Quote: "Be able to pick a spot on the screen, and have buttons be there, or a menu"
hmm.. im not sure i follow you here :S do you mean something like a toolbox that you can move around the screen?
Quote: "Add in or remove things from the list of things in the fold down menu. Set these various things to load up a particular object, and you can then put it down as you see fit."
yeah good idea. customizable menu system. me like
Quote: "Did you see what neodragon did with his map editor?"
sorry haven't tried it, will do when i get home.
Quote: "Being able to grab a chunk of terrain, and rise it up or lower it to make hills is rather cool"
i agree, i have some ideas how this will be done. however i have to work on the round hills code, theres some math i dont understand
Quote: "and make sure they don't overlap."
yeah, ill see if i can make a function to check for overlapping.
Quote: "Have one button that is for placing, one for selecting and moving, and another for destroying. You switch between these three modes, then go about altering the map with the mouse of course."
yeah good idea.
Quote: "When you select an object, its x,y, and z coordinates should appear in edit boxes on the right upper side of the screen. Instead of moving things around with unsteady hands with the mouse, you can type in new coordinates for it."
allready thought of that and i have it implemented allready in the gui.
Quote: "If you could alter its bounding box from there, and other stats perhaps, that'd be great too."
true, and it would be easier to navigate.
Quote: "Have you seen the Newton wrapper? Too complicated for me to figure out alas. Said to be way, way, way faster than DBP collision though. Not sure if anyone ever did an actual speed test and posted the results anywhere."
of course i have. i am using newton in Zombie Hunter DBPro version.
maybe i will add newton support.. i do need it in my ZH game.
i think i will do this:
make the editor however i see fit my game (zombie hunter).
implement newton and have option to use newton or not in the game world.
hmm.. basically ill make tiame 3 more like a world editor for zombie hunter and then ill add on from there.
Zombie Hunter DBPro Open Source Project:
editor: 14% | survive mode: 30% | multiplayer: 0% | story mode: 0% | DEMO: 18%