I personally cant see the problem with just having a casino. If someone has a gambling problem then that problem is the PERSONS problem - NOT the casino.
If I get depressed, take a gun and shoot myself - that's MY problem. Its not the problem of the person who made the gun.
If someone cant afford to gamble more than £100 then they shouldn't. Some people CAN afford it, some people ENJOY doing it and some people do VERY well out of gambling more than £100 a go.
The problem is people dont know their limits or when to stop and that isn't just limited to gambling. Humans in general dont know when to stop. You see it everywhere.
You see a family where neither parents are capable of doing a job however they decided it'd be a good idea to bring 12 children into the world - so the public's taxes have to pay for them. They didn't know when to stop or what their limits were.
You see people going out and drinking FAR too much - no concept of limits or moderation.
Generally speaking there is nothing wrong with most things as long as their done in moderation. In fact there are theories that a little alcohol is good for you (like Red Wine).
I dont believe that Gambling should be made illegal and I don't believe it should be limited. What SHOULD be done is a change in the way education is handled. Schools now are a complete joke - in my opinion and the UK at least.
Schools teach students to pass tests - they don't teach them any transferable and useful skills. For example, I learned a whole load of stuff at GCSE Chemistry. I dont need it now - unlikely I'll ever need it again. Just wasted hours of youth where I could have been learning something useful for like - for example cooking. My school NEVER covered anything cooking related. Very few schools go into cooking and nutrition in any great depth and... oh look, the UK youth population is generally obese!
Schools don't teach anything to do with managing personal finance and... oh look, the UK has serious debt problems!
Schools DO teach you to pass exams and make you believe that the holy grail of future success is going to Uni. Uni (from my experience) teaches you again to pass exams and turns you into an academic rather than someone with useful skills... And.. oh look, there is a deluge of students coming out of uni and being unable to find graduate jobs.
I get frustrated when politicians spend so much time farting about over irrelevant and pointless stuff like banning gambling when there are FAR bigger future problems along the lines of climate change, a huge hole in the pension funds (in the UK), obese children, bored teens shooting people, etc...
I saw an ad a few months back quoting someone (cant remember who or what it was about) but the quote was
"Obese child dies young and the pension problem is solved". That made me smile - until I realised I probably fell into the "obese" column