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Work in Progress / No name yet... MMOWG (massive multiplayer online war game)!

The dude guy
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Posted: 14th Aug 2004 11:39
Yeah! I like it alot! Is the game gonna show the scenes like Advance Wars 1 and 2 where like the infantry shoot the machine guns and bazookas? Or in the tank's case rockets or something?

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 14th Aug 2004 11:52
It could be called The Last War If it's not already named. But then again that's just my opinion.

Andrew Tamalunas
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 14th Aug 2004 13:42 Edited at: 14th Aug 2004 13:58
Hmmmm... I like the name! Cool, i'll see if its already a game. As for the battle scenes, hmmm... I think i'll put that. Good ideas! o, btw... The screen shots are under the "Click here to view screen shots of this game" link. Or you can go to:

I posted a new one It shows 2 tanks VS. an enemy tank and the enemy tank blows up! lol, the explosion looks sorta fake so im gona have to fix that. But i think it looks really cool Wow, this game is turning out better then i thought it would.

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Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 14th Aug 2004 14:00 Edited at: 14th Aug 2004 14:00
O man, thats already a game (The Last War)

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The dude guy
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Posted: 14th Aug 2004 23:00
Oh well... Nice screenshot! What did you use to model the tanks and do the explosion?

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 14th Aug 2004 23:50
Is the game out yet?

The dude guy
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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 00:27
No... Idon't think.

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 02:23 Edited at: 15th Aug 2004 02:45
Nope. Sadly, there isn't a beta version yet. But if i work on it enough, one might be released in a cupple of weeks. I used Anim8or to model the tank and the explosion is a textured particle affect.

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The dude guy
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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 04:47
Are you gonna put teams as in: people can join up and defeat the other team(s)? Please tell me. If you need anything post it here or email me at

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 05:01
Ignore the first line I checked your website.

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 05:29 Edited at: 15th Aug 2004 05:31
Ok. Also, just named the first unit. The Bomb Tank. Uses N-Bombs (Nuclear bombs) and is the best unit in the whole game. Does 100 damage! Most units have 100 or 200 health, so this unit can do one-hit-kills. Sadly, it costs 1,000,000$. lol, takes a lot of wins to get that kinda money About rankings. Ever new player (newb) is gona start as a level 1 ranking. Then when he/she gets a surtant amount of wins, he/she will go to 2, etc. Im gona work on it tonight or tomorrow, did a lot of work on the game today

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Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 07:47
Checked on Google... The name Wars of Earth isn't taken! Sadly, The last war is Is "Wars of Earth" sound good? Or how about Wars of Earth: THe last War ... Yah! I like it

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Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 12:01 Edited at: 15th Aug 2004 12:01
lol, just made something for fun. Used Photoshop and Anim8or.

I might use it in the game. Like it?

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Mind Storm 101
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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 12:18
Oh plz, Ill make you a better banner. That looks like a poster made by a 5th grader, no offence or anything but the lil stars in the background give it that effect, lol.

"Think what you like, You'll all be mine in the end."

Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 12:20 Edited at: 15th Aug 2004 12:22
lol... Ur right. Now that i look at it more carefully, i see the starts give a "child" kind of affect. This is gona be a war game, not a little kid's game lol. But the swirely thing and the way it looks reminds me so much of the Zelda Wind Waker game. lol, played that awhile ago.

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Mind Storm 101
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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 13:27 Edited at: 15th Aug 2004 13:27
As I promised

Smaller Sig Banner

"Think what you like, You'll all be mine in the end."

Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 13:32 Edited at: 15th Aug 2004 13:36
Woa! Those are awesome!! Thank u so much! H..Howd u make those? Photoshop?

O, dang... How do i put it in my sig?

<IMG SRC = "">
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 13:37 Edited at: 15th Aug 2004 13:39
Sig Test

Yay, got it. Thank u so much!

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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 13:54
Now those are banners!

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Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 14:00 Edited at: 15th Aug 2004 14:02
All thanks to Mind Storm 101! Man hes good with Photoshop or what ever he uses!

I have no idea y, but it reminds me of Xombie Probably the destroyed city look. I love it!
Mind Storm 101
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Posted: 15th Aug 2004 14:24
lol, np, and yeah I used Photoshop, glad u like them.

"Think what you like, You'll all be mine in the end."

Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 16th Aug 2004 02:45 Edited at: 16th Aug 2004 02:45
Im sorta having trouble here... I want it be so when i select a unit to attack another, a bullet comes out of its wepon. So i set this up using the random object way, but i get an error. How would i make it so it can fire more then 1 bullet without getting the Object already exsists error? Thanks.
The dude guy
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Posted: 16th Aug 2004 03:42
THIS GAME IS GONNA BE FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!!!!! When you're done... Is it gonna be free or is it gonna cost money? Tell me. I haven't replied in a while because I'm staying at my cousins!

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 16th Aug 2004 03:55
Well what I would do [Note: This is just me adn there are prob much better meathods for this type of situation] is create a set amount of "bullets objects" before the loop and put them somewhere remote. And create a variable that = the begining # of your bullets set, say:

for x=50 to 100
make object sphere x,10
position object x,0,-10000,-10000
next x

Then when you fire your bullet increase the variable by one.

[Fire bullet code] : inc bullet

And somewhere in your loop

If bullet>100 then bullet=50

To reset the "clip" so theres an infinite number of bullets, of course increase teh amount of object if there are going to be more then 50 rounds on the screen at anyone time.

"Think what you like, You'll all be mine in the end."

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Posted: 16th Aug 2004 06:51
When I first saw this I didn't think you would do anything frankly, and thought it would be gone in under a week... But it looks like you're still going, and it's looking great, way to go! Keep up the good work!!!
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 16th Aug 2004 12:53 Edited at: 16th Aug 2004 12:57
Thank u The dude guy, Mind Storm 101, Izzy545, and everyone that helped and supported me. Yay! I cant believe its actually going so well. =) BTW, its gona be 100% free! Even if it did cost money, id give u all free copies for helping,lol.
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 16th Aug 2004 12:59
I was just doing a little work a day. A few things here, a few things there. But now that i know people actually like my game so far, im gona try and get a beta release out ASAP.
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 16th Aug 2004 13:26 Edited at: 16th Aug 2004 13:26
Ok, ive been working on trying to make it look cool and stuff. But now i think its time to really start working on the game engine and multiplayer stuff. I mean thats whats most important,right? So im going to start on the multiplayer now and get that out of the way. One im done with that, i might post a little example of what the multiplayer is gona look like. Wish me luck lol. With all the examples people have posted of multiplayer, i shouldnt have a problem.
Mind Storm 101
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Posted: 16th Aug 2004 14:16
Erm, shouldnt engine be first?

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Posted: 16th Aug 2004 17:59

Create or Play? You choose!
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 17th Aug 2004 03:19
THtas what i mean. Ibe been worrying about the looks more then the engine.
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 17th Aug 2004 11:12 Edited at: 17th Aug 2004 11:13
Hey everyone. Ive done enough engine work to get started on the multiplayer features. I'm gona try to have the beta version out by next month (probably around the 5th or 10th). I'll post screen shots ASAP.
The dude guy
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Posted: 17th Aug 2004 11:16
Is the chat room gonna be when you're playing or do you have to go somewhere else?

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 17th Aug 2004 11:36 Edited at: 17th Aug 2004 11:36
When ur playing. I'm gona take a look at that code u posted again. lol, ive had enough for tonight. Worked on it for like an hour and a half. Because the summers just about over, i dont have a summer job now... So i'll have more time to work on it.
Megaton Cat
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Posted: 17th Aug 2004 11:40
Quote: "lol, np, and yeah I used Photoshop, glad u like them"

(j/k )

Hell Dragonz43, do you have some sort of server?

Mind Storm 101
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Posted: 17th Aug 2004 19:09

"Think what you like, You'll all be mine in the end."

Programmer EXtreme2
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Posted: 17th Aug 2004 19:41 Edited at: 17th Aug 2004 19:51
Hey if you want a subdomain 600mb hosting account with 40 sql, ftp, 10 subdomains of your own and 20 emails then I can get that for yah for free. maybe after I find out how I could even host your server for you. I have 30 gb transffer.

I Will Host Your game at my site!!!
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Posted: 17th Aug 2004 19:45
If you want to sell your game after your finished, you just get a business lisense and I will give you a simple cart that supports lots of features

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Programmer EXtreme2
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Posted: 17th Aug 2004 19:49
40 ftp

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Posted: 17th Aug 2004 19:52
free invasion board forum!! NO ADS!!!

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Posted: 17th Aug 2004 20:00
but if you want your own $5.00 web hoster then go to [href][/href] and get 2000mb!! oh and i have 50 gb transffer i just added extra just in case

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Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 18th Aug 2004 01:35
Woa... Those are GOOD deals. Hmmmm... Yes, you are right. lol. I will be needing a server.
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 18th Aug 2004 01:37 Edited at: 18th Aug 2004 01:45
[Edit]... "Hey if you want a subdomain 600mb hosting account with 40 sql, ftp, 10 subdomains of your own and 20 emails then I can get that for yah for free. maybe after I find out how I could even host your server for you. I have 30 gb transffer."

Wait... For free?! LOL, no way. Ive never heard of a free hosting service that has that much for free. U sure? Wow, thanks!
The dude guy
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Posted: 18th Aug 2004 01:48
Hey Hell Dragonz43 could you update your site to tell us how far you are on the game? Thanx.

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 18th Aug 2004 01:53 Edited at: 18th Aug 2004 02:13
Sure. I might be getting a new site though. Game Hoster, thank you so much!

lol, my current website is so messy

Now for the server...
Once i have the server, i can get started on the multiplayer. In the mean time i can still use DBP's built in commands for multiplayer, right? I can just use the method of returning all the X,Y,Z positions for the other player's units. Then positioning an enemy unit to take those X,Y,Z positions.
The dude guy
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Posted: 18th Aug 2004 02:14
This is completely off subject but... Could you help me with DarkBASIC Pro when you're done? I can't do practicly anything!

Note: AFTER You're done with your game!!!!!!!!!!

My thread is: I can't make the Simplist Game!

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 18th Aug 2004 02:36 Edited at: 18th Aug 2004 02:37
oyah... I remember that thread. Sure, of course i can help you. Actually, i have some free time now. I can't really do anything until i get a server and the 3D modeling program i wanted.
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Posted: 18th Aug 2004 03:30 Edited at: 18th Aug 2004 03:40
Okay Please Name the subdomain, tell me what you want your username and password for your first email account to be. Oh and Your Invasion Board Link will be(I don't go to programmersunited):
Just tell me if you want to sell anything. Oh and I cant put a preset limit to sub-domains on my current account so, pleasemjust try to stay at 600mb .Note: If you get this done you seem to program good, so I would model and texture but maybe you can help me with Imperial Powers, A game I have gotton nowhere...

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Programmer EXtreme2
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Posted: 18th Aug 2004 03:37
For Invasion board Admin Interface
Admin username same as email username
Admin password password same as email password
Just email me at and tell me the stuff i asked

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Programmer EXtreme2
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Posted: 18th Aug 2004 03:49
Hello anyone please I'm trapped in Terran Confed. Transport 45-nm7 and there is an alien aboard AHHHH, oh wait never mind I was just watchin a 3d animated moie I made, complete with sound!!No it just shut down and wsn't saved!!!!!!

I Will Host Your game at my site!!!

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