHING! Ive just seen your sig Everwhat - your a forumer with a different name?! Hmmmm.... who could you be..."

apearantly you haven't been reading this thread from the start

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Posted: 7th May 2004 19:12 Edited at: 7th May 2004 19:12
You can't fool me, i think it is pretty obvious that it is ...

**edited by TGC Secret Police**

Raven is now under going an extensive investigation for forum post fraud and suspecion of other napherious activities.
As such he has been taken out the back of TGC Studios' and shot.
We will continue to find out if he was actually guilty of the crimes we have just creatively accused him of.

- TGC Secret Police

**end of edit***

Obviously with all that evidence I have just posted you cannot refute it is him.
Let's just hope no dark an sinister secret organisation within TGC has had a chance to silence the truth.

Well anyways, get this online to test.

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Posted: 7th May 2004 19:29 Edited at: 7th May 2004 19:30
Once again; if you fix your file before monday, you can upload it on my server via FTP.

email me at so I can send you the info. (should be quick and painless )

Amist the Blue Skies...
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Posted: 7th May 2004 23:02
I'm really slow but Raven, I take it you wrote the 'edit'?
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Posted: 8th May 2004 03:36
Yes Mikey, Im afraid Raven really has just been shot by a secret underground TGC stormtrooper police unit funded by Lee Bamber himself.

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Posted: 8th May 2004 04:41
@ Moonshine:

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Posted: 8th May 2004 10:22 Edited at: 8th May 2004 10:23
I reckon he is formally Reaperman (whoes daughter programed that amazing spining cube thing).
Because remember Reaperman is a programmer for a living as well, plus he has children.
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Posted: 8th May 2004 11:47
Looks really cool, Everwha

Oh, and I usually get hosting set up within a few minutes IF during the day and not on a weekend, or during any jewish holiday.

So, if you need hosting NOW, I can hook you up, buddy - Free subdomain hosting. Unlimited space/transfer. It's nice, I like it, you should too!
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Posted: 8th May 2004 14:41
@ RPG_Freak - does ReaperMan live in the UK?

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Posted: 8th May 2004 17:40
Yes, because he was talking about English TV, and seeing the matrix in England, so I'm guessing he lives in England/UK
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Posted: 8th May 2004 21:16
The point is his boss probably looks at this forum?
John H
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Posted: 9th May 2004 00:34
If I wasnt lazy I could find out the member by looking at IPs xD


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Posted: 9th May 2004 00:35 Edited at: 9th May 2004 00:36
Found out who you are xD Im not telling tho

If you have MSN Ill address you by your previous forum name there You shoulda known mods can see IPs =P

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Posted: 9th May 2004 11:23
Reaperman lives in the states; somewhere in Washington State if memory serves correctly.

But no matter, this is definately not Reaperman hehee

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Posted: 9th May 2004 12:35
He made this in a week, but it's taking him longer just to upload it!
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Posted: 9th May 2004 13:23
That really explains how the industry works a T doesn't it hahaa

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Posted: 9th May 2004 13:40
unless he was lying about were he lives....
it might be someone who left because of hassle they were getting?

Just to add to the confusion.
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Posted: 10th May 2004 01:09
How long has it been since he was on the forum last? People move sometimes .....

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Posted: 10th May 2004 06:56
yeah where's that download!!!!

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Posted: 10th May 2004 23:05
Is it almost up? The natives are getting restless

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Posted: 11th May 2004 01:23 Edited at: 11th May 2004 01:24
we might have to go find him and take it from him

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Posted: 11th May 2004 03:37

Has been for a short while, go be the first to reply!

lol at all the above new messages, no I genuinely didn't use the extra time at all, when my family decide to visit me I take full time out to be with them, as I have two kids and its good to all get out together. However yesterday and today HAVE been spent making sure every last bit of media was included. I'll be real pi**ed if this demo don't work after all that

I also thought I'd try and improve the collisions between bullets and enemies, and ended up simply breaking them lol couldn't fix them in time, so a few features don't work that should do but oh well, I promised I'd release a demo today so I have done, 5 minutes before midnight my time

Its funny hearing ppl so interested as t who I am, well I'm pretty darned sure that Raven knows who I am, cos he knows me quite well and I've dropped many clues, even coming in and posting under my other forum name to big myself up I'm the dude known as Kangaroo2, who used to be a mod. recently changed to Kangaroo2 BETA2 when I started working too hard to be able to commit to being a mod. I live in the UK, in Somerset, but have lived pretty much everywhere in England, and some of Wales at various points in my life.

Although to be frank, why you're still reading this is beyond me, go to the Program Announcements board and download the demo! Its bound to work on at least somebody's PC...

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Dave J
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Posted: 11th May 2004 12:09
I thought you changed to BETA2 because you lost the password to your other account... guess that was someone else. Y'know Puffy can pull off keeping his mod status without even visiting these forums, I don't see why you couldn't, guess it's sort of dishonest though.

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Posted: 11th May 2004 23:10
Well it was after the forum was upgraded my account didn't work properly. I contacted rich a few times but we couldn't get it fixed, so I simply signed up for a new one, and as I had spent less time on the forums I felt it would be dishonest/wasteful to ask to continue being a mod

The forum user formerly known as Kangaroo2.
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Posted: 17th May 2004 02:35
How do you detect the nearest object to put the laser on it?
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Posted: 17th May 2004 03:23 Edited at: 23rd May 2004 21:14
"How do you detect the nearest object to put the laser on it?"
I use NuclearGlory Collision System for this, it makes it very simple. You could also use Intersect Object.

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The forum user formerly known as Kangaroo2.
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Posted: 23rd May 2004 21:02
Kangaroo 2- that's who everwhat is!

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Posted: 23rd May 2004 21:13
That was a joke right? lol some1 lock this flipping thread please

New one here:

The forum user formerly known as Kangaroo2.
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