Uses Brain...
Mabey if I add features I might acedentally make errors...
If one person has something and another person doesn't then that person is different then the other.
Regular Users don't have that pencil at all. THUS you are not a regular user.
Quote: "If you notice it says Posted by: PiratSS (1) not Megaton"
PirateSS is a ADMIN, he has power over you. Try editing other user's messages. And I MEANT that the error was that the PHP was viewing you as the owner of the message.
Finally, if I am right TRY to say something along the lines of
"Ohh, I didn't think of it that way, Thank you PiratSS for pointing out what Merranvo had been pointing out all along but I ignored him because I believed that he could not POSSIBLY have any inteligence at all"
Quote: "First of all: You're a retard.
Second of all: You're a retard.
Fifth: See #1 and #2."
Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.