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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [LOCKED] Urban decay

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Posted: 7th Apr 2007 03:26
Downloading now....

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Posted: 7th Apr 2007 04:09
Looking good rolfy like the speed as well kept at 32 fps all the time for me.

PLease note that rofly has used a beta version of vishnu v1.3.

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Posted: 7th Apr 2007 04:18 Edited at: 7th Apr 2007 04:18
One thing, wile im updating my DX on this comp. Your useing a version of the 1.03 Beta thats already I believe this is build 6(were on 8). The newest had a complete re-write so in this order:
*Loads image
*checks for malicious software
*unpackages game
*allows play to play once loaded.

So the image would be showing the whole time it's loading your game files. One thing about working with s4 is your gonna get like 20 Betas before it ever gets something that the public would You'll learn to not be so quick on the draw there Deputy Rolfy

Level looks great though. It was slow for me casue I'm on a comp with no graphics card but it looked rich and beautiful.

Great job.

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Posted: 7th Apr 2007 04:37
Thats great news,as long as you guy's dont mind me posting this here.
If you have any additional comments as Vishnu progresses,feel free to post here.
Best rolfy
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Posted: 7th Apr 2007 11:39
Downloading now, i expect great things from you rolfy, dont let me down , i hope its not all hype

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Posted: 7th Apr 2007 12:14
The level looks and plays great!

But i found out that you can walk in one building...
And than you just fall down from the level.
But i know that this isnt in the final stage.

Looking forward to play other levels!
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Posted: 7th Apr 2007 16:01
Where exactly was the glitch cheesecake,Imagine you are starting facing North and try to let me know.
The only place I can find this happening is the alley to left of the start point,where the building meets the fence.The fence here could be moved so it's not major.
thanks rolfy.
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Posted: 7th Apr 2007 17:13
I found 1 bug. If you enter the main area (assume it is the central area), there are some boxes you can climb and the metalish fence has a strange collision system, if you jump on top of it, you'll get downer than what you're supposed. Plus, and I know it is because the game is unfinished, I would like to know why does one of the garage doors (I think it's the one right behind you) has aonther door (at the left) which leads to a stair deadend.


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Posted: 7th Apr 2007 17:33
Thanks bdgbdg,will check it out.

And yes,it's unfinished
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Posted: 7th Apr 2007 20:52
Sorry for posting so late but...
The glitch is at those brown red kind of buildings.

It is a plain wall if you look up and you walk against it.
After a few seconds you'll just get into the building and fall
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Posted: 7th Apr 2007 20:53
great level design was expected from you
It felt very real.

I am sure you know about and will work over the small niggles I saw regarding some entities.

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Posted: 7th Apr 2007 21:36
Downloading now... rolfy this looks freakin' amazing!
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Posted: 8th Apr 2007 05:42
a little more level design,used the idea of keeping the player and enemies contained by a fence.Stops you all wandering all over the place and spoiling the illusion.

Keep to the path.

Cottage interior.
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Posted: 8th Apr 2007 06:14
Please, please don't say it looks that good ingame. I'm afraid we all have to find a different hobby, becayse rolfy just ran us out of town.

Really, man. This looks fantastic.

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Posted: 8th Apr 2007 06:26
There is no hope for us...
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Posted: 8th Apr 2007 08:17 Edited at: 8th Apr 2007 08:18
Oh man, oh man. I'm outta breath, just read this whole thread...

This is brilliant, and I've got some questions:

1. Are the outdoor scenes separate models, with baked lighting, then exported separately and reassembled in FPSC? Or are they built as one large model then "sliced and diced" and exported? I agree with you on this, as good as the new FPSC lightmapper is, it can't beat the quality and options for baking lights in max.

2. What are you using for lip-syncing in max? I've noticed you seem to use a lot of Digimation plugins, they do have some great ones, any suggestions?

3. I see lots of gorqueous environments, but for some of them I'm not sure how the player fits far as gameplay goes.

Anyway, do you still freelance?

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Posted: 8th Apr 2007 16:21 Edited at: 9th Apr 2007 01:29
Thanks bond1,
The models are all baked in place in Max,they are all separate models,and imported as static meshes or segments.I slice up the terrains,caves etc.

I use ventriloquist for lip synching,as with all these kind of plugs,it takes a fair bit of tweaking to get it looking right but saves a massive amount of time.

Will probably have a lot of puzzles in this,the player would encounter enemies on paths or in buildings, guarding gates etc.
Alot of the puzzles will be to gain access to areas or levels.
The player is transported to the 'Land',though I haven't worked out method,like the idea of mirrors but this would be naff in FPSC.

And yes,I still freelance.

The work being done by Jon and yourself is the spur for all this,those incredible characters and weapons are gonna go just great within this environment,I will create a couple of characters of my own,but your stuff is so much better.

best rolfy.

Btw,there is another good method for lip-sync in Max,it's a plug in called 'clusters' or something like that,though it takes a fair bit of rigging and wiring.It works by morphing vertices.But it's good for expressions.
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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 01:54
Thanks for sharing, I've heard of Ventriloquist, I'll have to check it out.

You definitely know a lot more than anyone around here about using max for "production". Those shorts on your website are awesome, and many of these screenshots look like artwork stills.

This has really inspired me to start making my own game, the reason I bought FPSC in the first place. I've just been distracted with the whole model pack thing. I need to get up to speed on using max for more production type things like cutscenes, etc.

Good luck with this, can't wait!

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 10:50
hi, rolfy.

i walked through the urban level and was wondering if i could escape from this virtual city (like in simulacron 3). i could climb a plastic bag and a crate and then jump over the fence. after leaving the city segment i lived long enough to see the structure from below. then i died...

your work is amazing!
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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 10:34
I don't like it when rolf's so quiet. It just means he is going to hit us hard with something out of the ordinary again!

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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 22:56
Yeah, and we don't mind, because we love his work.
I'll probably get back to 3DS Max and cry...

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Posted: 12th Apr 2007 02:54
W0000000000000000000000000000000000000000W gotta play this. this is gonna have to be downloaded.

I love you rolfy really i do

Looks good game rolfy

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Posted: 12th Apr 2007 23:24 Edited at: 12th Apr 2007 23:25
excellent level demo rolfy... very, very well done...

thx for the preview...

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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 05:52 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2007 19:49
The above in game,just need to place some larger trees.

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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 05:56
Looks good but i can see where the segments end, try and add more thicker foliage around the ends of the segments
just a thought

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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 11:40
Quote: "but i can see where the segments end"

he isn't done yet

@rolfy :

1. If that fence is going to restrict your player from venturing off where he shouldn't be, try and make it a wee bit higher so he can't actually jump that high. The transparent segments (I guess?) look bad if the player just bounces off it.

2. Close to the edges of each plane for your trees, try and put in some transparency in between the leaves. Would look even more realistic for the tree.

Everything looks fantastic as ever

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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 15:31
Wow wow very wow.
I agree with filya about the trees.

But still these ingame shots are just brilliant!
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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 16:04
Quote: "1. If that fence is going to restrict your player from venturing off where he shouldn't be, try and make it a wee bit higher so he can't actually jump that high. The transparent segments (I guess?) look bad if the player just bounces off it"

I have set the collision for the fence segments to 'box',this means the collision will come from the top of the support posts.

Quote: "2. Close to the edges of each plane for your trees, try and put in some transparency in between the leaves. Would look even more realistic for the tree."

As you can see from the image below,there is plenty of transparency in the trees,th transparency gets lost a little with the trees behind,tho' you can see it in any trees which are close.

I have still to place grass and shrubs and some low bushes etc,it all looks better in game.
In the screenshots above ther are around 50 trees so far,I reckon I could place many hundreds of these,they are only 8 faces each.Used back, front, left and right image planes making up the four views of each tree.
Mr Makealotofsmoke
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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 16:06
how many polys u got?

Mods, its 500x100, so you cant tell me its bigger than 600x120
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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 16:26
Quote: "how many polys u got?"

The entire scene so far has 19042 pol's.
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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 16:39
If i may.
The invisible parts on the tree.
How do you make them... just pure black 0,0,0.
Because that doesnt work for me.
If you can help it would be great.
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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 16:59 Edited at: 13th Apr 2007 17:01
Quote: "The invisible parts on the tree.
How do you make them."

Transparent alpha layer saved to .tga.
The trees are static entities.

Btw,I am using only ambient lighting as I bake my textures before bringing into FPSC if you place any lights in scene the textures are lost in transparent planes.
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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 17:35
Oh okey thanks!
I'll try to make one and hope it works.
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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 17:41
Have you thought about doing some billboarding with your distant trees, Rolfy? Or would it be a problem when moving around the area?

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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 21:14
Quote: "Have you thought about doing some billboarding with your distant trees"

I do have some single plane billboards which will be used for distant stuff,mostly right at the edges of the map,which are of a lot of vegetation in one image,you can see these in the Max renders,I haven't placed these in the FPSC screenshots yet.

If you mean a single plane always facing the player Keith,I dont think it would work as well because of the direction of the sun and shadows,the current crossed planes which have images of front,back,left and right views on 'em work pretty well.

I may also create some low poly 3d trees to be placed anywhere the player will get close to 'em.

best rolfy.
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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 22:08
silly me to imagine you wouldn't have thought about it yourself

your texture baking gives your level design a whole new aspect.

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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 22:52
Wish I could think of everything filya,it's always good to have some crit.If I have thought of it I will say,but every now and then someone will come up with something I haven't,hence the need for this thread,a few folks ,including yourself have pointed out things I didn't notice myself,so keep the crits and comments coming,it can only help make this better.
thanks rolfy.
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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 23:34
HOLY SHAMO dude this is like top graphics better than GTA. CSS .

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 13:58
*kisses rolfy's feet*
We are not worthy, we are not worthy, we are not worthy.

How do you do this! You ought to be out there making big cash!


If only you were me... Then You'd understand.
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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 15:34
Rolfy, you're putting the rest of us to shame!

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Posted: 14th Apr 2007 18:07
Nice work, could do with a tutorial on making levels outside of fpsc and then importing them in, I have a boatload of levels made outside of fpsc that I want to make a game with, id like a good art pipeline on getting them up and running under fpsc.
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Posted: 15th Apr 2007 10:25
hes already done a tut for that. search "uneven terrain" without quotes.

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Posted: 16th Apr 2007 21:53
Please keep your posts on topic.

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Posted: 16th Apr 2007 22:15
Ok then Fred. Still smiling hey?

Check it out here:
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Posted: 17th Apr 2007 09:35
Fred will use that smily no matter what happens. It's like a sig to him like:

Is to me

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2007 18:41
The Hall of the Mountain King.
New Wraith character.
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2007 19:04 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2007 19:05

Amazing job rolfy, can't wait too se what you have in store as weapons, spells mixed whit swords, bow's and halberds would be nice!

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2007 19:19
Looks great....sometime you'll have to teach me how you do all that.

Lots of Phoenix to little time.
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2007 23:01
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