One of my mates played FFXII (Final Fantasy 12) online and kept complaining about "Miners".
Then, when he started to get into it more, he tried to get me to start playing (now, I rarely play games as it is, so you can tell how uninterested I was), so he'd show me this "Massively Cool" group thing that would involve 5 or 6 of his "clan" getting together and doing something.
Every single time he showed me, or I happened to be at his place, it took about an hour to even get anywhere (he had to walk across this massive landscape that went on and on and on and on), then when he got there, this massively cool thing he wanted to show me either involved him just standing there watching other people fight, or repeatedly pressing the same buttons at a very, very slow rate.
Needless to say, I never started playing.
So... Agent Dink, they don't need to "just play the game", they need to get a life (a real one) and go outside. Get some sunlight, meet some people, go to social events...
But any way, $1300 is too much.