great stuff m8, this is what it's all about. PURE ARCADE !!!
please add support for Xarcade professional controllers, is is basically an extension of the keyboard and is detected with the keystate() command.
up = numpad 8 = keystate(72)
down = numpad 2 = keystate(80)
left = numpad 4 = keystate(75)
right = numpad 6 = keystate(77)
fire 1 = left CTRL = keystate(29)
fire 2 = left ALT = keystate(56)
fire 3 = spacebar = keystate(57)
fire 4 = left SHIFT = keystate(42)
fire 5 = z = keystate(44)
fire 6 = x = keystate(45)
fire 7 = c = keystate(46)
fire 8 = 5 = keystate(6)
adding this would be sheer awesomness for those of us who have real arcade controllers.
thanks, Grant.
Ohd Chinese Ploverb say : Wise Eskimo, not eat yerrow snow.