The thing that ticks me off about this whole licensing thing. I have about 3,000 computers that come with OEM licensing as part of the package. None of them have been activated, becuase I can't use the OEM install in my environment, as it would be a nightmare to reinstall, upgrade, and ghost or zenworks reimage when I need to. For that reason we pay fro Corporate Edition Licenesing, (which MS does keep good track of, so please no one ask me for it. I couldn't do it even if my morals weren't where they are).
But honestly I have all of thes unused, "paid for", keys. MS gets the money from them. So you would think that I would be able to help someone like this out of a jam.
If you think about it, MS is double-dipping in a sense. And trust me the CE (Corporate Edition) licensing isn't cheap. And I work for a K-12 School District. Can you even imagine the number of OEM keys that are never activated in larger Schools, Unversities, Coprporations? I have friends in the industry, and we are all in the same situation. It's for that reason, that I cringe when I hear about MS's reactivation policies. Trust me, they are well ahead of the game. More so then they would like any of us to believe.
You might think that we should just buy or lease the hardware. But here's the kicker. A K-12 school on Long Island has to "Purchase" the hardware through B.O.C.E.S. in order to receive the credits (funding) from the state. So we can't just buy anything we want.
The companies like DELL for instance make deals with B.O.C.E.S and we don't have much choice in the matter. So MS gets their money (from the OEM license, and our (CE) licenses - nevermind the cost of Server Licensing), Dell gets their $$, B.O.C.E.S rips off the School District - which in turn is ripping off... the tax payers (which includes me). Nice crap rolling downhill scenario, eh?
So here I sit with 1000,s of unused legitimate licenses...
[Sarcasm Warining!!]
That sounds so fair, doesn't it?
Microsoft is really getting ripped off??
I don't know how they are able to stay in business???