Yeah, I thought so.
Try this then:-
Glow worm : Nope
Ferris wheel : Nope
Mans head : Eh?
London eye : No
Prison : No
Bridge lit up with lights : Nah
Heathrow : No
Traffic : Erm, nope....
Blackpool tower : No
Eiffel Tower : Yes. Did the BIG hint give it away?
And no, that isn't the picture I used. Very similar though.
Big hint : It is a landmark not a million miles away from where I live (Ascot/Windsor area - ie. near London). ie. Not a bad guess Zerk. Was expecting LED type comments (like those old calculators)
Hint 2 : It is something lit up with lights. And they sparkle. Think Xmas tree.....
Hint 3 : The Xmas tree is quite a big hint actually....
Hint 4 : Heh, thought I may trick people there. I said it wasn't a million miles from me. I never said it was in London. Just thought a few people may guess that from where I said I lived. Technically not a million miles puts it anywhere on earth.
To be fair though it is pretty close (in American terms it's practically next door
), but it doesn't have to be in London....
Hint 5 (BIG one) : Blackpool tower is the best guess so far. Think bigger and more famous. Also think where I am, and just think in the other direction.
I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing