my mate Chris has a habbit of collecting many road signs... to date he seems to have woken up with.
Bollards, Cones, Plastic Netting, Pelican Crossing (Button Box), Stop Sign, 30MPH Sign, Speed Kills and a Traffic Light head.
I think he's trying to collect the set.
What made me laugh was after he took the traffic lights a few days later when drunk they somehow got swapped at our old local (probably for liquid refreshments), at which point the bar actually hired someone to put it up outside their pub.
so you have this traffic light going in to a pub carpark that's like no bigger than a 3bedroom terrace in the outer corner of a small square in the middle of nowhere.
This said, this is the bastard that left me hanging from a wire holding up a traffic light while he was visiting me state-side.
Plus side I s'pose was the police didn't look up they just ran after Chris so I was free to shimmy back down and pretend like it had nothing to do with me. ^_^