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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / FPSC Mod... Save & Load levels and other useful stuff

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2006 01:40
Check butter finger's site, he has it hosted

Thy whom forces such labor as that of homework sacrifices thyself to eternity in blackness amongst the horrors of which they bestowed upon others during thy life.
Programmer Dave
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Posted: 24th Nov 2006 04:13
sweet mod
^^ My Blog about Game Design ^^
Red Ocktober
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Posted: 18th Dec 2006 19:12
nice work here... extremely useful from everything i've seen... very generous gift to the fpsc community...

morphosis comics009
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Posted: 13th Jan 2007 01:39
All works...
but the animation SPEED of doors opening and the animation of players being shot are SLLLOOOOOWWWWWW.

I have fpsc 1.03.

Is there an update of this exe? I downloaded the one on the 1st post.

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Posted: 25th Jan 2007 18:21
I liiiiiiiiiiike it!
Ain'ttested it yet, I'm going on the sims 2.

-Grateful Phlumetoid

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Posted: 29th Jan 2007 23:48
Quote: "Is there an update of this exe? I downloaded the one on the 1st post."

No, the one in the 1st post is the latest version. There'll be an update after TGC releases the source code of their latest version (1.05 probably).

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Posted: 20th Mar 2007 15:31
Hi empty
I dont know what to do. I downloaded your mod, renamed the original fpsgame, pasted your version. I made a test level with fpsc and there was this error you spoke of in the "manual". I changed the value in the file like you said, but it still doesnt work. Do you know what could be the sollution of this problem?

i´ve written "jhon" the wrong way on purpose
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Posted: 20th Mar 2007 16:48
I doubt empty is even around any more Jhon. His last post was a good month and a half ago.
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Posted: 20th Mar 2007 21:54
Oh... what a pitty.
Can anyone else help me?

There is no spoon
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Posted: 28th Mar 2007 20:07
I have the same problem
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2007 15:25
Quote: "I doubt empty is even around any more Jhon. His last post was a good month and a half ago."

Oh I am still here. I just don't check this particular board very often because as long as there's no source code for newer versions of the FPSC it doesn't make much sense to work on this as all the new official features would not be included.

Quote: "Hi empty
I dont know what to do. I downloaded your mod, renamed the original fpsgame, pasted your version. I made a test level with fpsc and there was this error you spoke of in the "manual". I changed the value in the file like you said, but it still doesnt work. Do you know what could be the sollution of this problem?"

Can you be more precise, please? Does "it still doesn't work" refer to that error message?

Screwed Over
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Posted: 6th Apr 2007 21:23
eerm... i'm using your mod empty but none of the entitys or markers appear. i installed after upgrading to v1.05RC2 if that makes a difference.

best of the rest!
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Posted: 6th Apr 2007 21:27
You can either use v1 and empty's mod or an upgraded version of FPSC but you cannot do both.

Screwed Over
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Posted: 6th Apr 2007 21:47
oh... isnt one of the updates ment to have allie capabilities anyway? or was i imagining this?

best of the rest!

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