You know you are a programmer when you wonder how the physics in real life are so good, and wonder why you can not just restart your life.....
if your brain to you is just a microprocessing unit with raid capibillities, then you might be addictide.
if you can program better than you can spell, then you might be addicited.
if your printer is mainly used to print out binary instead of porn, you might be addictid.
if you begin long talks with do
and then say print ""
and then go if son_agree=1
then you might be addicted
if your brain can't store as much info as your pc, then you might be addicted
if your graphics suck, but you can load all of those graphics with your own dll that akes loading them 2 words only, then you might be addicted.
As you can tell, I am addicted.
This is only the beggining...
The end is ony the beggining...