imo it`s the same with games as it is with movies, but I always say (cue meaningfull quote type voice
"you can offend many people by swearing or using obscene imagery or violence, but I never heard of of anyone getting upset by the absence of bad language, sex or violence, you might get someone saying it lacks realism, but they don`t get upset"
with the potential for harm to peoples lives that you have with graphic depictions of unsavoury acts (kids who grow up thinking bondage and whips are preferable sexual behaviour or that running amok in a street with a pump action not only cures your problems but makes you a hero for example), you will have a percentage, maybe only a very small percentage, but a percentage non the less, of people who end up living unhappy or confused lives, I think it indefensible to say that those unhappy people are acceptable because IT MAKES A PROFIT, thats the worst excuse for destroying somebodys life I ever heard.
you only have to look into the pshycology of fetishism for example, some stimulus aquired in childhood can become a life warping obsession, and if those stimulus are potentialy harmful to other people, then you have problems for all of us, not just those people who would have lead relativley normal lives if left to develop without being exposed to extremes of behaviour.
my point is that we had perfectly good movies without "graphic" violence, rape and torture (implied was often more frightening than vivid depictions anyway), we had perfectly good games before they offered rape and murder as incentives, I have no issue with killing Stroggs, they don`t reason and they are cannibals (and worse) and the setting is fictional, I do have problems with killing a person in a normal setting for points and a health bonus before stealing a car and killing a pedestrian, it all screams "hey! I have no values and don`t need em!" all over the place.
the reason why violence is so popular with game/film makers is that it is an easy fix for their customers, without the murder and the rapes all you have is the plot, and if you strip the action and sex out of say "matrix reloaded" then what you have is a few minutes of badly presented psuedo philosophy, what the makers avoid of course is work, you can make anything watchable with enough CGI action, any game initialy interesting with enough voilence or eye candy (another of my pet hates), but you can never make it GOOD.
PC1:XP, P4 3ghz, 1gig mem, 3x160gig hd`s, Radeon 9800pro, 6 way sound.
PC2: Linux, AMD 2ghz, 512mb ram, Nvidia GeForce4mx, 16 bit SB.
PC3: XP, laptop, intel 2.6ghz celeron, ATI 9000igp, 256mb