Hmmm. Better thread than the usual common "Whats your favourite game?".
1. Pac Man - 1st video game I ever played (lived in back end of beyond so was years before seeing a proper game). Changed me because I *knew* this was what it was all about (video games)
2. One of the early light gun games. You know, shoot the block. Was class SWAT looking gun. Awesome. Changed me because there was nothing like it before
3. Football manager on the speccy - It's a wonder why I don't gamble as an adult as that game was like crack. Changed me because it the first game I knew what game addiction could mean
4. Elite on the speccy - Just amazing. Changed me because I realised how good games could become. Plus one of the mags made a comment about how good would it be to have some sort of networked version (stupid at the time really). Totally opened my mind up to the possibilities. Amazing to think of at the time. Nowadays not so amazing...
5. Doom - My jaw was on the floor with that one when it came out. Changed me because it was just so bloody amazing at the time (even though Wolfenstein 3D seemed to have better AI, but graphically...). Plus it was the 1st game where I really realised how multiplayer could be
There is more (DOTT for example), but that will do...
I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing
Current fave quote : "She was like a candle in the wind.... unreliable...."