Damn there's tons of classic games I'd like to see converted, Oids is something I still play quite a lot, but really a 3D version would kill it, I think with a 2D physics engine it could be great. That's the thing, keeping the gameplay the same is impossible with a 3rd dimension, but 3D technology can do wonders in a 2D game.
I remember Interphase, it would lure you in with this amazing drum sample that you kept thinking was gonna go onto a great intro tune, but it doesn't
- one of those trippy games on the ST, like Archaepolothingy. I remember being really impressed by Resolution101, kinda makes me wonder what it would have been like with standard PC shooter controls, the ST was capable of that, it's a shame nobody thought of it.
Captive in a 3D environment, but still keeping the block system and movement would be cool, Cappo was a lot like a futuristic Dungeon Master, except your characters were robots that you could upgrade, a limb at a time. It was a massive game, but grossly under-rated in it's time, even with the 1990's best RPG award it was still quite rare to find a player. Very tricky to get into, but nothing that we're not used to these days, like faux keyboard entry passwords and complex lock combinations that you had to guess most of the time.
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