I think its kind of funny all this talk about noob slapping.
I think its quite simple. If you abuse someone who is "in charge", or anyone for that matter, you get punished. If you cant work out that VERY simple rule then you should probably go back to elementary school and eat sand and call fellow children 'pooheads' or something equally associated with silly small children (this isn't aimed at anyone - its opinion).
If/When you get a job - if you call your boss a [insert bad name here] then you get the sack. That's life.
I know this forum isn't a job, but if it lowers itself to a point where you can abuse fellow members or moderators then it because a place nobody wants to come back to.
The moderators do their job for free in their own time and they never receive any "love" for it. I rarely see anyone say 'thanks' to a moderator and I CERTAINLY see abuse going at them more than appreciation.
Put yourself in their position. Imagine you were offering to help a community for free, then someone you've never met before in that community decides to call you a jerk. Not only is it offensive to you - but you start to wonder if they person really deserves the right... no... the PRIVILEGE... to post stuff without approval.
Far too many people in modern society believe they have a RIGHT to something when in actual fact its a PRIVILEGE they should earn and respect. If you cant responsibly use your "freedom of speech" then why do you deserve to have it? Its precisely the same principle with murderer's - if you cant responsibly walk down the road without stabbing someone then you don't deserver your "right" to freedom until you have proved that you've learned your lesson.
Welcome to life - use it responsibly.