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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / FPSC Mod... Save & Load levels and other useful stuff

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Posted: 6th Sep 2006 16:18
Wot I look forward to making my game with allys it will be super

P.S.sorry if i have bad englih i'm so hiped up

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Posted: 6th Sep 2006 22:22
its more the fact your missing the keys....

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Posted: 7th Sep 2006 10:04
i suppose

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Posted: 8th Sep 2006 02:37
Wondering if EMPTY has tried my demo of Quarantined? If so let me know what you think please.

Nue B. or not Nue B. That is the question.
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Posted: 8th Sep 2006 20:35
Empty, just so you know, I think you're edited source is incpmatible with FPSpack.

I just tried to do about 5 built games, and every time when it loads it asks for a password for EVERY file contained in the exe. Just thought you should know. It might be something to look into!

Also, still really looking forward to the next additions. If it's what we talked about in email, then that'd be cool. I'm glad you're focusiing on teams/allies!

Anyway, all the luck in the world! (buttery fingers crossed for no bugs!)


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Posted: 9th Sep 2006 18:48
does this mod read materials becuase when ever i try to use any objects that have no assind texture but a material, it appears wite?

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Posted: 19th Sep 2006 01:07
Hi all,

Can someone please place emptys source somewhere else i.e. because I am having real trouble downloading it from this forum. It gets to 30% downloaded and stalls for some reason.

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Posted: 19th Sep 2006 15:02 Edited at: 19th Sep 2006 15:30
Quote: "Can someone please place emptys source somewhere else i.e. because I am having real trouble downloading it from this forum. It gets to 30% downloaded and stalls for some reason."

Where the [mod edit] is the source? O.o

Sorry for my bad inglish!
The Silent Ayehika
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Posted: 19th Sep 2006 22:37
When i downloaded this and tested the game like opening and closing doors went realy slow and same with chars.
Like a bullet time effect for evrything around you.
How do i fix this.

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Posted: 20th Sep 2006 01:00
I can't download it
When downloading through my web browser it downloads half of a file and says it's completely downloaded and when I use freedownloadmanager, it won't even start. Can anyone re-upload it to any host where I can download it with download manager? Please help...

Avram rulez
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Posted: 21st Sep 2006 12:49
I have a problem... When I use the update, my characters cannot move. I noticed that when eg. the ally is standing still, his legs are below the ground. Changing the height won't do any difference. But when I change back to the original exe, I don't have this problem. The ally follows, but using the Enter doesn't work. (I use sensei AI). Is this Engine problem, or am I doing something wrong? I also have the 1.03 FPSC update.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2006 18:17
1.03 FPSC update.

I dont think you can use both.

Oh and try not opening a map you made before installing emptys update or sensei. Make a new map and try it.

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Posted: 21st Sep 2006 18:19
ok this is weird. I did a lettle test level with stock media and all my chars were halfway through the floor. I ran the same level with custom characters and they were fine.

This is really strange.Make sure you make the changes to the FPSC.050 file or whatever its called. I think that makes a big difference.

and perhaps you should only have emptys update in the FPSC folder.

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2006 01:34
Is your mod compatible with the new 1.03 upgrade?

Butter fingers
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2006 02:02
Quote: "Empty,
Is your mod compatible with the new 1.03 upgrade?"

I tried it with and without.

if you run both, it's like giving FPSC a whole bunch of LSD.

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2006 04:09
A friend of mine have downloaded this file for me so thanks for nothing
If anyone needs this rehosted just say...

Avram rulez
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2006 17:54
Of course you can only use either one of the official versions or this mod.
There'll be a new (public) version as soon as the source for 1.03 is released.

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Butter fingers
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2006 18:03
empty, alot of people have had trouble with the download.

do you mind if I host it at

I was gonna just do it, but I wanted your permission first.

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2006 18:15
Yes of course, that would be nice. Thanks!

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Posted: 23rd Sep 2006 02:25 Edited at: 23rd Sep 2006 02:26
Well, since I received quite a few emails asking what the new version will offer, I thought I put a list of things I'm currently playing with:

Variables, Constants and stuff
- Support for global constants. Syntax:

- Global variables that can hold both strings and numbers (not at the same time obviously). different, unified syntax.

- Local variables (local to the script file, not the entities)
- More entity properties to set and get
- number and string tags for each entity. You can assign values to entities for later use in the code.

- supports compiled scripts. Ie, you can compile your scripts before distributing them to other FPSC users
- support line concat symbol for scripts (_)

Allies and Teams
- Create up to 4 teams and set their attitude towards each other (friendly, neutral, hostile)

- More flexible sound system (battle cries etc.)
- Casual conversations (allows a script to have two friendly entities making a small talk)

Some of those things seem to work quite well, other do not (yet). I don't know when (and if) all of these things will find the way into the modification, but we'll see.

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Butter fingers
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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 03:38
this sounds fantastic dude.

the battle cries is a bit like we talked about a while back?

I'm really looking forward to this. You've done a wicked job so-far.

1 Q. Will you be building these addons to V1 or to the update beta?!



Sorry, final question, and one that probably not got a propper answer, but is there anyway you can build in some performance boost? 4 dynamic characters on the screen makes major slowdown in a propperly detailed level... any possibility you could prevent character entities from just "freezing up", and not working?

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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 13:18
Quote: "the battle cries is a bit like we talked about a while back?"


Quote: "1 Q. Will you be building these addons to V1 or to the update beta?!"

I'll build it on the V103 source once it's released, because everyone will want to have a save/load game feature.

Quote: "Sorry, final question, and one that probably not got a propper answer, but is there anyway you can build in some performance boost? 4 dynamic characters on the screen makes major slowdown in a propperly detailed level... any possibility you could prevent character entities from just "freezing up", and not working?"

I'll certainly look into that.

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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 13:41
cheers Empty.

I'll be hosting the current version of your source edit at my site by the end of today. If you have a homepage/logo please send it to me, and I'll get you propperly linked up from my site.


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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 13:49
Thanks Butter fingers!
No logo for the mod yet but you can link to

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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 13:52
Cool. Consider it done!

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Posted: 25th Sep 2006 00:34
Hey I just thought of something really important. Please look into it empty.

The alttexture= command wont work on character entities, could you sort it out? That would mean, when enemies die they could change to a bullet ridden texture!

Butter fingers
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Posted: 25th Sep 2006 18:17
I have a question dude.

The update appears to stop me building game. I get a debug 0,0 error if I try to build ANYTHING!

I have removed the update exe from my FPSC folder, and I'm using the V1 exe again, but the DB icon still pops up when I load. Are there any other files I need to edit to totally remove your update? There is obviously still some residue even with the exe gone, because the db icon never popped up anywhere before I installed your update.

I'm not mad at you or anything. I just can't find what it is I need to delete to get this working again!


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Posted: 25th Sep 2006 22:13
No, it's just the .exe file (nothing else get changed). WinXP likes to cache icons a lot, so perhaps after a restart you'll get rid of the pyramid.

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Posted: 25th Sep 2006 22:18
Great job! I look forward to this
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Posted: 25th Sep 2006 22:29
Amen on the icon caching. After I change a game icon I sometimes have to view it on another computer to see the image and text information changes.

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Posted: 26th Sep 2006 12:35
ok whe i try and test a game it comes up with the error 118 how do I deal with that
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Posted: 27th Sep 2006 01:18
could you be more precise, please? Exact error message, when does it pop up etc.

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Posted: 29th Sep 2006 05:03
I know the feeling empty

Hmm...that came out akward.

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Posted: 29th Sep 2006 21:35
Great mod, empty, but I am having a problem...

All of the characters feet are in the floor!

I used to have one of those signs, but then realized how annoying it was...
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Posted: 8th Oct 2006 23:37
Empty, although I don't keep track of the Mod Scene, I have heard from another thread that your mod still doesn't fix the hudtimer error, where timers are still global.

This can be fixed by merely moving the hudtimer variable into the entity type, I think it is referenced as entityelement...

Also, I might as well send over a few suggests. Mind you these are copied directly over from WABP. Just transing them a little. Sorry if any has aready been adressed, as I said, I don't keep up with the mod scene.

This is the infamous losing health problem, there is no PLRMAXSTRENGTH instead PLRSTARTINGSTRENGTH is used as plrmaxstrength (I really should pull out the code again). Simply saving the inital value of PLRSTARTINGSTRENGTH in a PLRMAXSTRENGTH variable and replacing a few instances of PLRSTARTINGSTRENGTH with the PLRMAXSTRENGTH fixes this, how ever it will create an issue that the PLRS health is different then the next load, there fore you need to transphere PLRSTARTINGSTRENGTH over into (PLRHEALTH is it?).

Replace the "mapbank\testmap" with "%TEMP%\TESTMAP"
Quite simple, %TEMP% is the windows "hot phrase" for "C:\Documents and Settings\%USERFILES% (I think)\Local Settings\Temp\" this will allow play from a CD without use of installation or Rastamans extractor.

PLRSPEED=100/FPS (generalized)
tcameraspeed#=(speed#*playerspeedratio#*(0.5+(cameradampen#/2.0)))*(35/screen fps()) (uncertain if it works)
The upper code is what is attempted, the lowercode is an attempted implementation, search for TCAMERASPEED to find where it should be implemented. The Idea is to not slow the player down simply because the game is going slow, although I haven't done the same for entitys yet this will allow a type of 'smoothish' game play where lag only reduces flow rather then gameplay.

and this is a semi demanded feature, although this is merely a proof of concept implematation (it should work). It can be added on to allow the gunid (i think) value to be equal to the previous gunid value (basically after you UNHIDE the weapons it reverts to the original weapon shown.

New HideGun ShowGun Commands

search "Rem Change Weapon"
replace the 'if k$="0"' with 'if k$="0" or hidegun=1'
add in the following cases and you know the rest

Okay... I'll shut up now *hides in a corner*

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Posted: 10th Oct 2006 16:40
Quote: "where timers are still global. "

In the mod there's an ENTITYTIMER which is local to the entity.

As for the other suggestions, I'll look into them.

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Posted: 17th Oct 2006 09:01 Edited at: 17th Oct 2006 09:04
I hate to ask this and you probably are going to hate to read it about as much...
Do you have an idea of if and/or when you will be updating your mod to work with v1.03?

Edit:And while I am annoying you can you tell me how to use your mod to assign damge to an entity if possible?
Or did I just overlook that somewhere?

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Posted: 17th Oct 2006 18:55
As soon as the source code for the release version of 1.03 is available, I'll include all my current additions. I will expand my mod too, but I don't know when it'll be finished.

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Posted: 18th Oct 2006 04:05
Wow very impressive work. keep it up!

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2006 22:21
its realy cool empty.But enemies walk realy slow and doors open and close reealy slow.How do i fix this?

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2006 22:24
Go into the entity bank and delete all the .dbo and .bin files. NOTHING ELSE THOUGH.

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2006 00:20
it dosent help

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2006 03:48
Did you do it for the enemies and doors? This is what Butters said to do, I haven't tried yet cause I'm too lazy

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2006 03:53
Quote: "But enemies walk realy slow and doors open and close reealy slow"

samehere, deleting .dbo and .bin files didn't help either.

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2006 06:04
Hmm....I'll reccomend asking Butters

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2006 07:01
i did, but he didn't know what was wrong wither.

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2006 07:01
i did, but he didn't know what was wrong either.

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Posted: 24th Oct 2006 05:02
Appollo messen with ya (your double post)?

I don't know - I didn't have the problem before, but that was also before I got 1.03...hmm...

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Posted: 24th Oct 2006 06:29
Quote: "Appollo messen with ya (your double post)?"

lol, how did that happen?

i didn't try after installing 1.03 RC3, maybe that changed something, it's worth a shot i guess.

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Posted: 31st Oct 2006 00:29
can you upload it somewere else couse i get an error when i op en the file.

yo yo yo.

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