I personnally don't like Yngwie that much.
But while Jason Becker can play extremely fast, and clean...
His music is honeslty not all about just being fast. And it's not like he's just playing random notes. To me Jason's legacy will always be the melodies and the beautiful harmonies, unbelievable time changes, speed stops, dual guitarist showdown (with Marty), that was ,
ironically, Cacophony.
Cacophony - (from the Greek word kakophonia - kakos (bad) + phoni (voice, sound)) refers to sound that is harsh and unpleasant-sounding. The opposite of cacophony is euphony, meaning musical and pleasant. The closely related term dissonance implies a combination of sounds which clash; its antonym, harmony, suggests sounds that fit together well.
It's his utterly unique sytle, of making every note count, and dipping tremolo + bend-ups. His "guitar gently weeps."
Plus the fact that he was stricken with ALS so early in life. It's not like he had a lot of time.
When he does Paganini's Capris's (for violin) on guitar, the talent is just overwhelming.