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Work in Progress / No name yet... MMOWG (massive multiplayer online war game)!

Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 19th Aug 2004 03:52 Edited at: 19th Aug 2004 03:53
Um... Anyway, as soon as i get the program i wanted for the 3D modeling, im gona get back to work on the game. I'll start modeling the units. Then, when i get the server, i can start working on the multiplayer.
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 19th Aug 2004 03:55
I dont mean this in a mean or bad way, The dude guy. Just in case u didnt know, u can edit your posts by clicking Edit Post under the post u want to edit. Just wanted to tell u incase u didnt know. I dont mean this in a bad way.
The dude guy
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Posted: 19th Aug 2004 04:04
Yeah. I know. But it says page not found I tried it alot and no luck.

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 19th Aug 2004 08:44
Ok. Im gona enter the compo. so this gmaes gona go on hold for a month or 2. I'll post when im ready to start again.
The dude guy
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Posted: 19th Aug 2004 09:29
Whats The Compo?

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 19th Aug 2004 11:51
compatition. U know, the retro remake where u win like 5,000 bucks in prizes lol
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 01:07

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 03:34 Edited at: 20th Aug 2004 03:37
Naw, u probably could. Did u read the tutorial i posted? So, u have no programming experience at all? Hmmm... I dont blame u for saying its hard. It is hard to learn programming, definitly. Take it step by step. After a while, u will catch on.
The dude guy
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 03:42
Yeah, I read it. Could anybody tell me how they learned DBP? My forum is: I can't make the simplist game! And my email is

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 04:09
Im gona post the BIGEST tutorial ever made! It will teach u everything! Everything i tell yah, EVERYTTTHIIIINNNGGGGG! lol. Sry, bit crazy there. Ok... I... I am sorry all my fans. I want to continue this game, but does anyone know the game with the huge war on earth? I forgot the name. Its for the PC. This is a total copy. When i heard about it, i was like "O no! This is EXACLY the same!". I want to continue it, but its copying in every way. The story line is like exaclly the same. So i am going to begin a new project. I am so sorry. But is it really worth getting sewed for copyright laws?
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 04:10 Edited at: 20th Aug 2004 04:11
My next game will be where there is this new technoligy thats like a war mech and u go through missions. Theres gona be like 100 differnt missions!

Please no one be mad for me quiting. Im not giving up, but its such a copy. Sorry everyone! Dang...
The dude guy
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 04:24
Sorry but...

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 04:54
hey, you stole my idea now, i gave you a link to my mech game to show you how long it takes to develope stuff and you go and copy me
AMD athlon thoroughbred 2200, 512Mb ram, 40Gb HD, ati saphire radeon 9600 atlantis w/128mb ddr ram, good creative-labs soundcard, cd-rw + dvd drives.
The dude guy
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 05:02
Did I mention, [Automated by GetSmile]

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 05:03 Edited at: 20th Aug 2004 05:05
Huh? No u didnt... Ive hard this idea for a while. You never posted anything about a mech game. Please correct me if in wrong and i wont use the idea, but i dont remember seeing a link to a mech site.
The dude guy
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 05:05

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 05:07
[b]MAKE A DIFFERENT STORYLINE, MAKE A DIFFERENT STORYLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 05:07 Edited at: 20th Aug 2004 05:11
Sorry The dude guy. Its either i use the idea or risk getting sewed by that company. Dont worry, im starting a new project that u can be a fan of if u want. THis time, no quits. I just had to. Stupid game (the one i actidently copied).

[Edit]O..Oyah! Good idea! Ok, new idea! Ok... I... I cant think of one I'll get an idea. I wanted to change the game type to FPS or TPS b4 cause no one i know likes strategy games. Wait. How about theres a war going on and u take the role of their top army unit and u fight in the war and stuff. Yah, there will be multiplayer an 1 player!
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 05:10
i didn't give you a link to a mech site it was to the download of my demo but you can use the idea just don't steal my story (since you don't know it i'm safe lol) so go ahead and make the mech game
good luck
(see project xwp-4 thread for mine, note that that's been under dev since about jan '03)
AMD athlon thoroughbred 2200, 512Mb ram, 40Gb HD, ati saphire radeon 9600 atlantis w/128mb ddr ram, good creative-labs soundcard, cd-rw + dvd drives.
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 05:12
Ok. Thanks anyway, but ive just came up with a new storyline!
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 05:13 Edited at: 20th Aug 2004 05:27
Is it ok if i change it to a FPS game? I mean would u mind The dude guy? I wouldnt want to disapoint my fans.

[Edit] oops... sry for dubble post!

I... I just need time to think of somethin new.

LOL, some of my friends all call me a geek for programming games. First of all, they should just SHUT UP. Second, programming doesnt make u a geek. I'll show them! ALL SHOW THEM ALL! I'll make something awesome. But for now, its secreet Yes, all secreet. When i have a screen shot ready, i'll post it and it will be a suprise. MUahahah!
The dude guy
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 05:32
I'm sure you'll show them. Please, Please. Put a Patent on the idea this time so nobody can wreck your idea! And if you're not succesful with the idea you put a patent on you could sell the patent and they could bring it to life!!!!!

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 05:38 Edited at: 20th Aug 2004 05:41
LOL. THanks! Im gona keep the sig though 'cause my game name might be the same. Suspence, eh? Hehe. Muahahaha. I'll post a screen shot ASAP (as soon as i have a screen shot to post that is).
The dude guy
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 05:42
You're welcome.

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 09:08
Quote: "Is it ok if i change it to a FPS game?"

I don't see how a game can suddently go from an online turn-based combat game to a first-person shooter.

Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 09:11
lol. Never mind.
Programmer Xtreme
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Posted: 20th Aug 2004 16:53
update your site.

I'm sorry for my cousin GAME HOSTER's bad behavior.
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 21st Aug 2004 13:09
ok. Hey, i got a new idea! I'll post it later, cause im busy right now.
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2004 04:11
Guess what? Im starting the game again! I just have to add a 1 player mode to not copy and make a slightley different stroy line!
The dude guy
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2004 01:11

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2004 06:22
Like my website? I changed the layout. Dont click on any links 'cause tehy dont work yet.
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2004 06:45
[Update]: ok... I have to get some tools for my game (Catagraphy Shop). They cost money and i have to order them online. With all the hackers ive had on my computer, it isn't so safe to do this. So, im going to use my friend's computer to order it. I will update you all when i get the tools i need. I have DBP, but i need 3D modeling software and sutff.
Sir Spaghetti Code
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2004 12:49
Yep, just boxes for me! IE v6.0 here!

"I attribute the quarrelsome nature of the Middle Ages young men entirely to the want of the soothing weed."
-Jerome K. Jerome(1859-1927),Writer
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 03:55 Edited at: 24th Aug 2004 03:55
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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 05:01
Page not found!!!!!!!!!!!
The dude guy
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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 05:07
Did you put a Patent on the game yet!? Before somebody else uses the Idea!

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 05:15 Edited at: 24th Aug 2004 05:16
*7RAVI5 steals his ideas!*

Good thing everyone here is a figment of my imagination.

Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 07:27 Edited at: 24th Aug 2004 07:30
lol. WTH?! They removed my site... Grrrrr! FREEWEBS!!! I didnt do anyhting. I didnt post anthing nasty (unless someone hacked me), i didnt post any viruses, i didnt forget to put "HOSTED BY FREEWEBS", i did NOTHING wrong! ... Uh oh... Wait, if i broke a rule wouldn't they send me an e-mail saying so? I have a feeling ive been hacked... *dramatic music*... AGGGAAAINNN!!!! Owell, only a freewebs site. When i goto work tomorrow, i'll make a new one. No big deal really if u ask me.
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 07:31
Hey, wait a sec... Its back!
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 07:35
U cant steal my idea... Se where it says COPYRIGHTED(2004). Yah, i know. Sadly, u can not >
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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 07:36
what is your obsession with hackers? why the hell would someone want to hack a site like that?

"oww god darn, is taken!! i wanted that url sooooo much. I think ill have to hack the guy for it!".

... not likely
The dude guy
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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 08:07
Yah you got it copyrighted!

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 09:08 Edited at: 24th Aug 2004 09:16
lol, i aint obsessed. I just thought for a sec someone deleted it. If u break a rule, dont they e-mail u saying u did? Sites dont usually just dissapear like that. Im not scared of hackers and im not obsessed. I just have a lot of mean friends who like to hack me i guess.

Moral: NEVR and i mean NEVEr give out ur IP. Even if its your best friend that ur giving it to.

The dude guy
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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 10:12
I agree...

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 25th Aug 2004 10:09
There's a mega glitch in the Ultimate Tutorial! See for yourself!

Andrew Tamalunas
Hell Dragonz43
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Posted: 25th Aug 2004 11:40
I dont see anything... Where is there a glitch?
The dude guy
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Posted: 25th Aug 2004 11:44
When I press UP there comes like 7 or 8 or 9 "You pressed up!" And when you press it too much... The piramid does something and everything is all over!

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 25th Aug 2004 11:45 Edited at: 25th Aug 2004 11:48
Do u have DBC or DBP?

I am aware of this happening and i ment for it to happen. It shows how to fix it in the tutorial. It shows you that the 'print' command isn't always best and that sometimes you must use the 'text' command. Read more of the tutorial to see.

Note: The pyramid thing is there because you are using the demo. I find that sometimes it does get glitchy with the pyramind being there.
The dude guy
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Posted: 25th Aug 2004 11:47
Oh... Okay. I use DBP.

Andrew Tamalunas
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Posted: 25th Aug 2004 11:48 Edited at: 25th Aug 2004 11:48
I do 2. The tutorial shows how to fix this from happening.

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