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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Grave Matter is here!

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Posted: 11th Jan 2006 00:42
lol yeah mate done that(both)i'll email u the scripts if u dont mind mate will check em for me? cheers
Shadows Back
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Joined: 7th Dec 2005
Posted: 11th Jan 2006 13:53
Sinistar thank you lol i just orderd your models and stuff canot wait to get them

Lightning Bolt Studios
FPSC Reloaded Backer
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Joined: 5th Jan 2006
Location: Otisville, MI
Posted: 13th Jan 2006 01:15
This message is to Sinister, I bought Grave Matter and it was Missing have of the Stuff it said would be in it on your Website it was missing as follows.

Bony Hands
New Zombie
Floating Eye
Lab Equipment
Jacobs Ladder
3 Haunted House Segments
2 Egyptian Segments

how can I get the rest of the pack
Punch you now
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Joined: 22nd Nov 2005
Posted: 18th Jan 2006 17:41
sinistar, is there something wrong with your site? it won't work for me.

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